Meet the Gucklings! - The Guckling's New SpacesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Today I had a revelation.


The gucklings were in a space that we had enclosed for the (FAILED) garden, but their grass supply has severely depleted since they've been going outside for the day every day for the last week or two. It was sufficient but, I wanted them to have more space! This is what we did today, it was a great move.

Old duck space

This was their old space, it worked fine, it had all the necessities, but it was a little too small for my liking.

SO. We moved their area! I am so happy with this change, I think they are too. We had this space and it was generally being unused. It was just nice for the dogs to be able to go poo over there if they wanted. But, this is great for the ducks, this new space is two to three times as large and guess what?! We won't have to mow there! The gucklings will take care of it!

guckling's new space

I was a bit worried for tomorrow because it's supposed to be nearly 100f (and for some reason I have stuuupid animals) and they didn't have a good shade source. Living in Central Oregon, there's really not a lot of trees anyway... in any case, now they have one tree. Haha. We did also make the a palette hut!

Yeeees, I can spread my little goosey wings!

At first, they were really confused and upset that they had to make this little trek (like, I dunno, 100 feet...) But they were right fine with the move once they found the food!


Why Gucklings!?

Wheeeelll, I call them gucklings cause there's four ducks and three geese, and gosling is. A weird word. And, it's silly.

But why did you get gucklings?

Honestly... I'm gonna tell ya... cause they're f****** cute when they're babies! Like, I seriously cried when my order came into the feed store. Are you ready for this? Grab a dang tissue because you might cry of cuteness.

geese ducks

Okay, yeah, they're cute. But the other reasons are because their eggs are supposed to be much more rich, great for baking, their eggs are larger, AND, their poo can be immediately used in the garden as fertilizer (chicken's poo must be composted prior to use). Husband also really wanted them. Ha.

What are your animals for?

All of our livestock has multiple purposes, there's a difference between livestock and pets for us. Our dog, he's our pet. He doesn't have to do anything but be cuddly and look darned cute. But, everything else that we feed has to provide us with something. The rabbits, I use their poo in the garden (can be used right away - no composting necessary). The chickens will provide eggs, fertilizer, eat bugs, and probably meat in the future. The gucklings, they will provide eggs, fertilizer, and probably meat in the future - they also keep down bugs, and eat the grass so we don't have to mow.

As always, @Farmstead, blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


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Duck...Duck...GOOSE! Run! I am so happy to hear that they eat the bugs! I was thinking about you today when 2 bugs landed on my arm and I went spastic . My neighbors know how I get about bugs and they got another laugh, at my expense. At least I am good for something. :) You accomplished a lot today by solving many problems with just one move. Good for you!


Haha I had a giant moth flutter my ear! I'd be lying if I said I didn't run away with a screech! Haha

You sound like a person I need in my life!

Yup...the bug crazies! Can you imagine people watching both of us at the same time, screaming and jumping and fluffing our hair to make sure no bugs got in there too? They would be ROFLMAO!

The hair part is THE SCARIEST! WHY? Why is it the scariest?! Eeeek!

P.S. I posted more Charlie dog pics today. Get your Charlie fix...LOL.

My heart pretty much melted when I saw the picture of the little cuties. It reminds me of a time when was in either 1st or 2nd grade and there was a teacher in our school who had a few little yellow ducklings. GAH 100% adroable!
I'm glad they like their new space though. Shoo they better.

RIGHT?! We worked hard enough on it! Hahah they better appreciate! Baha. They were so cute when they were little, now, definitely not as much, but... Still entertaining to say the least!

They're still cuteish. Lol :p I just love the fuzziness of them.

They're still cuteish...

Hahahah ISH. Exactly.

Oh My Cuteness!! I've gotta get geese now. I love the wing flapping pic!

Isn't it silly? I laugh at myself because I constantly am calling them SILLY GOOSE! Hahaha. I guess that must have been where the saying came from!

I'm a little worried about when they grow up, but so far they're not mean at all! They nibble a bit which can kind of hurt, because they've got strong little jaws, but other than that, they don't come after me or anything! Haha.

Roadside stand BIG sign.....GUCKLING BURGERS. NICE GUCKS......billytwohearts

Hahaha that's probably a long ways off! Gotta mentally prepare myself for something like that. One step at a time. I think our first meat animal will be quail.

Yep, if you havn't done it yet, that first one will be☹️.........billytwohearts

I told husband, @smitty, that if he wants meat animals I will do the caring and loving, he's got to do the rest. It is not something I will ever be able to do, and I know that, and I'm okay with it. Told him he's gotta take care of it and bring it to me like it would look from the store. Otherwise my heart will never work with this life. Compromises and team work! Haha

I understand fully. Easy to joke about, but tough to actually do.
I plan to do a post regarding the subject sometime soon.

I tried to do some research in humanely culling chickens for the butchering process. I pumped myself up, thought I was ready, started watching the video... nope, couldn't do it! Couldn't even watch someone else do it!

Look forward to your post!

Be still my heart! What a treat!

Aren't they ridiculous?! Haha

Ridiculously cute!

I was just gonna ask what your animals are for! I didn't wanna offend anyone though incase they weren't for meat purposes lol. Bute how cute are they!!!!!

No offense here!

Right now they're not for meat... but it's something that I realize may happen (they don't even have names! Well one we do call q-tip haha). I do my best not to get too attached just in case a predator comes (they all free range basically).

I honk our first purposeful meat birds will be quail! :)

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Upvoted and followed. I absolutly love ur post. U have a great way of telling ur story :0) love the pics so sweet. Thx for sharing and good luck

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you stopping by and taking a minute to read and comment. :D Have a beautiful day!

It was my pleasure :0) thank U. I wish u a great day too and I cant wait to see how things goes.

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