Has Released About Steemit and Wormhole3 to Kompasiana.com

in Steem Alliancelast year

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Hello Steem Alliance friends, may God always bless us all, I am very happy to be back to share posts in this community that we love.


Some time ago I published a blog about womrhole and steemit on the kompasiana.com platform. I wrote the blog based on my analysis which I made a review in Indonesian.

I have published 2 blogs explaining about wormhole3 and Steemit. I published the blog on kompasiana.com, because kompasiana.com became a platform for Indonesian journalists, creators and entrepreneurs to gather.

So that by publishing the blog about wormhole3 and steemit it will be able to reach new enthusiasts to steemit and wormhole3 from the level of creators, journalists or entrepreneurs. In addition, dissemination of information in public media can potentially be more effective to reach more targets through kompasiana.com.

What is Kompasiana.com?

Based on the quote on their official page, they explained that: "Kompasiana.com is a blog and online publication platform developed by Kompas Cyber Media since October 22, 2008. "Beyond Blogging" also reinforces Kompasiana's position as a channel for ideas and public opinion."

Steemit on Kompasiana.com

It turns out that at kompasiana.com there have been several blogs writing about Steemit. In my search at kompasiana.com, I found 7 articles explaining about steemit.

The article was written by journalists from various points of view and their opinions. After my review, in general their publications about steemit have positive ratings.

The following is a list of articles about steemit that have been published on kompasiana.com :

I did a search with the keyword "steemit" and they recommended those 7 articles.

My publications on Kompasiana.com

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As for the blog that I have published on kompasiana.com, there are 2 articles, one article explaining wormhole3 and one article explaining steemit company. The following is an article about wormhole3 and steemit that I have published on kompasiana.com.

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Cara Mendapatkan Crypto di Steemit Melalui Aplikasi Wormhole3 Hanya dengan Posting di Twitter by Saifurrazi (ponpase) on 02 April 2023.

This article has been viewed 164 times, in this article I explain about wormhole3, how to sign up and how wormhole3 works. Articles are written in Indonesian based on analysis of posts that I have published on steemit.

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Mengenal Perusahaan Pemilik Platform Steemit by Saifurrazi on 31 Mei 2023.

This article is a quote from an article I edited on wikipedia. Overall this article explains about the Steemit company. Until now, the article has been viewed 60 times.


In carrying out promotional activities online, I reached out to several alternative platforms to discuss and present Steemit in public. Article publication on kompasiana.com can have an impact on the dissemination of information about steemit through internet network traffic. Kompasiana.com has the potential to reach journalists, creators, entrepreneurs and news readers on the Kompas network.

Wormhole3 is a decentralized and composable social curation protocol that allows anyone to create a social network and curate their communities, projects and content, making them popular and influential.

Join us in advancing the Wormhole3 ecosystem and supporting progress for the Steem ecosystem network!

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Important Post

Thus my post hopefully can help provide guidance and education to carry out functions in Wormhole3. Thank you for reading and responding to my post, have a nice day ♥️☺️

Check it out and subscribe to us on YouTube! This will be a potential account for steemit promotion via YouTube, help and support us to grow!

I also invite you to support the witnesses who focus on community development, they are @bangla.witness @visionaer3003, Please review and vote for them as witness !

Via steemit wallet https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses

Via steemworld https://steemworld.org/witnesses?login

Vote for @bangla.witness via steem connect https://steemlogin.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=bangla.witness&approve=1

Vote for @visionaer3003 https://steemlogin.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=visionaer3003&approve=1

Best regard,


Thanks to @stephenkendal @hungry-griffin @visionaer3003 @wormhole3

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