IDEAS: Speeding Up NEWBIES To #steemitisbeautiful And Strengthening Our Existing Steemit Community With "Steemit's Beauty"!steemCreated with Sketch.


The vision for this idea is really large, however, it will start small and without using much resources. We will take advantage first, of what we already have: The existing Steemit.

This tiny idea, when it eventually starts full running; will hold its own steemit estate, when communities eventually becomes key on steemit. 

The essence is to speed up new users up to steemit knowledge and strengthen our current steemit community and seamlessly solidify #steemitisbeautiful in the hearts of every steemian. 

With even playful support from the steemit community, this is so possible.


NB: Methods will revolve around following action words: 

proactive, passionately, down-to-earth, layman, acts of kindness, love, practice, fun, laughs, less rules, delegation, be yourself, make steemit a home, explore steemit.


(NB: Opportunities exists for this venture and it will always exist as long as steemit exists. Steemit being on a blockchain will not get too too easier to use. The world may need to upgrade their know-how. This can be bridged but will require passionate advocates for steemit, who are ready to paint steemit as beautiful)

"It Is Too Easy To Get A Regular Internet User On Steemit!"

To do this is very simple and really, really simpler than we think, yet its effect is so, so, so immense. 

Steemit marketing team seems to understand this, that is why i am coming out bold in this idea. 

Steemit Inc are also taking into real consideration, that there is a huge market for steemit in developing countries etc. 

Developing Countries & Third World Countries (Un-enabling/Not-Very-Enabling Environment) - This is a huge market especially population-wise and even passion-wise. This population turns to the internet for a level-playing field. This population leave their countries to sought a small world on the internet; to feel like a whole citizen for once but the internet bashes them and this is where steemit has come in: "Steemit celebrates them!" 

Steemit acknowledging this, puts them also puts them at a marketing and developmental edge as no other social community out there and not even Facebook took developing nations into consideration, in developing their model.

"The expectations of the developing country internet user and how they use the internet is very, very different from those of internet users in developed countries".

People in some countries don't have data and when they eventually save enough to get some data, they have to climb trees to get 3G! 

A major aim of this tiny venture, is also to prove that steemit is even much easier to propose to regular internet user than a crypto-techy fellow. Indeed, it is and there is testimony to this!

If the above is true, the only missing link is:

How do you expand the vision of what steemit is to these regular internet users? How do you expatiate to them that steemit has a community of great minds or "that if you can't blog it is still good, you can comment curate or sell your service or build a DIY trend or simply do Vlogs etc"? 

How do we seamlessly bring them into the art of blogging by having them start out first, with random original pictures, then eventually adding words and keep it fun, till they are enjoying themselves?

How do you speed newbies up to steemit knowledge etc so that they don't get overwhelmed and lost?

How do you instill this culture into steemit even right now; "oh we were here in beta and saw the ups and downs; now newbies don't have to go through this much hassle!"

To fully grasp the journey and evolution of a steemian, from their onset on steemit till date and the power that the model of steemit already has in drawing people in, to their first crypto-investments and more blogging and tons of creativity; take a look at this post: 

The Road To WhaleHood Part One! My First Steemit (Fiverr-Like) Gig! Please Follow @steemit-life!

My passion for this idea, is as a result of vision and in the vision of regular internet user: "Me"

"Steemit has a hot model!"

 I can easily tell a veteran smoker who wants to stop smoking; "Don't worry, all you gotta do is join steemit". 

Steemit is that broad!


To explain crypto-knowledge to a non-crypto person; "hahaha, you don't really need that much crypto-knowledge!" 

You don't use fancy books to teach someone how to eat with his hands. At least pacify them first! "Take a dip into the bowl and join them in a down-to-earth meal of hands". 

Christendom didn't just enter Africa. "They had to come into Africa and taste Africa...then appeal to Africans in a way they understand first as they start to infuse Christendom into African norms.

It is that simple! 

Bringing in regular internet users to join steemit is that simple! 

A crypto-fella is even a hardner nut to crack! First, i don't know much about crypto or blockchain technology and a crypto-fella has seen enough blockchains and smart contracts; so how do i impress him!

Let's Catch Them Young

In reality, who is suppose to be more impressed by an old-school Nokia phone? 

"One who has never seen calculator or one has seen and used loads of I-phones.

Hahaha, it is dead easy to invite non-crypto/non-techy (regular internet users) people to steem. 

They will even celebrate it! 


Just pamper them a bit and speed them up to months of steemit information; by sourcing them out passionately, building a community of these users and playfully teaching them (ELI5); how not to talk to @cheetah or why the estimated value of their account fluctuates etc

Give them tiny steem gifts so they can be made to feel and home and can start exploring the giving and receiving aspect of steemit etc; so that they can see steemit with a vision and they won't so be overwhelmed and lost when there are shaky events. 

Their first one month of being here on steemit is critical.

Hint:  "5 steem/120k steemians = 0.00004167 steem"!

My idea can have short term effect but it will especially have, continuous and fun long term effect


Bottomline, we can't just be always shaken by events and decide to take a break or leave steemit, whenever steem underground-rockets! 

How can you confidently invite someone into such party. "You will doubt your very self, when you are telling someone steemit is the best

Newbies can't come on steemit at this point and start seeing veteran steemians quitting on steemit because Hardfork 3.1 happened!

The above can seamlessly be fixed and it will be all fun!

They Won't Invest! (regular internet users/developing countries internet users)

I tell you, forget it, they will so invest! 

Hahaha, leave that to the steemit's model. @ned and @dan know what they built!

Speed them up and on and on and on and in a few months they will be investing! 

On my own, it took me 6 months to try my first transfer and maybe 7 months to try a trade on the internal market. I now badly want to invest in steem but the price went really up and i am having to save up more. This process would have been much faster, if i understood anything early and knew how to spot the opportunities! 
I didn't have any speedup process and was lost in wonderland, till @sykochica came in the picture and held me through, till i could thrive. Imagine, i didn't even know that @curie was helping me, till months later.

@kus-knee just put up a post on trading internally on steemit and you need to see the comments! Even veterans of steem haven't really explored these aspects of steemit, so imagine how extensive this idea can be, in the good it accomplishes!

The Old Dog Discusses: Using The Internal Market For Fun And Profit!


My company began and yes, it is still all tiny but it has started and will go on to becoming my one and only company consisting of sub-companies.

"HOORAY" (The Giving Factory) Unloading.................! Courtesy Of The Steem Blockchain, "Dreams Almost Equals Reality".

For now, I send tiny steem to as many steemians as I can, to remind them to feel at home, and ultimately speed them up to the giving & receiving aspect of steem technology. (Some new steemians have tried the button in return by sending their gratitude in a tiny return steem gift. NB. This "transfer button" took me months to try!)

Steemit has other uses; you can sell, you can offer services, you can build your dreams, save your legacies forever, do crowfunding, do community projects......etc.

Let every steemian, see steemit for one good thing at the very least; in such a way that, that one good thing is always at the fore. 

This is something i have proactively had fun doing and passion too. I have spoken for hours to one steemian in chat, to help her see steemit in a vision. She was already on steemit for sometime but she wasn't yet on etc. Her relief was great! "She says she will write a post about steemians who have really helped her!"

There are other steemians, who have excelled faster than me, after speeding them up with information that took me months to find!

I have also been successful in bringing in a few people on steemit and it is quite easy to have these steemians to join because i explain steemit in a very different way. "Teach them some tech in fun down-to-earth ways"!

Hahaha, how many times did I read the whitepaper. I read and re-read! 

Nowadays, a new steemian should be able to understand the whitepaper in days and this is where this idea or initiative comes in.

We have been on steemit from the onset and done most of the learning for months, why should newbies join steemit today and still have to do this months of learning all over again. 
Yes, they should but they shouldn't have to, for basic knowledge like: "where do i check my voting power" or "what is a slider" etc

I also curate comments, which gives me insight into the true, real, beautiful, strong state of the steemit community and i incessantly look for opportunities to strengthen our existing community with heartfelt comments as well as try to speed up newbies to steemit information. 

I also have a discord server:, that i aim to use in for sustaining this amazing feat. It doesn't have much activity yet but it has around 60 steemians and growing. 

"unMEAN sTWEETs" Began And It Is A Steemit Giving And Receive Party!

10 unMEAN sTWEETs About How To Break Free From Smoking Cigarettes!!!


The steemit community is so important in this venture, so i will so love their support!

Due to time given to exploring steemit and especially its community as well as the several steemit tiny initiatives i have done like "steemit hall of fame", "steemit e-cards" etc and especially by means of visiting comments and the #introduceyourself category, i have built a small database base of steemians, that will benefit from this venture! 

@giantbear has managed to bring in around 60 of her class students on steemit, many of whom writing on However, many of these ones are young students and amazing too but they need strengthening!


Why I Choose This Idea For My Eventual Proposal Amongst Many Others!

The truth is, i am not very techy and started steemit as a crypto-novice. I was familiar with the internet though, for years before getting on steemit and i wasn't completely novice. However, i was looking for something; a home, even away from the rest of the internet then i found steemit. 

Steemit still took me ages to understand! 

Steemit use will indeed be hard for any regular internet user to fathom but that is why we are here. To understand steemit better, you just need to understand fully the underlying genius model behind it and the humans and great minds that make it work, then it instantly becomes a beauty. This is something i can impart! I knew this, especially after attending my very first steemit meetup in the Philippines. Medical students couldn't grasp what steemit was about, even after 30 mins of reading excerpts of the white paper to them; but they got the gist, when they were held by the hand and empowered with #steemitisbeautiful.

Too, i can relate instantly with the masses of regular internet users & developing country internet users!

I curate comments so i definitely have an idea on the state of the steemit community and the down-to-the-earth human behind the steemian. I also have a small database of these ones.

Look at this post to realize that steemit currently has many regular internet users:

Join Me; Let Me Show You The Amazing Things That Happen On Steemit! (Inside Information/Behind The Scenes) #steemitisbeautiful

or go directly to @steemit-health by @dan-atstarlite and ransack the comments!

#steemitisbeautiful DIDN'T JUST START!

It may not be known but months ago, i started that tag and the channel SteemitIsBeautiful and the only person that may know this is @firepower

#steemitisbeautiful means alot! It talks more of a vision than the current state of steemit. It talks of the actual state of steemit as seen, even in the eyes of a non-tech crypto-novice regular internet user; it talks of steemit in the expanse of its variety of features; it talks of steemit as a home; as a place away from the rest of the internet! 

These are all things that a regular internet users can relate with. Steemians in developing countries can relate to this above, in ways beyond comprehension!

"If you try to dare to dream against all odds and against the hurdle that your country and lack of data poses" Mark can decide to through a Berg at you and Zuck you out of any ounce of will to dream, that you have left" @surpassinggoogle

This is where steemit comes in! Steemit can become a beauty, even in the vision of a regular internet user and especially, in the eyes of internet users in developed countries, where the internet tells you:

Scram off. This internet opportunity isn't for people in your IP address! Or scram off, you are a likely spammer! Your IP address is developing!

You can always show to a steemit newbie; "a steemit celebrity from any nation!"

Overall, this is an idea that i love carrying out non-stop!

My profile slogan from day one has been:

I am out to inspire the inspirers of steemit! #steemitisbeautiful 


This proposal started a long time ago but now i need your help and support Steemit Inc and the steemit community. I have been drained in the past weeks. I need support for this venture to evolve and become more fun and have a broader impact. I would like it, to become a full blown initiative and to evolve into its own community when steemit eventually host sub-communities.


To start with, i will like to start simply INTERVIEWS

The vision and concept, in my head, is really large but that will come out gradually as this expands and by the communities support.

First Stop

I will like to start with series of posts containing INTERVIEWS! (2 posts in a week!)

Post 1: 

We will interview a steemian for instance @surfermarly or @steemit-life who started steemit as regular users and we will ask them pertinent questions about their steemit evolution. We will touch mostly on the beauty of steemit!

 In each of this interviews however, we will ask them 1 or 2 questions that tackles one or two steemit FAQs but hahaha, they be answering this questions; in (layman/down-to-earth/ELI5) fashion.

Post 2:

We will pick one newbie or veteran of steemit and interview them within our post. The INTERVIEW will revolve about new ways that they have explored steemit; why they joined steemit; what they were looking for when they joined steemit; how beautiful steemit is etc 

This interview will celebrate a steemian, strengthen his conviction about steemit, expand their vision on new ways to invite newbies to steemit, incite new innovation or creativity and help them introduce themselves once again to the steemit community.


With the help of my team and our discord channel, we will grow a database and real life testimonies of steemians that have been helped and after a month, we will analyze results. 

Analysis will be drawn from real life activity, where we will implore steemians who have benefited from this initiative to write out their heartfelt testimonies in steemit posts.

We will evolve into using the information we draw from interviews, to make simpler explainer short videos, screen capture videos, GIFs, posts etc, which explains every facet of steemit in fun ELI5 fashion

This will be handled by me and any member of our team who wants to engage in making videos etc.

Then we will further evolve, by extending the joyous feat of create fun and painting steemit with more beauty, to everyone in the steemit community. This aspect can take different forms.


To get this going, i just need Steemit INC to read this post till its end, so as to fully grasp my tiny vision. I will simply need your support on this post if need be, in terms of visibility and support in subsequent posts that constitute these interviews. This will help us have more reach and impact as well as speed. 

In reality, after this proposal, we will already be working on these simple interviews! 

However, i will really need your feedback too @andrarchy @zurvanic and @lovejoy! I finally had the freedom to let go of my tiny passion (growth-ideas) in one post!


I really need your support on this post especially in terms of interaction and your feedback! So this will involve reading this really lengthy post. Hoping you deem it fit of further heartfelt support, kindly re-steem, re-steem, re-steem!

Data tables, charts, etc all help. However, the real data is on the streets (nooks and crannies) of steemit!

MY TEAM (Behind-The-Scenes and even in this Idea Stage)

I will grow the list of members of the team but for now, in this idea stage, i will enlist core members of this team to be:

Steemians who have experience with giving and community interaction: @papa-peper @kus-knee @benjojo

Steemwomen who can relate on a human level and who like to give: @dreemit @surfermarly @aksinya @mammasitta @merej99

For bigger things, i will definitely need @mrwang @virtualgrowth @instructor2121 @anotherjoe

@infovore will guide path me on the path of interviews and he is also a giver!

To grow community and database; i look up to other givers as they keep giving a piece of themselves:

@barrydutton @samstonehill @hulkbuster @dan-atstarlite @steemit-life @demotruk @tamim

There are many others to mention but i keep it short because in reality, we will need the entire steemit community for this!

Your boy Terry


Disclaimer: This post is very re-steemable


Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another!    

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful

Selfless effort for a fellow steemian is greatness. Keep this up!

Thank you alot! Take you time! Enjoy your day!

You have been away for so long

Huh, man! It took me a few hours to read fully and understand your message (thanks Google translator).
I absolutely agree with you that beginners, people first came to Steemit a bit hard to understand everything. You seem to find yourself in another world and you don't quite understand its rules of the game. The white paper and the FAQ does not give answers to all the questions. And it's just great to have someone willing to help and support you at the start.
I started active use Steemit a little over a month ago, in the period of the experiment with dawnvoting, then came HF18 and it confused me even more. It was hard and I'm just happy that those who come after me will not have to go through this.
Beginners usually have tons of questions, and I am very grateful to the people who helped me find the answers @penguinpablo, @merej99, @steevc. So @surpassinggoogle, if you want to help others, I am willing to help you than I can.
P.S. who is @cheetah?

It is touching Erika, the effort you had to put to read my post. Seriously, I am grateful and you just exactly expressed your experience. Thank you. You are teaching a lot by doing this thank you. i will just keep this comment short, so that it is easier for you to read

@lovejoy when you read this comment by Erika, it will give you a clearer picture of my post. It will surprise you to know that people spend months fight or talking to @cheetah. In the past when @cheetah used to downvote, steemians use to talk to it nonstop and even angry tones. Just explaining what @cheetah is and giving steemians short playful tips on how to instantly enhance their posts, would have saved these steemians a ton of energy and given them so much instant relief. For a little playful test run, @lovejoy can you please tell @erikaflynn who @cheetah is?

I hear this frequently, about people being confused by @cheetah. I'm not sure why exactly though. One click on @cheetah, and you're immediately on the @cheetah blog page where it says: "I am a robot that automatically finds similar content. Check the website linked to on my blog to learn more about me!" one more click and you're at the Cheetah Bot Explained post, where you can learn everything you ever wanted to know.

Regardless, helping new users, and explaining things to them is a hugely important part of growing Steemit. You and others are doing a great thing by offering this kind of support. You just gave me another idea! I will post about it, but it will have to be tomorrow. I'm off to work now. Keep doing your thing!

PS, I just looked at your blog @erikaflynn. Followed! :)

Thank you for all you effort reading. Thank you! i will do a follow up post that will be really short. Everyone has recommended but i am still glad that this post was read as i will now help steemians understand the follow-up post better. Thank you alot! Enjoy work! You are baffled about cheetah but that is just a simple familiar example. There are many other cases.

The first idea seems very convincing to me. I mean very very very convincing!
The idea of a focus on developing country.

While, I am also from a developing country, Nepal, I think considering developing coutries for the market startegy is a better idea. According to statistics of 2016, only 17.2% of total population of our country has access to the internet.

People in some countries don't have data and when they eventually save enough to get some data, they have to climb trees to get 3G!

This is what many people from our country are facing. Even though I have a very good internet connection, there are not many like me. There can be a huge market of steemit in the countries like ours. It's also very easy to get a regular internet user to steemit, but they should be provided knowledge about blockchain. Even from that 17.2% many are noobs in the field of IT and very few knows about this technology.
I think the idea of blockchain should be known and understood by everyone in order for this plateform to grow.

This is a very special comment with statistics that are valuable. The stats for Indonesia can be said to be alarming but their many countries with even worse statistics. Many nations don't have constant electricity let alone data. Bottomline, like you have pointed is, there is a huge market of untapped creativity in developing country who are in constant search for an enabling environment and this where steemit can come in!

You have said it all and more! This is what my tiny idea wants to accomplish and it will be all community driven and fun. Regardless, it is something that will start. I am glad you really read this post and you know, i totally know about an internet user in developing countries. i am one of them too. We will talk more. I will write a follow up post and it will be really short but you already get my gist. Thank you for support and for being you!

wow! great to know you are also from a developing country, @surpassinggoogle !
you really have a great vision, I wish you and the community all the success it can get :)

I completely agree and can't wait to shake all of yall's hands!

Very insightful @deepapoudel! Yes, access issues in developing countries are huge. Perhaps there are ways in which access to the steem blockchain itself can begin to address this... If Steem can help increase access, that's a huge #growth-idea, if someone has the ability to see it through. Steem can make a huge impact in developing countries. I believe the 2017 Steem Growth Plan touched on this and it was explored in the comments as well. I would LOVE to see more growth-ideas originating from those in developing countries. I think there are huge opportunities!

I agree @lovejoy! Yes, there are many ways steem can help increase access in these areas, we just need plans and efforts. Opportunities are huge, we just need visions to see through them and efforts and strategies to really achieve them!

I read the whole thing @surpassinggoogle but I think you need to shorten it and explain the points of your idea. As for interviews these I thought are already being done, but maybe the idea of faqs would make it stand out. I do like the idea of screen captures and GIFs.

Yes, i think so too! But this hasn't been done as it has multiple twists but maybe i will explain it in a follow up post. This particular post had to containing as many details as possible so that i don't have any borders in developing the idea but here is a summary and this will turn into a large community fun effort in the future and eventually a community of its own when communities take effect on steemit. It is very large but i am look at what can start asap without cost and just support. I think for to grasp fully what the interview would look like, its impact and all the twists, i may do a sample post. If you want i can interview you or i may just interview myself. If i split this post into several posts, it may lost value. So maybe i will just do a follow up post that is concise and pinpoint without all the details. On this post, if you go straight to the point, the whole idea will be lost.

Specifics is simple:
Yes, to start with, it will be interviews in a post but this interviews will have a very big twist!

First, i am choosing interviews as it will not require much resources and can start asap. Interviews will be "a set".
One set covering steemians who started out as regular internet users!
The other set celebrating newbies and helping them see within the interviews, "the beauty of steemit".
However, both sets will answer one or two steemit FAQs in ELI5 manner!
This is just a start!

In other parts of the post, i was trying to explain, that it is indeed easy to bring in regular internet users to steemit and especially, users in developing nations to steemit but a lot of that will involve strengthening our conviction in the platform, then passionately speeding up new ones, to the information they need to thrive.
I was also trying to explain with illustrations and testimonies; that how people in developing countries use the internet and their expectations from the internet, is different from the internet users in develop countries or enabling environment!

"The essence is to speed up new users up to steemit knowledge and strengthen our current steemit community and seamlessly solidify #steemitisbeautiful in the hearts of every steemian. "

this sounds too much like nationalism.......

Nope, that wasn't the intention! It may sound like that though. The main idea covers every category of users. I will a follow up post to explain better! Thank you for leaving me feedback!

HOLY COW! That was a lot of info.. my brain hurts a little.. Quite informative, indeed. Pow! right in the feels. :)

Hahahaha, thank you alot for the effort. I will do a follow-up post that will be short. Hahahaha, many reacted just like this. Someone started his comment with "holy smokes". I am glad tho cos at the follow-up post will be understood better, however short. Thank you a lot for your effort in reading and commenting!

Still a great article, I was like, "dang...", lots of nifty info. Thank you for your time and effort.

Holy smokes..! I need to read this again in the morning... you do not lack for words! I share @kevinwong's sentiments here. Could you distill the essence of this down to the bare essentials? I'm reading you want to do interviews with Steemians, two a week. I love your enthusiasm, but beyond the interview part, i'm not sure on specifics.

Yes, lovejoy, the deed was already done, when i realized that the "growth-idea post" had to be short and concise. I wrote it lengthy because i felt; if the marketing team or steemit were to read it, they will have enough interest to break it down or ask for clarity, like you just did!
The thing is, for this post to get to the main point, i needed to let it all out and cover all the scenarios.
The aspect i am hitting on isn't easily understood!
But here is what i was trying to hit on:
Since i am not very techy or know much about blockchain, i want to propose what i will heartily do in terms of joining the cause to market steemit.
As a crypto-novice who also has experience living in a developing nation and who found steemit, while looking for an internet home, a level playing field etc i feel the aspect of steemit market that involves bringing up newbies to speed and bringing steemit to the mainstream in developing nations etc is something i can help with, the most!

Too, i came on steemit like a regular internet user would and was lost in wonderland and didn't understand the whitepaper and all; and it took me months to even try the "transfer button" etc and find out the other beautiful aspects of steemit beyond earning and blogging.
As you will see in the post, i stated that i have created my small company called "the giving factory" as a result of steemit's beauty. This aspects of steemit took me months to find and it is mostly after finding this other beautiful aspects of steemit, that my conviction about the platform became unshakeable.
Now; once my conviction about steemit became unshakeable, things changed. I was passionately looking around the comments on steemit to bring newbies especially up to speed.
I was also able to convince people to join steemit and this is something i wasn't able to do before because of the hassle involved in learning many overwhelming things on steemit etc.
Now upon trying to invite new regular internet users to steemit, it became easier than i could have imagined and this is because of my experience with steemit, how i have come to understand steemit and how i explained it to people. Also, my conviction about steemit is clearer.

Specifics is simple but i was leaving it for the proposal part. Yes, to start with, it will be interviews in a post but this interviews will have a very big twist!

First, i am choosing interviews as it will not require much resources and can start asap. Interviews will be "a set".
One set covering steemians who started out as regular internet users!
The other set celebrating newbies and helping them see within the interviews, "the beauty of steemit".
However, both sets will answer one or two steemit FAQs in ELI5 manner!
This is just a start!

In other parts of the post, i was trying to explain, that it is indeed easy to bring in regular internet users to steemit and especially, users in developing nations to steemit but a lot of that will involve strengthening our conviction in the platform, then passionately speeding up new ones, to the information they need to thrive.
I was also trying to explain with illustrations and testimonies; that how people in developing countries use the internet and their expectations from the internet, is different from the internet users in develop countries or enabling environment!

I love your perspective and all you're doing. A+ on the team you've chosen as well, I think I you have a really good grasp on the people in this community and what their respective talents are. I would write more now, but it's 2:24 am here.. so it's time for sleep, but thanks for the clarifying thoughts. I'll check back in when the sun is back overhead. Cheers, b

Yes, please do! Sleep well! We will certainly talk later. If it gets to the proposal stage it will be concise and explanatory. Because this is the idea part, i just let go, so there is no border! Thank you again!

I saw your comment yesterday and the gifts 8 hours after you've posted it. Thanks for inviting me in discord. I did try yesterday although it was late. I have a full time job so, when I have my break which is also unpredictable that's when I do steemit. Like now, after this comment I have to go out for some errands. Thanks again for the invitation. I hope I could join you in discord sometime.

It is all good marifa. Take you time and you can visit during your leisure. It is okay to just join the discord. Not much activity on it yet but there will be soon. Thank you alot for your effort in leaving feedback here. I value it so much! Do you still have things about steemit that you want to understand? Like answered questions?

I think not for the moment but thank you in advance. If I do need help I will ask you. Actually, when I first joined here it was in chaos. I joined end of December but I didn't really do much not until after a month or so because I observed people around by reading their debates or arguments and there was one who said that he didn't want to waste his time teaching people around here especially the newbies. That, I didn't mind because I have this attitude to learn always by searching and trying even if I fail. But I learned through failures and I'm quite happy when I achieved something hard, if I really can't do it then I will seek help. I have learned a lot here that was informative especially the terms used in this platform that I just got encountered with, you know that digital things that sounded very strange. The uploading from my laptop to steemit was quite difficult for me at first although I used to do it before but with windows 8 but then through trial and error with some tips from the people around, I got it. Thanks again for the offer.

Thank you a lot for relating your experience. Your feedback is so helpful.
@lovejoy this is another helpful feedback!

Thank you very much for considering me and contacting me directly on the idea. I feel really honored. However as I mentioned previously I'm taking a steemit break. You'll surely find some other representatives that made a similar way on the platform and are willing to be interviewed about it :)

The idea itself is fabulous since it's not only a good internal promotion tool (retention) but also a nice PR instrument (image).
Keep it coming. Best of luck, Terry!

Thank you! Amongst everything, it was a measure to make was also a measure to try one last time to get you to stay but your break is now imminent. Enjoy your time off. You will be back and that interview will be reserved for you. When i envision it, it will bring new light to steemit, hearing steemit breakthru stories from steemians who knew nothing about blockchain. Thank you Marly for all the love!

Hi marly, i come to you again. Incase, you have some less busy time, please look at the shorter version of this post:

You have so many beautiful ideas Terry :) I have already committed myself to a project for the art community today, so I probably won't be able to fully go through this until tomorrow, it is so in depth! Which is great, but it means I'll need some time to look it over. And I will get together with you on chat about it tomorrow (Friday).
I should tell you up front that if it's very time consuming and for a long period I may not be able to, as I made an agreement with my husband to manage my steemit time to a lesser level. It has been cutting into my family time a bit. But as I said, I will go through it tomorrow, and I will definitely see what I can do :)

Yes, the team has always been my team and is mostly for the great times ahead. This feat is accomplishable without taking much of your time. Reading alone and giving feedback is already great help. It is a lengthy post, so great effort already. I know I can always count on you when it's time. Family is paramount and I can tell you that cos I haven't held family close in almost 5 years. And we have been apart like that since we were young.

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