"unMEAN sTWEETs" Began And It Is A Steemit Giving And Receive Party!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

 On this post, i am a bit speechless

I have carried some speechlessness for days now! @papa-pepper wrote an entire post to give me some importance and the act got me speechless. 


How did this all this start? 

Pay attention! Perhaps, this small testimony will tell you alot about the underlying state of steemit, the beauty of its community and 

Acts of love, even tiny ones, still has the power to make people speechless. Brotherhood still has much power. On steemit, there is much love, much brotherhood. Indeed, this is why steem will hold sway, this and mostly this:


This is why even the tiniest acts on steemit is called "Love":

A tiny comment, a tiny upvote, the so-called 0.1 cent effect, a tiny comment, a tiny contest, a tiny initiative, a tiny steem gift; regardless of the intention or motive of the giver, still ultimately spreads; spells love or a measure of it. 

This is the internet and on today's internet, where is the love? I doubt if we have seen much of it, in any place else!

You mine the cryptocurrency steem, with your mind. Regardless of where you only aim is to gather coins, you are having to create something, fix or solve a need. This very aspect involving creation, fixes some anonymous person out there and to many in this world of inequality, this can easily be represented as love, for many reasons. For one, love is scarce on today's internet!

Within the past few days, i have seen much love on steemit and much more love than i have seen in any other community-driven social network in my decade on the internet!

I have also seen "brotherhood"!

Steemians see you as worthy of attention, as potential brother, based sometimes, even only on the sole fact, that you are a fellow steemian. 

"I have a soft spot for every steemian!"

I was in first steemit meetup in the Philippines recently and got to meet 2 steemians live, for the first time and it was instant brotherhood. It didn't require much acquaintance. "You are a steemian and you are alive", that is all we need, to trust, respect, regard, value and love one another. 

 First Meet Up in Manila, Philippines

Again, where to find this on today's internet. This steemit experience is something that marvels me!

For me, it even doesn't really matter if one is a spammer or a flagger or a bot; if you are a steemian, i will have a soft spot for you and i am sure others feel pretty much the same. 

I mean, even the bots on steemit evolve. @cheetah for instance, grew heart and we witnessed it. @cheetah became friendlier and is a regular upvoter! @cheetah understands when you pull a joke on it off and here it upvoted this post:


How @cheetah Grew A Heart Overnight! - The Funniest Post On Steemit!

Determining or establishing the value and power of the beautiful things we have on steemit and especially , its wonderful community of amazing steemians, didn't start on day one. It was a hustle story at the beginning. 

I join steemit and knew nothing and there was this culture shock. Yes, i was flagged and didn't understand why and i was talking to bots because i didn't know there where bots and i felt like, i was being trolled and i had an endless ton of crypto questions etc.

Then came, the first person who filled ther room with some love; "@sykochica"; during times when i was lost in nowhere. Basically, she lovingly answered all my questions, till i found my way out of a 'then steemit hole'. 

"And no, she wasn't support team or customer service representative for steemit Inc."

I have been on the internet for up to a decade and steemit does have "that something extra": "Love!" 

Forget the flagging and all, i tell you; "if these people meet each other in real life, it will be all respect"

The irony is; steemit is was created to maintain anonymity! It is not compulsory to reveal who you are, yet here on steemit, you can hear through and feel the very presence, of the human behind the steemian

"I was on bitlander.com for 2 days max! Yes, it had all the gamification and avatars, but you just can't get past that. You don't feel the presence of human". 

On steemit there is love and love fixes many things!

Yes, there a bots but there is human intelligence and much love!

unMean sTWEETs started some days ago:

 @abit Did The Trailer For The Movie "The Steemit Community"! We Carry On, In A Fun Contest Called: "unMEAN sTWEETs"

 Yes @abit incites people to comment and build community but underlyingly, this tiny act, also spells love and propels it and this undeniable! 

More than ever, it has also come the fore, that steem technology is also an avenue to give! 

@papa-pepper sent me 200 steem; @benjojo sent me some 84 steem; to inspire the unMean sTWEETs intiative!

Apart from the regular upvoting, i have now tried out giving too and the passage into giving, here on steemit; is smooth, feels too good! You should try it too! 

The original plan for Unmean Stweets, was to accomplish a contest that rewarded amazing comments. Comments had to be similar to tweets to incite creativity, thus, unMean sTWEETs have to be short, crisp, creative yet have a stand-alone, well-meant, weighty message. It has to be beautiful as well!

In truth, i wanted a mechanism that could be run on the side, apart from normal steemit posting. One that feels, like i have create something on steem technology, to sort of put me; fulfillment-wise; in the same shoes as developers, who try different means to create interfaces or services to enhance steem technology, for a wider audience. 

This tiny initiative is called Unmean Stweets! I related the name to mean tweets, so that it can attract even non-steemians as they be familiar with the popular mean tweets segment on the Jimmy Kimmel show:

video source/credit to: jimmy kimmel

The aim:

To encourage great comments, spark up a community, fill the place with love, create a distraction towards the beauty of steemit, paint steemit as beautiful and touch on the conviction of steemians on the platform. 

Too, to paint steemit to the outside world as one of creativity, love, generosity, brotherhood. Again, this love aspect, is what will make steemit hold sway, amongst technologies in existence and those to come as the internet is going back to desiring real human connections. "People are getting tired of avatars and auto-responders!"

The Overall and Newly Established Aim Of unMEAN sTWEETs:

To incite and teach the art of giving and receiving and to propagate that aspect of steemit, to steemians and to the outside world of non-steemians i.e to promote steem technology to us and non-steemians as holding the advance technology, that makes giving and receiving fast, easy, smooth and free!

"Giving is hard-wired into human nature; steem technology makes giving and receiving a breeze, so why shouldn't humans adopt steemit?"

Originally unMEAN sTWEETs, was forseen to become a contest; to reward winners but if we Gave instead; then everyone can easily become a winner. Thus, the entire unMEAN sTWEETs has evolved in how it will be set up!

On the side though, we may also need to know or re-know how to receive and unMEAN sTWEETs had to be adjusted to re-teach us how to receive. 

What Is 1 Steem As A Gift?

 "1 steem is easily equal or greater than 1 bitcoin" depending on many factors, but especially depending on how much we; THE RECEIVER, paid attention to the loving act, wholeheartedness and beautiful intention of THE GIVER.

unMEAN sTWEETs Right Now!

The funny thing is UnMean Sweets has already started, unlike initially plan. It was meant to be a contest, like i mentioned earlier. It it ends up being a contest, it will be the most unconventional contest as everyone will be winner!

I didn't want to quit on unMEAN sTWEETs, thus, i needed to start it, without much setup. I didnt have experience with seting up a contest, thus, i sought the help of @papa-pepper. I also took a look at some of his contests and if i had to wait to set up, a beautiful looking and organized contest like his with all the branding unMEAN sTWEETs may never come to life! So after some round talk, with @papa-pepper and @benjojo, it became evident, that the whole idea for unMEAN sTWEETs stemmed from the art of giving. I have seen @kus-knee, @papa-pepper, @benjojo and many others relishing giving, so why not just give, give, give! By this simple means, unMEAN sTWEETs, can start anyway!

Each week, i will be creating posts for unMEAN sTWEETs, that will curate, feature and reward the 10 best unMEAN sTWEETs (short creative, beautiful, upbuilding, tangible, insightful comments), while inviting steemians to fill the comment section of the post with further threads of unMEAN sTWEETs!

"Everyone is a winner", when it comes unMEAN sTWEETs, thus, every comment featured will be mentioned, linked to and visited with tiny steem gifts and same applies to all commenters on the post. 

During the other days of the week though, before the weekly unMEAN sTWEETs post is out, unMEAN sTWEETs will be visiting unannouced; random steemians who have made amazing comments all around steemit, with tiny steem gifts. unMEAN sTWEETs will also leave them encouraging unMEAN sTWEETs to inspire them, within the memos

Every One Has A Stake In unMEAN sTWEETs!

@papa-pepper, @benjojo, @hulkbuster, @barrydutton, @kingscrown, @dreemit, @kus-knee and all people who encourage this venture, even in simple comments, are owners of unMEAN sTWEETs! So basically everyone is an owner!

Mining with minds is a dynamic incessant art thus, we will improve on unMEAN sTWEETs in the background and i'll have incentive not to give up on this cause, by means of your support and inspiration. 

"I will not give up on unMEAN sTWEETs or giving so to speak!" 

One major part, that may be overlooked in terms of bring steem technology to mass adoption; is the current and existing steemit community!

 Yes, we talk more about bringing more investors to steemit and mass adoption as well. We talk about core advertisement system etc to bring steemit to the mainstream but how about what we already have: our already existing core of amazing users and the new users creating accounts regularly as seen in hashtag (introduceyourself)

So if we strengthen core and wake up redundant users and fortify our conviction in steemit; where do you think that will steemit and steem technology to?

How about if we pampered our existing base, so that they restart to believe in steemit again?

I tell, the steemit community alone, is worth staying on steemit for; perhaps, even more than earning!

So we extend unMEAN sTWEETs a bit more, in terms of giving! unMEAN sTWEETs, will extend focus to the hashtag (introduceyourself) too. NB: this has already began!

Let them start out to a beautifully world of steemit; "one where people care". 

So, unMEAN sTWEETs will randomly leave new users in hashtag (introduceyourself) with our loving crafted Unmean Stweets along with some steem giveaways, to instantly teach them that steemit doesn't only allow involve earning and creating content or investing but also host the technology, that makes giving and transferring steem easy, smooth and free! 

NB: Many newbies, don't know this beautiful aspect about steemit. Infact, i think i did my first real transfer of steemit, after months of being of steemit as i have hardly touched features in my wallet!

Let new steemians, start talking good about steemit from day one or after their introductory post. Let them be convinced from day one, of a loving community, so that they stay beyond earning!

We'll also extend unMEAN sTWEETs, to inspiring even if in tiny ways, people who relish, creating things for the good of humanity and who passionately develop stuff, initiatives, contests, etc for the development and greatness of steem technology!

unMEAN sTWEETs will also re-teach us, how to become receivers. "Not only giving, is to be taught. How about receiving?"

"We receive a parcel and we so keen on opening it, only to get too disappointed because the content was one pea. However, we would have accepted one pea, more easily, if perhaps, it wasn't luxuriously wrapped. 
"A pea is a pea; the act, timeliness and loving intention, is what's paramount".

Where Are The Steem Gifts From?

So this answers the question, of how i will be able to support this venture. Well, you will help me and of this i am sure but on my own, it is something very possible! 

I already have some steem accrued from creating posts in my time on steemit, plus steem gifts from @papa-pepper and @benjojo. However small, steem is dividable or divisible. To make steem go round, i will just need to go back to my division table! 

It is easy! We are promoting comments! Normally, i upvote comments with hopes that it has had some effect. In general, users are happy if they earn something from comments. From curation rewards for instance, perhaps, i earn like 0.01 steem power a day. Many steemians may value it to recieve even as much as 1 steem or one steem power on a comment that they would have done freely. It is utmostly about learning to receive thus, giving out steem for unMEAN sTWEETs, is something that joyfully incessantly happen!

There is more happiness in giving! Plus, it of more long-lasting value; the giving experience!

One the side, i have grown passionate about steemit, so i am trying to bring in, on steemit, a team of new steemians, that i hope i can inspire into a beautiful steemit experience. There is now @travelnepal, @southparkqueen, @antonio905david and more to come!

(@fyrstikken passionately speaks of his mechanism, that votes for as many steemians a possible. Regardless of how you look at it, it does so much good and especially in the eyes of newbies, to whom a vote of any weight could be encouraging!)

unMEAN sTWEETs will continue to run and sometimes, this wont be publicized in a post as posts featuring unMEAN sTWEETs, will come out once a week to highlight this beautiful experience and provide feedback. 

Too, to highlight the best comments around steemit and paint light, into the current countenance in the voice of steemit; to teach too, that steemit has beauty in it; to give a new talking point and to practice giving and teach receiving as well as we constantly reiterate, how easy giving is courtesy of steem technology. 

Overall, perhaps, non-steemians will see unMEAN sTWEETs and have their attention caught by something almost familiar (Mean Tweets); only to be told of steemit and its amazing community of unMEAN sTWEETERs.

Here the unMEAN sTWEETs for this week:

1. @kus-knee reacting in the comments, to @ned joining the now popular meme challenge: Meme Challenge - Entry: "Nad"

This officially anoints the Steemit memechallenge as the hottest thing on the internet! @kus-knee (The Old Dog) 

photo source/credit to: Ned Scott

2. @surfermarly reacts to the same post above in her comment:

Being a boss without airs and graces is unique. You win our respect which is priceless ;) Steem on! @surfermarly


3. Romance in the eyes of Western and Asian People 3

@sweetsssj well we're allowed to have our weddings our way, too aren't we?
I love weddings no matter how simple or grand .. it's always a happy day .. the couple's happiness could be very contagious, too ..  

4.  The Old Dog Asks: Did THAT Sweatshirt Really Make me More Attractive to Women?

Haha, that's quite a funny effect. How rude of them to just walk away after learning the truth!I'm not sure if I'd be attracted to a man in uniform. I'd think further down the line and I'm sure I wouldn't be happy with someone in a dangerous profession. Sure, someone being able to manage life's troubles is all well and good, but I'd much rather have a man with a long lifespan to grow old with.Luckily my man is able to handle life's troubles just fine, without the dangerous profession part ;-) @playfulfoodie

5.  The Old Dog Asks: Did THAT Sweatshirt Really Make me More Attractive to Women?

 What "you" want and what your hormones want under "selfish genes" influence are two distinct things separable only for those with a modicum of self awareness (in other words, to a very small minority).  @onceuponatime 

6.  Travel Diary: DUBAI - The Full Experience

 lol re the 'respectful ticket'... do men get this too if they wear disrespectfully? I guess not.thank you for sharing! It's really useful for me as I might go to dubai for flight transfer and a short stop next month!by the way, recently I just learn that Dubai is very ambitious in exploring the blockchain technology and seeks to use it widely. I am just curious if your business there has anything to do with this. and if it does, hopefully we can see you sharing experiences in this regard. :)  @deanliu 

7.  Thank Steemians For Witnessing March 11 With Me". I Grew Older!!!

 Happy Birthday! What a great birthday post ;) Whatever your health issues are, I will join you in dreaming them into wellness! The mind and our intent, plus a lot of laughter (like i did when i read your child's letter about your mom farting hee hee) helps to cure most things!
Congratulations on learning new things, and i hope this year is fuller and happier than the last!


 @surpassinggoogle always makes a lot of good posts, so I am not surprised this is from him.I regularly encourage the guy..... I noticed his posts and mindset hours or maybe a day or 2 after he joined, it was distinct.He makes good points as do you about stewardship.... I have always tried to treat this community like a partial owner, and like family.I fail daily but I try. @barrydutton

9. @doitvoluntarily said this to welcome a new steemian, an avid programmer; @decebal2dac in; "Hi Steemit"

to steemit!

10.  WHAT A GREAT COMMUNITY Steemit Whale steemitsunday

I would be lying if I said I don't love earning for my posts but it's not my main motivation for being here.
I'm here so my content can be permanently etched on the blockchain.
I'm here to build community. I've only given myself tiny payouts in the past (literally for food or a $20 pair of glasses) but the rest has been powered up or given away.


To understand unMEAN sTWEETs more clearly, read its inception here:

  @abit Did The Trailer For The Movie "The Steemit Community"! We Carry On, In A Fun Contest Called: "unMEAN sTWEETs" 

I am your boy Terry and this post was a bit rushed because of time difference. Please bear with my and typos!



@surpassinggoogle Thank you for the mention and the gift !

hahaha, thank you a whole lot for receiving it. Thank you! My pleasure!

I am honored by the mention, and it's a wonderful Pay It Forward idea. I am going to donate to the project, spread the love @surpassinggoogle!
Resteemed ;)

Awww, thank you alot. i saw your donation and it felt good. Thank you for liking the project too. It is encouraging! Posts on this project, will be once a week. My normal posts will happen perhaps, daily as usual, but going will continue on and on and one. We'll spread the love!

@smooth, @engagement, @thecyclist ...you downvoted a post about love, giving, and kindness? Wow. @surpassinggoogle mentioned being speechless, and that's definitely what I am right now. I took one day off from steemit, what exactly did I miss?

yes, it is that powerful. These simple acts can indeed make one speechless. Sometimes, these tiny acts can have really giant effects especially when it timely. So basically, we will spread the love and may meet someone at the very right moment.

you know the funny thing, i didnt know you refered to this post, when you talked of the donvotes, i thought it was another post. i cant have thought i will get downvotes on this post, till i saw another comment leading me to it. i did pain me but can i do. it is all good!

I learned had nothing to do with you, not your tags, not you at all. Some of the whales want to see what will happen if no whales vote. Other whales don't agree, so when they still vote the other whales like the ones who flagged your post come and downvote to "even it out". I'm only saying this so that you know it is not your fault, you did nothing wrong.
In fact you did everything right, keep up the good vibes and passing around the love! :)

yes, thank you alot for your courage. it is all good! heard of the experiment but i didnt know the part of other whales not agreeing and downvote but it is all good anyway. all the amazing comments and conscious support, fixed it. Post did get many views too, which is even amazing!

I love your spirit!! That's the way to feel about it, so glad that we met, you are a wonderful being, and a gift to this site :)

what can i say! Thank you a lot!

@engagement, @thecyclist it may have been the tags, my bad! i tried to edit the other tags but could edit the first tag!

This is overwhelming Terry, and you know that :) What a great powerful message divided into uncountable little hints spread all over the blockchain. Thanks for so much love and dedication. There have been a lot of bad vibes on the platform lately, but reading your words we may completely forget about it. Let´s don´t talk about the ones who flag an article like this, they don´t even deserve to be ignored :) I feel honored being mentioned amoung all these other great people. Keep the good things coming, Terry. We will be all here following and supporting you <3
Resteemed, of course
Marly -

awww, sweetness! Thank you. Really touching and powerful reassurance from you, Marly. I am honored by you as well. Surf, surf, surf!

Thank you so much for the mention and the STEEM @surpassinggoogle
Comments are the life blood of this community and a good way of tracking one's engagement, in my opinion. I'm sorry to see that this was flagged by @smooth and others as it seems to be a worthy initiative. :(

I would make a recommendation about the tags you've used. Using steem or steemit tags are generally frowned upon unless you're writing specifically on development and platform news. I might replace them with payitforward and maybe something unique like commentopia :)

All best to you and I'm sending your STEEM plus extra so you can spread some love with a newbie or two who are showing promising engagement.

yes, perhaps i made an error there, but i doubt if editting it at this point will help. this post concerns steemit though, that is why i put it tags. i didnt even know it was flagged really. it didnt even occur to me. i will edit it now. i felt pained but we'll just move on and thank you for the steem a lot and your courage and comment here. @smooth, it may have been the tags afterall, so i will be editting it now.

steemit was the very first tag, it wasn't possible to edit it. It's all good. Thank you alot, have a great day!

What an awesome post and initiative - you are rocking it - this post indeed would deserved over $100 - thanks for the steem my friend!

Yes it does! Thank you for receiving it and for reading this post. You inspired me by what you said. Thank you!

What did I say to inspire you @surpassinggoogle ?

I love this initiative of surpassinggoogle's. I love the somewhat awkward name, that it's inventor exemplifies the best of our community and technology and that his name is surpassinggoogle! It is precisely this kind of use that will take Steemit/Steem beyond google and if it takes a lifetime, that is what we should all be aiming for. The riches we need to strive for are freedom and love because it is in earnestly striving for those ideals that we will genuinely reach people in numbers that will boggle everybody :)

Thank you again @benjojo. You are major part of the invention as our discussion re-channeled this cause and put it on the right track. Plus, thank you for your gifts and comment here.

Wow. This is a packed post, with your meetup photos, thoughts on the heart of the cheetah bot, and your great new initiative. It's really nice to see such creativity in all the ways to spread Steem around and to encourage comments and new users. Congratulations!

thank you alot. you read it all. thank you! all this is really encouraging. big thanks!

Thanks for putting some Steem in my wallet, too! I enjoyed reading your whole post!

Doing nice things for others? Yuck. Keep it up, it will keep you away from me.

We'll spread the love and it will reach you. i very much doubt, you will stay away for long.

You are a kind person. Luck will be with you.

thank you alot inna, always feel free to come here, incase you have questions. Enjoy your journey on steemit!

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