Day 49: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: mosquitos

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!

Here is my Day 49: Prompt: mosquitos



buzzing buzzing buzzing

The sound will drive you mad

There is always one, just one, that flies around your head.

buzzing buzzing buzzing

You can not catch it if you tried.

You know that, but again,

that buzzing buzzing buzzing is driving you mad,

so you try,

again, and again, and again

to stop that buzzing buzzing buzzing...

Mad I say!

How can something you can barely see, drive you so insane I ask?

Is this a joke by God? To show you size doesn't matter?

To remember who you are and not what you want to be.

That you, as a person, no matter the size, can drive someone insane

by buzzing buzzing buzzing all the time.

Take it slow, slow it down, relax when you can.

The world is in a hurry.

All buzzing buzzing buzzing to make a dollar quick.

Breath deep to feel the air go in.


Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other #freewrite if you care to read more:

Day 48: describe green
Day 47 : airplane
Day 46: gullible
Day 45: the smell of a dumpster
The Weekend Freewrite 5
Day 43: camping
Day 42: Black
Day 41: The goat ate my
Day 39/40: swimming with the dolphins/pasta
Day 38: Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax X 2
Weekend Freewrite 4


I lived overseas twice, Tokyo and Athens.

In Tokyo, the mosquitos behaved as you'd expected them to. They bit me continually during the summer and I hated them (as a zoology graduate, I had to respect them, though).

In Athens, they were so much worse. Not in the number of attacks, I was bitten much less frequently there. It was just that my flat's mosquito nets had a few holes in them and a few too many got into my apartment at night. And when I slept, they would always attack my ears. They were fucking terrors. It would get so bad that I would wake up at night dreaming that I'd heard one flying in for a bite. And the room would be empty of them. I had great memories of both cities but boy, I know which I preferred when it came to the native mosquitoes.

Went to Mexico for a holiday this year and wore a band on both wrists. Didn't get bit once! :D

I live in Wisconsin, USA, and near water so I know what you are talking about!!
We go camping too and if one get's in the tent at night!!!! you never sleep!

Thank you for your great story!!! You made me smile reading it as I was right there with you as they ARE

fucking terrors.

and Mexico sounds much nicer! :D

Thank you for reading and commenting on my post!

Oh yes, that one annoying mosquito will drive you mad! nice job with that prompt!

Thank you!! :D
Hubby was having a bad day which in turns means I was so it's a bit about him and mosquito's loll

Aww I hope he is doing much better today!

terrible sound ! the only thing that will drive me out of my bed, to go on the hunt ... :-)

I SO agree!

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Wonderful go at the theme for today's freewrite! I did one today too and it was harder than I thought. Great job on the poem! I like the rhythm to it :)

Thank you!!

I'm so happy you liked it!

You just lifted those nights into my memory in my family's summer cottage when there was always appearing more mosquitos out of nowhere (they might have come from the chimney). It was so triggering to wake up in the middle of a night to the buzzing of a dozen mosquitos in front of a window behind a curtain. It's mind boggling you can hear them 3 meters away at night when it's silent!


They will drive you nuts! and just when you think they have gone and you are almost asleep..........they come back! LOL

I think that a joke of God is a perfect definition @snook !

I think so too loll

Thanks for reading!! :D

Dang mosquitos!!! Size doesn't matter! lol

hehehe I giggled there too after I wrote that :D

you are pulling all kinds of things out of my head!

Thank YOU for that!

Nice post upvote me and comment pls also upvote u @ksrinu445

I'm borrowing this comment to you @ksrinu445 from @mariannewest

This is the completely wrong way to go about things here on Steemit. do not ask for follows or upvotes or anything like that! Ever! People are going to flag you and that is not a good thing.
Make very good posts and lots of good comments on other people's post - comments which show that you read the article....
Good luck to you

You tell 'em, snook! ;)

Of course, people do need telling, don't they? Unfortunately. :rolleyes:

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