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RE: Five minute free write - Atlas

in #freewrite6 years ago

I think they will just watch and let nature takes its course? I think they walk among us and show what must be done but we turn our eyes away and close our hearts and minds.


I think we should stop trying to open our hearts and minds to gods and instead focus that energy and doing that with our fellow mankind. Gods have always served us in ways to explain the universe and our existence, but in the age of science we must find our own reasons to do the things we do and stop leaning on the things that got us through our species childhood but now don't really fit in the puzzle that is our existence. But, that's just me. :)

You have point there. The gods gave us something as a basis or something but it is up to us to discover more about those things. Whether we believe is as it is or it is up to us prove or disprove and believe what we want to believe.

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