Day 53: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: salty air

in #freewrite7 years ago


Every day, I am inviting you to visit one and leave some comments and votes. Today, please visit @improv and enter his 2 contests - but give him some love too 😃

Prompt: salty air

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.*

If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Contests run by freewriters

You have a couple more days to participate in this contest by our fellow freewriter @jeezzle click here for more info

From @improv: "and you've mentioned it once before, but I'll reiterate it, everyone come participate in #hahahabanero! I promise, if anyone sends me a link to their video, I'll upvote it! (as long as it's not something so wildly offensive that I can't... "

Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90!

Also, I would love it if you all check out each others #freewrite and spread some love :)

@ackhoo @ahmadmanga @ana-maria @arbitrarykitten @alvinauh @alxgraham @annhoyblog
@bashadow @bloghound @brisby @byn @btcnoodle
@chuazm @citizenzero @creationofcare @cecicastor @cikxaijen @celestal
@deaconlee @deemarshall @dennisauburn @dmcamera
@ecoinstant @elizacheng @ellievallie @eggstraordinair
@f3nix @fitinfun @fishyculture
@improv @iyanpol12 @imcesca
@janine-ariane @jayna @jewels3 @jie28 @jjwriter85 @jkiw @johnwjr7
@littlenewthings @littlescribe
@marcoriccardi @marillaanne @melinda010100 @miniature-tiger @mydivathings @maverickinvictus @molovelly @mrslauren
@nathanthewise @navaneeth
@omra-sky @old-guy-photos
@rainbowme @raj808 @rok-sivante @rensoul17 @racemlaadhar
@shanibeer @sharoonyasir @simgirl @snook @stinawog @sayee
@tezmel @themerrylotus @theprettysoul @thereikiforest @topkpop @tpkidkai @tegoshei @tattoodjay
@wandrnrose7 @whatilearned @whatisnew @wildwoman


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

The Dude

My first Upload to Soundcloud - Podcast about the Blockchain

Weekend Freewrite December 9, 2017

Too Many Sweets

Claudia In Milano, Italy

A Photo Story - bahbahra told us to smell the flowers

A Typical Weekday Prompt

Sad - A poem

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

Joel Salatin - Interview and Blog Post

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.




Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here


Here's mine using the most dangerous writing app.

Haven't been writing the 5 minutes freewrite challenge for some time now. Got this prompt - salty air.
Well the first thing pop into my mind is seaside... Yup the sea breeze... Which is exactly the salty air...
And we just came back from Kuantan. We stayed at the Swiss Garden Resort which is by the beach. My girls went to play by the beach.
And tomorrow we will have another holiday to Langkawi which is another island with beaches. So more salty air for me. So this prompt feels like it is meant for me... And all those who stay nearby the beach and those who recently had a beach holiday and those who will be enjoying your beach holiday soon.
Christmas is just around the corner, so I hereby wish everyone an early Merry Christmas.
And to all Steemian, Christmas indeed comes early this year with the growing SBD and STEEM! Let's have them grow higher and higher! Let's have a great ending to 2017! And start 2018 with a BOOM!

I knew I had to do it first or after, I had to dip my toe on this frozen water of the most dangerous writing app's my bullsh*t (have mercy, consider I'm not mother tongue and please forget soon this thing :-P)

I remember a book I loved a lot, it was from Salinger and talking about a kid which should have been actually the buddha, the enlightened. Salty water, he was looking from the fence of a boat and smiling..everything peceful and without time, everything and sea together, one only thing. I would like to eel this salty breeze on my lips, mix it with your smell and take your hand walking till the horizon. I would like many things but it's just up to me If I dont have them. I am my own limitation and everything is possible if we decide that it's possible I don't know..Why I am always so frustrated about our own barriers. I think I would like to be like that enlightened kid, reaching the moastry to be elected the new reincarnation of the buddha, would I like it really? For sure nothing prevents us from escaping to nepal after having withdrawn all our money. Maybe our life would be better after an experience like that. Where is the sense of adventure that made the chicken go out from the aisle? That made us to raise our eyes to the stars

I am my own limitation and everything is possible if we decide that it's possible

so true! @f3nix and no, this is not as polished as your posted ones BUT I love that you didn't have time to overthink anything and what was written was just raw emotion!
Bravo! for being brave enough to post it here!!

Thank you dear @snook a way i don't like so much to show my "naked" thoughts, im not sure I'm going to repeat it or maybe I may switch it in silly-toughts mode know.. :-)

I DO, very much so! why I loved that you were brave enough to post it!! @f3nix

Now when are you winning a billion $$$ so we all get that vacation? 😇

Last time I checked my cryptos at most I can offer you a good pizza .. for now :-P but let's give time to time!

Absolutely love it! and I know that I don't want to be a buddha - maybe have more tranquil moments like that - but life is way too interesting. And the trick is to let go of the irons keeping us locked up and jump into the freedom. When I get there, if ever, I'll let you know how that adventure turned out....

In fact Marianne in the meantime I was writing it, I was already doubting about it (the buddha part). Thank you so much for your advice.. I feel that we can learn a couple of good things from eastern philosophy but tasting life with passion remains always the best way :-)

But that is what I love about the freewrites - at least the ones which are flowing for me - sometimes, we explore thoughts, directions and write it down and know that it is not really what we want!! For me, that is huge. I always see so many possibilities and then think I SHOULD do something - and not really get in touch if I want to do it.

Exploring is the right word..we wander inside ourselves and sometimes we are even capable to challenge the structures that blur our true spirit. To understand what we really want is not something easy I guess...

OK I decided to share with you my free write for todays prompt since I already have my posts for today prepared and dont have any photos to go with my waffling words to make a post to share so will share here as I think you said was one to do

Freewrite Salty Air

Ohh the sweet sell of the Salty air as one walks along a sandy beach, the fresh salty breeze blowing into your hair and face is so refreshing and revitalizing.

I for so many years during my traveling days lived far from the ocean and missed it so much.
So when I discovered the City I know live n on the coast of Connecticut it was a simple decision o move there and be within minutes of many beaches.

Even In winter I try to visit the Beach at least once a week, the fresh Salty air to me feels like an elixir and makes one feel so much better even if becaus of the cold its a very brief visit

Some say also that the Ionizing effect of walking barefoot on the sand is very beneficial health wise and I used to walk barefoot on the beach all the time,

Now it has me wondering why I seldom walk barefoot on the beach anymore, perhaps it's just habit with for so many years not being near the water, next summer I must make a real effort to spend time walking the beaches barefoot and getting the max benefits from my time by the water.

Looks up and have a minute to spare and wondering where i go to from here, anyone who has followed me on Steemit or other sites for a while will know how much I love being by the shore and breathing in the Salty air while taking photos on the beach as I share so many posts with sea shots, probably so many people get sick of seeing them

And the time is up which mercifully for you Kamran’s there is no more to read ;)

Thanks for these prompts they are helping me to open up my writing a little and will help with time to improve my regular posts I do believe

yeahhhhhhhhhh :D you tried again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm So proud of you!! and I loved that you shared a part of yourself with all of us too!!

Great Job! :D

I have been doing them most days since my first one a few days back but had been keeping them to myself
Decided to share this one here today not quite sure why 😂

Good post @tattoodjay ! I wish I wasn't in this foggy winter and be instead in that beach you portraied so well with your free thoughts

Thanks Kindly,
Writing is somehting I am not comfortable with but working on improving on here;)

The best place for a booster to your creativity and writing skills believe me ;-)

For sure for sure

thank you so much for sharing this!! You know, I was thinking too that I haven't been walking barefoot on the beach for a long time - or even have gone to the beach. I kind of decided during my freewrite that I need to do that!! And yours gave me another push towards selfcare!! yay!! Thank you for that!

I did enjoy this Free write a lot actually, and am now missing being able to walk barefoot as its too cold but come next spring I will be ;)

Welcome!! We love that you are playing with us!!

Here is my first freewrite post. Those were some 5 hard minutes!
Somebody please let me know if you actually read it. ;-)

Welcome and congrats for your first sparkle of freewritian creativity! You will soon understand that this sh*t is highly addictive ;-)

Thanks so much f3. I don't know about addictive. I am addicted to my guitar much more than I am addicted to this computer.

Ecco molto meglio così ;-)

here is mine for today :D

@f3nix and @Byn are rubbing off on me I think LOLLL!

Buahaha..join the dark siiideeee @snook :-P

😜 HA! :D but I'm missing the bunnies so I have a feeling they will return soon! or I hope they do!! Hoping I don't have to wait until Hubby goes back to work for them to show up!😇

Salty Air... as you might imagine, that took me back to one of my favorite 'living on the boat' memories!

Also, I keep meaning to ask. Why is it that we shouldn't vote for a while if we're under 90%? I try to pay attention, but I was wondering what I'm missing as to the 'why' of that.

I really should make a post on this - and will.

Basically, with each vote, you lose some of your voting power ~ 2%. It takes about 2 + hours to get back up to 100%. If you vote 10 times, your voting power is at 80% and it takes 24 hours to get back up to 100%.

Every time you lose voting power, your vote is worth less - even though you are voting at 100%. That means that you give less to the person you are voting for and also get less in curation rewards. Especially if you don't have much steempower, if your voting power gets too low - your vote doesn't benefit you much. If you go to you can see what is going on with your account :) And if you are below 500 steempower, by default, all your votes are 100% votes.

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