30 Days of Indonesia #28 // Bubur Madura

in #food6 years ago

Hi friends,

Thanks to the lovely weather we have for the past 2 weeks, yes I am thankful for the greens and no bushfires, but I am sick now 🤣 Cold misserable days we are having, so I started sneezing continuously yesterday, and successfully passed out with Nyquil last night. Now I have sore throat, sore neck, sore whatever. Wowzer! 🤧🤒🤧🤒

I planned to catch up for my 30 Days of Indonesia series, but I don't think I can. I have to prepare for Eid celebration instead, which means cookies baking, menu planning, etc. Not to mention my husband is flying out to Nashville in a few days ☹

But anyways, our long weekends were pretty good despite the weather! I will be sharing some pics later.

For now I have a dessert that is known as Bubur Madura. My Mama calls it as bubur Meduro instead Madura.


This "porridge" dessert consists of various goodies and different people who prepare this dessert, would have different goodies in them.

Here is how I made mine 😊

Jenang Grendul - glutinous balls in syrup

  • 200 g glutinous rice flour
  • 155 ml water
  • 100 g coconut palm sugar
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 L water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 20 g rice flour/tapioka flour/cornstarch, dissolved in a little water

how to

  • bring 1 L water to boil along with coconut palm sugar, sugar, and salt
  • mix glutinous flour with water until pliable, shape into balls. If needed, add a little more water.
  • drop balls in boiling syrup and cook until floating
  • stir tapioka flour water and cook til thickened

Mutiara - sago pearls and sago sticks

  • 1 bag sago pearls
  • 1 bag sago sticks
  • @100 g sugar for each bag
  • generous pinches of salt
  • water for boiling

how to

  • bring enough water to fully boil, drop in sago pearls, do not stir. Cook until thicken, then you can start stirring slowly.
  • add in 100 g sugar and a generius pinch of salt and continue cooking until pearls are see through
  • turn off stove, cover with lid, let cool completely
  • do the same steps as sago sticks

Bubur Sumsum - mung bean flour pudding, pink and chocolate

This is a cheater recipe, quick and simple, because when there is the easier way, why the hassle, right? 🤣

In Indonesia we have this prepackaged mung bean flour called Hunkwee, I used the chocolate and the red.

You can sometime find Hunkwee at Asian stores or online.

Follow the instruction on the packaging.

Santan - coconut milk

  • 2 cans of thick coconut milk
  • 2 screwpine leaf (Pandan), knotted
  • generous pinches of salt

how to

  • bring to boil and set aside to cool

Mix a little bit of everything in a bowl and serve. Yummo 👍👍👍👍


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Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

Karena yang punya dapur gi kena batuk pilek setelah pulang liburan, jadinya susah mau mengisi hari2 yang "hilang" untuk melengkapi #promo-indonesia melalui jajan pasar yang rencana awalnya adalah 29/30 resep, hingga Lebaran tiba 🤧🤒🤧🤒

Malah belum siap2 menu untuk Lebaran, belum bikin kue kering, dan bahkan mau ditinggal suami kerja ke lapangan selama seminggu 😭

Gimana nih Lebaran dah diambang pintu malah teler 😅 Nasib 🤣

Disini dah 2 mingguan euy, hujaaaaaan mulu. Bersukur sih semuanya hijau dan ga ada kebakaran hutan, tapi yah gini deh, sakit jadinya

Kemarin main2 ke luar kota, berharap disana tak hujan, yaaah sami mawon ternyata 🤣 Hujan angin bahkan.

Ya udah deh, untuk sekarang mari kita nikmati saja bubur berikut ini.

Resep dan foto lama sih, kuambil dari blog-ku sendiri, biar setidaknya masih bisa #promo-indonesia, meski mendaur ulang 😁

Tau Bubur Madura kan? Isinya bisa beragam. Kalau punyaku dibawah ini ada jenang grandulnya, bubut sumsum ala hunkwee, pacar cina dan mutiara, serta santan.


jenang grendul

  • 200 g tepung ketan
  • 155 ml air, kalau butu lebih, tambahkan
  • 100 g gula palem
  • 2 sdm gula pasir
  • 1 liter air
  • sejumput garam
  • 20 g tepung beras/tapioka/maizena, larutkan denga sedikit air

cara membuat

  • didihkan air, gula palem, gula pasir, garam
  • campurkan tepung ketan dan air hingga bisa dipulung, bulatkan dan cemplungkan ke sirup yang mendidih
  • masak hingga mengapung
  • tuang larutan tepung tapioka, masak hingga mengental

sumsum Hunkwee

  • 1 bungkus warna merah
  • 1 bungkus rasa coklat

cara membuat

  • masak sesuai resep di bungkus

bubur mutiara/pacar cina

  • masing2 100 g mutiara dan pacar cina
  • masing2 100 g gula pasir
  • garam secukupnya
  • air secukupnya

cara membuat

  • masak secara terpisah yah. Rebus air secukupnya hingga mendidih, masukkan sagu mutiara, masak hingga mengental, jaga diaduk. Ketika sudah mengental baru diaduk dan masukkan gula pasir serta garam. Masak hingga kelihatan bening.


  • 2 kaleng santan siap pakai
  • garam secukupnya
  • 2 helai pandan, ikat

cara membuat

  • rebus dan sisihkan hingga dingin suhu ruangan

Cara menyajikannya, tinggal dicampur-campur. Enaaaak deh 👍

Bagi yang mau unggah foto makanan/minuman sahur dan takjilmu, gunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Dengan senang hati akan aku kunjungi blog-mu dan akan aku upvote tentunya 😊. Siapapun boleh ikutan, baik kamu berpuasa ataupun hanya ingin memeriahkan Steemit nuansa Ramadan 🙏Resteem yah, biar teman lainnya kecipratan rejeki sedikit upvote-an dariku 💓

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Aktif membantu pendatang baru di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

Thanks For Looking!

30 Indonesian Traditional Sweets

Day 1 - Srikaya Roti Pisang - Bread Pudding
Day 2 - Kue Talam Labu Kuning - Pumpkin Cakelettes
Day 3 - Es Kolak Kolang Kaling - Toddy Palm Fruit Ice
Day 4 - Roti Pisang - Banana Cake
Day 5 - Es Pisang Ijo - Green Banana Ice
Day 6 - Es Blewah - Cantaloupe Drink
Day 7 - Dugo Aceh - Glutinous Rice Cake
Day 8 - Pisang Coklat - Sweet 'Spring' Rolls
Day 9 - Kue Pancong - Rice Flour Cakelettes
Day 10 - Kue Kacamata - Unicorn Slice
Day 11 - Kue Mangkok - Chinese Cup Cakes
Day 12 - Es Bengkuang - Jicama Ice
Day 13 - Bubur Candil - Glutinous Balls Dessert
Day 14 - Es Cendol - Worm Jelly Ice
Day 15 - Serabi Kuah - Pancake with Sauce
Day 16 - Klappertaart - Coconut Tart
Day 17 - Kue Pepare - Bittergourd Cakelettes
Day 18 - Wadai Kararaban - Steamed Palm Sugar Cake
Day 19 - Wedang Ronde - Glutinous Balls in Ginger Syrup
Day 20 - Tahwa - Soybean Curd Pudding
Day 21 - Bolu Sakura - Caramel Sponge Cake
Day 22 - Pai Susu - Milk Pie
Day 23 - Putu Ayu - Pandanus Sponge Cake
Day 24 - Wingko - Coconut Cake

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howdy @thekitchenfairy!! what the Samhill kind of dessert is THAT!
never seen nothin like it but is sure is colorful! ok I'll try it lol! as long as it's fattening! get rest so you can recover!

the food looks good 👍 enjoy and have a nice day!

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Buburnya lengkap dan kelihatannya enak 😋😊

dilihat saja sudah nikmat, apa lagi jika dimakan...,

Wah dah musim penghujan ya? Di Semarang lagi hot-hotnya nih tiap malam AC harus nyala.
Oh bubur madura isinya aneka jenang ya

wih enak ni kayaknya mbak @thekitchenfairy

Bubur madura makanan faforit saya.

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