30 Days of Indonesia #16 // Klappertaart

in #food6 years ago

Hi friends,

Hope this finds you well and yeeesss it's TGIF!! Woo-hoo 💃💃💃💃

I spent the better half of my day at my son's school this morning to arvo, so only now I could update my 30 Days of Indonesia series, and to post what traditional sweet I had last night, for Day 16 of Ramadhan fasting month.

What I have here is a famous dessert from Sulawesi, called Klappertaart. It is basically coconut tart and it is a very delish Dutch-influenced dessert.

It is so easy to make and whether you serve it warm or chilled, what custard-like dessert isn't good, am I right? Well, unless you dislike custard, that is 🤣

Here is how I made this delightful coconut tart, which half of it was gone by my 8 yo alone 😮



  • 1 bag frozen young coconut meat (454 g), thawed
  • 150 ml nut milk
  • 100 ml coconut water
  • 3 tbsp each of sugar, all purpose flour, cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp vegan margarine


  • raisins, as needed
  • slivered almond, as needed
  • 1/4 tsp each cinnamon powder and Dutch cocoa powder

how to

  • preheat oven to 350 F
  • in a pot, mix milk, water, flours, sugar, then bring to boil in medium heat, stirring continuously to thicken, then stir in margarine



  • stir in coconut
  • pour mixture into an aluminum foil lined pan, give some raisins and almonds



  • bake for 20 mins, let cool
  • sprinkle with cinnamon+cocoa mixture before serving


Enjoy 😋😋😋😋

NOTE: to see previous days on this series, scroll down after the Indonesian translation

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Ssiiik aaasiiikkk, hari Jum'at, besok libur akhir pekan, woo-hoo 💃

Kemarin aku buat klappertart dan eng ing eeeennng. Anakki yang sulung hampir menghabiskan seluruhnya 🤣 Nyaris dia lupa kalau mak-nya kelaparan 🤣

Klappertart-ku agak berbeda dari yang di Indonesia, karena seperti biasa, aku tidak menggunakan telur maupun produk hewani lainnya dalam masakanku. Tapi dijamin enak kok, yuk dicoba 🤗



  • 1 bungkus kelapa muda beku, dalam suhu ruangan, tiriskan
  • 150 ml susu cair (seperti kedelai misalnya)
  • 100 ml air kelapa
  • @ 3 sdm gula pasir, terigu, maizena
  • 1 sdm margarin
  • kismis secukupnya, almond secukupnya
  • 1/4 sdt kayu manis bubuk dicampur dengan 1/4 sdt coklat bubuk

cara membuat

  • panaskan oven pada 350 F
  • campur susu, air kelapa, gula, terigu, maizena hingga rata, didihkan pada aoi sedang hingga mengental
  • masukkan margarin, aduk
  • masukkan kelapa, aduk
  • tuang pada loyang, beri taburan kismis dan kacang almond
  • panggang 20 menit
  • biarkan dingin, taburi kayu manis dan coklat bubuk

Bagi yang mau unggah foto makanan/minuman sahur dan takjilmu, gunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Dengan senang hati akan aku kunjungi blog-mu dan akan aku upvote tentunya 😊. Siapapun boleh ikutan, baik kamu berpuasa ataupun hanya ingin memeriahkan Steemit nuansa Ramadan 🙏Resteem yah, biar teman lainnya kecipratan rejeki sedikit upvote-an dariku ❤

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Thanks For Looking!

30 Indonesian Traditional Sweets

Day 1 - Srikaya Roti Pisang - Bread Pudding
Day 2 - Kue Talam Labu Kuning - Pumpkin Cakelettes
Day 3 - Es Kolak Kolang Kaling - Toddy Palm Fruit Ice
Day 4 - Roti Pisang - Banana Cake
Day 5 - Es Pisang Ijo - Green Banana Ice
Day 6 - Es Blewah - Cantaloupe Drink
Day 7 - Dugo Aceh - Glutinous Rice Cake
Day 8 - Pisang Coklat - Sweet 'Spring' Rolls
Day 9 - Kue Pancong - Rice Flour Cakelettes
Day 10 - Kue Kacamata - Unicorn Slice
Day 11 - Kue Mangkok - Chinese Cup Cakes
Day 12 - Es Bengkuang - Jicama Ice
Day 13 - Bubur Candil - Glutinous Balls Dessert
Day 14 - Es Cendol - Worm Jelly Ice
Day 15 - Serabi Kuah - Pancake with Sauce

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howdy up there @thekitchenfairy! lol you are wonderful. what is an arvo? you know what? I don't think I've ever seen you make something, besides cake, that I knew what it was! don't get me wrong, I'll eat it all if you make it I'm just sayin it's amazing. what do you do when your vote power gets so low that it doesn't even give one penny? that's where mine is right now so I am charging it up, is that what you'd do or what do you do about that?

Power up!

Buy some steem, power up, so you wont really have bandwith problem, the same as voting power. If you have low sp, voting excessively will for sure make your vp drained.

Incredible, after I read beberpa your writing, may All Food from Indonesia to its front will feel Canada, success is always for you

Sering denger nama kue klappertaart, tapi blm pernah makan & blm ada yg jual di pedagang kaki lima & kalo bikin takut gagal , jd pengen cicipin klappertaart buatan mbak @thekitchenfairy 😋😁

Wahh enak nih ka,,aku mo bikin klappertart ga pernah jadi..jadi pengen bikin nih..

Oh this looks nice!
When I saw the name 'klappertaart' I already knew it was something Dutch, but I never heard of it tho, but it surely looks delicious ^^

Its not really Dutch, the idea of making a pudding like the Dutch, that's how it's Dutch influenced. The local did not have custard pudding in old days, they saw the Dutch eat pudding, so they started making their own pudding.

Oh I didn't mean to say it was Dutch, but Dutch influenced hehe, didn't wrote it that correctly xd
Oh I see! But this version looks a lot better than the simple Dutch version tho ^^

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