Restaurant Review : EU : NL - Dutch

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Every month, my friends and I go to this hotel in Amsterdam to play the game . Every month, someone gets a chance to speak and market or share about something they are an expert of. My husband once had a chance to talk about micro economy so we went there earlier and decided to have lunch.

We headed to the resto which looks pretty cozy and sat on one of the lovely couches near the glass wall adjacent to where we play. It was the first time we ate there though every time we play, we would order drinks and coffee. You can't really eat, drink and play as you need to think and decide on deals quickly so this was our first time to eat there.

I ordered chicken salad and hub had an "Uitsmijter", It's the Dutch version of Toast with cheese and three eggs, yes that's a lot of protein so I agreed to eat 1 so hub won't age faster. We asked for an extra plate so we could share both. Yes, it's possible to do that everywhere here - it's a normal thing to do in NL.

We were served our drinks first. Hub had tea and I asked for a latte macchiato (which you probably have already guessed). The Uitsmijter were served first, famished we dug in and I forgot to take a picture of it because I was so concentrated on eating. I only thought of it after adding a bit of pepper on the toast - which made me notice that they are using Himalayan salt - I like that part a lot - it's a healthier option. Ask @kiwideb why - and don't forget to greet her a belated Happy Birthday, it was yesterday huh .

A few minutes after we finished it, I asked the waiter about the salad and it turned out - someone must have forgotten about it so he went to the kitchen to follow it up. It came in what almost look like wok pan - this much. Hub and I looked at each other and blurted out the same thing - how are we going to finish this? There's two more bread and that's a lot of greens. I ordered another tea as coffee was just meant to perk me up.

After a lot of chewing, we finally stopped - we're full, it's time to step on the eating breaks. We never over eat it's bad for your spleen and pancreas - ask @thecryptofiend am not the doctor here. As for the overall experience - oh well, what can I say ..

  • Ambiance : Superb

  • Food Quality : Satisfactory

  • Price Quality : Superb - it's a hotel and it's in Amsterdam yet not very pricey - we paid less than 30 euro

  • Service Quality : Wowza

  • Toilet : Superb - they have everything on auto set up. The ladies room's door works on censor - so do the soap dispenser, hand towel, flush, sanitary trash can(with fumes yes I've checked it out) and the faucet. I love what it looks like, too. Yes, it's very much well kept - smells good and ultra hygienic.

Now you know why we all keep coming back here?

I left a clue somewhere .. can you try guessing the name of the hotel?

I took each pic with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Here you can find my other reviews, travel/weekends out and culture and traditions related articles.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .




Oh well thankyou for posting this Ivy, now I have to find me something to eat. Hahaha. ;-)

Nah, will dive into the fridge for a quick snack and then off to bed @englishtchrivy.

Would love an Uitsmijter, tomorrow. :-)

@oaldamster but but it's midnight .... diabetesssss
slaap lekker en Hip hip hoorah!
wanneer dat maar is!

Hahaha, too late, and now I hit the sack, sleep well.

Thought I told you when the 'hip hip huray, bam, instant wisdom' day was.
But every time I have a nice time with good friends it is a celebration of being born to be alive.

Zzzzzzzz, going for the steps upstairs. Bye bye!

Goodmorning @englishtchrivy.

Me and my tummy are best of friends. :-)
But the munchies come when I stay up too long.

It was a nice review @englishtchrivy See you.

@bontonstory sorry to reply late this was buried on my reply page
just saw it now when I click the whole blog page

Thank you for finding me @englishtchrivy :) See you!

Beautiful place and beautiful post !!!

thank you !!!

/ hugz :)

Greg ;)

@crok keep posting Greg!
Thank you!

i like doing these CSI question.
answer- Van der Valk Hotel Oostzaan-Amsterdam.

Thanks . It was fun doing this kind of search especially you are not frem the neighborhood

Wow.. thanks again. Didn't realise there's a prize for this.

WOW? 30 Euro in Amsterdam for an hotel? Must be winter price, but still very low! Which one it is? Well, it must be the one @ace108 mentioned already, Oostzaan-Amsterdam. The other close to Schiphol is not so much Amsterdam anymore :) Nice clue BTW

@edje yes - not cause its winter, dinner is costly but lunch isn't. Ace aced which one it is :)
hey, ik zag u in de chat .. leuk!

Correct Ace won the Race hahaha maybe another Race for Ace :)

I have my moments :)

Ace must love this one

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