Latest index into my "Ragnarok Conspiracy" posts. First 41 chapters (out of 43)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


This post is the latest index into my ongoing work on my first novel: Ragnarok Conspiracy

I hope the below index is helpful for those of you new to my fiction and those who might have missed one or more of the chapters I've posted before.

Ragnarok Conspiracy is a near future post-cryptocalyptical mythpunk story inspired by current day crypto and quantum computing developments and by Norse mythology.

I am currently working on the fifth and final section of this story. After completing the last chapters and processing beta-reader input, I plan to make one final draft of the story and power down to pay for professional editing.

(If you happen to be a professional editor with a steemit pressence, please drop me a comment if you think this story is something you could work with. I'm very much open to paying in steem for editing services).(

The final version of the story shall be re-posted (at declined-payout of cause) as exclusive high-quality steemit content. Six months after the last chapter re-post I plan to self-publish the story as FREE e-book on Play,Scribd,B&N,Kobo and iBooks (No, no Amazon, I have my reasons).

Part One: Beginnings
In this part of the story we fast forward through almost a decade (2027 .. 2036) of history and we meet most of the main players in the story. We witness what a cryptocalypse does to a world held together by secret conspiracies through the eyes of eight different characters from around the world.

  1. Dakila
  2. John
  3. Gwen
  4. Bjarne
  5. Rachella
  6. Pete
  7. Wietse
  8. Xavier

Part Two: Consequences
In part two of the story, that takes place half a decade (2042 .. 2043) after the end of the events we witnessed in part one. We revisit a number of the characters we met in part one and see how the copyright wars and the changed political landscape has affected their lives.

  1. Gwen
  2. Dakila
  3. John
  4. Pete
  5. Bjarne
  6. Wietse

Part Three: Robert
In this part of the story, again almost half a decade since part two, the lives of the separate characters in the story. The story continues to speed up as this part of the story spans only 6 months (March 2047 .. September 2047). A minor character from part two takes center stage and makes a shocking discovery of a terrifying secret, with ancient origins. A discovery that sets of events that end up interweaving the lives of all of our characters while our center stage character keeps running from one danger to the next.

  1. Carnage
  2. Soviets
  3. Debrisphere
  4. Roughnecks
  5. Fiat 500
  6. Lecture
  7. Caverns
  8. Cipher
  9. Confrontation

Part Four: Midgard
In part four of the story, an not-quite-alien abduction gone bad keeps escalating while quantum entanglement morphs into magic realism. The story picks up pace once more as events in this part take up a mere 3 days.

  1. Tables Turning
  2. Sleipnir
  3. Captured
  4. Reset
  5. Weaponized
  6. Air
  7. Coordinates
  8. Foreign Dreams
  9. Forgotten

Part Four: Midgard
In part four of the story, an not-quite-alien abduction gone bad keeps escalating while quantum entanglement morphs into magic realism. The story picks up pace once more as events in this part take up a mere 3 days.

  1. Tables Turning
  2. Sleipnir
  3. Captured
  4. Reset
  5. Weaponized
  6. Air
  7. Coordinates
  8. Foreign Dreams
  9. Forgotten

Part Five: Nilfheim
In this fifth and final part of the story, the ancient threat reveals itself, showing that much of Norse mythology wasn't a myth at all. The world, but most of all our characters, get plunged into an epic battle for the freedom of not just our world but that of the whole Virgo Supercluster.

  1. Perseus-Pisces
  2. Holocene Past
  3. Jötnar
  4. Flushed
  5. G-Foil
  6. New Allies
  7. Old Enemies
  8. Whack-a-mole
  9. Antifragile
  10. Aesir
  11. Cold Start

Cover art by Keith Draws also available as FREE e-book on most of the below channels.

If you enjoy this (rough and unedited, work in progress) story, you might also be interested in my novelette sized (final edited versions, short but dense) stories Orussian Quarantine and Ethereal Pixie-Rings Of Mercy (EPROM) .


Hi @pibara from @super-grand-ad

I, on Facebook have a 4000+ Friends Followers Fans Subscribers
And I do FREE SHOUTS on my Timeline and my twitter page

And I have chosen you for the FREE SHOUT
I will free shout a link to this Post Page

Have a good day from @super-grand-ad

There will be more bungholes after me!

Hi @pibara from @super-grand-ad

I, on Facebook have a 4000+ Friends Followers Fans Subscribers
And I do FREE SHOUTS on my Timeline and my twitter page

And I have chosen you for the FREE SHOUT
I will free shout a link to this Post Page

Have a good day from @super-grand-ad

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