Update, Month 9: Safely Home and "Working" on the "Next Chapter"

in #blog6 years ago

Continuing to blog on all the fascinating aspects of my experience on our Steem blockchain, here is my ninth monthly update.

Since posting my introduction on 14 May 2019, these updates represent my "log" of sorts, giving my readers a monthly window into my "journey" through the Steemisphere - a new "virtual world" based on the creation of our Steem blockchain.

For those following these monthly updates, you'll note I have jumped from Month 7 to 9. Month 7 was a bit late, then I was "out on the road" for over a month, so I just skipped Month 8 and am now back on track for publishing these more or less on the 1st of each month.

So ... "What are you doing 'in there' @roleerob and how is it going?"

Status or "Executive Summary"

To begin, here is a brief overview to answer the "how is it going" question we should probably be "checking in" with ourselves and answering, from time to time.



There is an old saying, "numbers don't lie." Yes, well, there is also an old joke about the executive asking the accountant, "what do the numbers say about how we're doing?" to which the accountant replied, "what do you want them to say?" ... 😉

Required to issue a monthly report for most of my career, with numbers to quantify progress, here are a few:

To date on my Steem "journey," these numbers are the most important. The first three quantify our influence on adding value to the Steem blockchain. And the second two, the actual work we are putting in to add value ourselves. Given all of our rich diversity, I trust we all have one focused objective in common - adding value to the Steem blockchain.

We want the value to go up!

How is that working for us? Well, you see here the market numbers, i.e. the "bottom line" of how our investment is doing. Basically, while SBD is up nicely and close to being restored to its $1 USD "set point," STEEM is a "wash."

Maybe next month!

Source: Tim Cliff Post - SBD Explained


Safely Home "Working" on the "Next Chapter"

Working? What?! I thought you were retired @roleerob?

Well ... Not quite. I retired from my previous employer, as per their policy, etc. In my "road to recovery" trip, to make decisions about the "next chapter," I made one very important decision. That is, I am going back to work. While we might be okay financially, it would be better for us, if I keep working for awhile yet.

Far more important that the finances is keeping productive and engaged. In the real world. I am sure the day will come when I simply couldn't really work, even if I still wanted to, but that day is not now. It is off in the future somewhere ...

Now ... There is just the small matter of what I am going to do. Stay tuned! 😊


Engagement "Formula"

A steady work-in-progress, is attempting to maintain the following "rhythm" in the investment of my time:

  1. Engaging "down" with all of the many great Steemians steadily adding value and working hard, who have a smaller stake and doing what I can to encourage them.

  2. Engaging "up" and adding value, as much as I can manage, to the posts of those who may chose to ... uhhh ... increase my "influence" ... 😉 ... to help those in #1 ...

  3. Adding value by writing my own posts, so #1 and #2 have some idea of why they would want to hopefully "engage" with me ...

I don't have my stopwatch out or anything. I just try to be mindful of switching from one to the other. Part of the "flow," as I have written about elsewhere, is naturally regulated by your decline in voting power.

Awards and Accomplishments

In this section of my monthly update, I highlight anything which stood out to me in the way of an award or accomplishment. As much as anything, it's for my reference, when I look back over time and ask myself,

"Are you really accomplishing anything meaningful 'in there' @roleerob?" So ... Let's see about this past month ...


Published my "Road to Recovery" Travelogue Series

Beginning with my Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip post through to my Recap of "@roleerob's excellent adventure!" In winter ... post, I wrote 28 posts in a little over 5 weeks. "Ho hum, big deal" for a prodigious writer like @tarazkp, but far and away the most posts I have written in that short a time span, including my new record of posting 15 days in a row!

Blessed with this wonderful opportunity to both relive and create lifetime memories, I made the most of it. These posts are an important part of both capturing and preserving these memories. Others seemed to enjoy them as well, as I collected the following awards on these 28 posts:

These awards represent the most recognition and support for anything I have written for the Steem blockchain to date. Nice while it lasted. Safely back home in my "comfy chair" ... 😉 ... I will have to find something else to write about ...


Supporting Steemians via Comment Upvotes

@abh12345 is well known for some of his statistical posts. Recently, he made another great contribution to our Steem community by offering to show us what our voting counts and weights had been over the last 30 days - split out by whether they had been applied to posts or comments.

In the engagement between @abh12345 and I, on my request for the results on my account, I said this:

"I make a very intentional effort to vote on comments, for a very simple reason. Seems like it should reinforce the desire to create more of them!"

But ... I really had absolutely no idea about how well that was going ... "Lights on" please!

Source: @abh123345's Post on Vote Count / Weights

Well, I was pleasantly surprised by the results, as shown above. As well as encouraged by the suggestion of @abh12345 that I not change anything. Okay, sir, I'll get right on that ... 😉

👍 A big shout out to @abh12345 for all that he does to add value to our Steem blockchain! 👍


Publishing my Steemisphere Posts

Until further notice, these posts are what I consider to be my greatest accomplishment in contributing to the Steem blockchain. Why?

Here is what I said in my introductory comments:

”You are reading what I would like to have been quickly introduced to, when I was where you are right now.”

I wanted to help others avoid what I had been through, as much as possible.

Designed to be complimentary to each other, here are the two posts created:

  1. Welcome to the Steemisphere! Getting Off to a "Flying Start," Version 1.0 – Covers the full spectrum of what a new Steemian needs to know to get off to a “flying start.”
  2. User's Guide to the Steemisphere, Version 1.0 – Covers the recommended apps and tools a new Steemian needs as they begin to engage with our Steem blockchain.

dandesign86 Artwork

Source: Steem Artwork contributed by talented Steemian @dandesign86!


Those are the highlights of my main contributions to adding value to the Steem blockchain over this last month.

What about the contributions of others? I cover that next ...

Monthly Highlights

Beginning with my first monthly update post, in this section I was inspired to try to capture "the good, the bad, and the ugly" every month. Specifically focused on my interactions with others on this "social network."

So ... What do we have this month:


👍 👍 Two Thumbs Up 👍 👍

Working with ”systems,” as well as managing the work of others, for much of my career, I have always emphasized ”people” over ”process” believing that is the right priority. From a lot of experience, I know the best systems are greatly diminished, if not ”manned” by competent, engaged people. A great team will always solve the problem of less-than-ideal systems. I have never experienced the reverse to be true ...

This section, then, will always be about the people I “meet” in our Community. Specifically, those who have had the greatest impact on my "journey."


In my two thumbs down 👎 👎 section in my last monthly update, I sadly had to report that Ned was reportedly powering down his stake and moving it. For safety ... 😞 You will find the details in that post.

I am happy to report that this has now been stopped. I am not the best source for the details, but I believe @aggroed played a key role in bringing this about. As part of what came out of this mess, there is a new initiative to improve the Steem blockchain, which appears to have at least some support from Ned.

Again, I am not the best source for details. I would encourage you to check the new account - @steemalliance - associated with this initiative and their latest post.


The usual recognition of specific individuals and communities found in my normal monthly update, was covered this month in my Gratitude and Paying It Forward post. I gave a total of 82 SBI shares to 4 community and 9 individual accounts. You may want to read that post for the details.

While not totally decided, in the future I am likely to continue giving away SBI shares to those I highlight. To do my small part for their encouragement ...


👍 One Thumb Up 👍

I have written extensively in past monthly updates, about my disgust with some of the "flag wars" that are going on. Well, they are still going on, the last I knew ...

But, it appears @theycallmedan has created a new account - @curatorhulk - with the stated objective of taking steps to help the situation. Here you will find The Curator Hulk's introductory post and here you will find The Curator Hulk's post in which any abused Steemians may leave a comment for his follow-up.

  • Note: While my primary focus is stopping the devaluing of our Steem blockchain through flag wars, @curatorhulk is also doing some curating, in his spare time. 👍 When he is not out "smashing" ...

That is the end of the good news. For now at least. My related section below sadly is a counter to this one. For the record, I would love to be proven wrong ...

dandesign86 Artwork

Source: Steem Artwork contributed by talented Steemian @dandesign86!


👎 One Thumb Down 👎

Ever on the lookout for encouraging news about the future of our investment in the Steem blockchain, I cannot turn a blind eye to news which is not.

As referred to above, I was awarded the 2nd and 3rd Curie curation awards of my time on the Steem blockchain for some of my "Road to Recovery" Travelogue posts. The first one was very memorable, as detailed in my True Story: Encouragement on our Steem Blockchain post.

It resulted in the largest single upvote I have ever received. From @hendrikdegrote. His upvotes have historically been linked to Curie curation awards and are part of the reason they are so cherished on the Steem blockchain.

The two upvotes received from @hendrikdegrote linked to winning these latest Curie awards were nothing like what I had received before. I am fine with whatever someone wants to upvote, but what caught my eye were the %s with the $$. On investigating, I learned @hendrikdegrote has a massive powerdown currently underway. 😞

To underscore the importance of this to me, for those who are unaware of this account, this is very far from an ordinary Steemian. This account currently holds approximately 1.7 million STEEM or SP. And it appears it is on its way out of the Steem blockchain.

Not good news on the surface. If anyone has some reasonable explanation for this, I would welcome whatever can be publicly shared. My concern is wondering what someone with this size of stake is seeing that has caused them to take this step.

Read on for one possible answer ...


👎 👎 Two Thumbs Down 👎 👎

While I have dutifully listed a potential positive in the creation of the @curatorhulk account, I sadly have more to say ...

From the moment I decided to "jump in" and begin my "journey" on the Steem blockchain, downvoting individual accounts for no good cause has really bothered me. In some cases, into oblivion ... I am not going to cover what I have written in the past, as I have grudgingly acknowledged there is probably a place for downvoting - if used sparingly and judiciously.

My focus in this post is on the use of it in "flag wars" which are completely and totally destructive - a "war" of attrition where there are no winners. Only losers. The only question is the extent of the losses ...

To get an idea of what I am talking about, if you have the time to waste and the constitution to stomach the garbage, in the section just above I have provided you links to posts written by @curatorhulk. Read as much as you can handle in the comments section, then you can come back to finish what I have to say here. Or you can simply take a quick look at the following excerpts ...

Source: @curatorhulk Post #1

Source: @curatorhulk Post #2

In its infancy, blockchain technology has fascinated a lot of people with its potential to fundamentally alter a lot of the way the world works today. It is potentially that powerful. As part of the attraction, many people understandably react very favorably and enthusiastically to a technology that promises freedom from the "shackles" of traditional authority structures.

How is that working for us "in here?" I could write a whole post in response ...

For this post, suffice it to say we have a long way to go in resolving matters like this one successfully. While @llfarms should be acknowledged for her valiant effort at peacekeeping, the last I knew no agreement had been reached.

Even if there is a "tentative ceasefire" currently, I have heard before that it was over. But it hasn't been ... At its core, the Steem blockchain has no absolute authority mechanism to handle a situation like this one. As a result, not only are the principal adversaries damaged, but so are all of those who chose to take the side of one or the other.

And there is no effective remedy ...

I would sure like to see the day come when we can say this problem is 100% resolved. And behind us. Until then, it is very difficult for me to imagine, when it comes to investors with a lot of money at risk, to accept the risk, if they were ever to stumble across what I have written about here.


With "work" now underway on the "next chapter" in my life, I cannot say for certain how much time I will have available to contribute to the Steem blockchain in the next little while. My number one priority is to get the details worked out on some sort of employment "out there."

I will do my best to keep up with some engaging, etc. I am not gone. I may do some limited posting, but I cannot return to a fuller posting and engaging schedule until Priority #1 is taken care of.


So, overall a very memorable month for @roleerob. Thank you for reading my monthly update. I trust you have found something of value in it and hopefully even some encouragement.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! 👍 😊

Steemian @roleerob

Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Sunday, 3 March 2019!

divider 123.png


Interested to read more of my monthly updates on my Steem "journey"? Great! Here you go:

This account is protected by @dustsweeper


Hey, @roleerob! Congrats on your accomplishment in the past month.

I completely agree with you that being busy and engaged in a working process keeps you productive and vital. I was pretty sure you are going to be up to something new after your trip, I can't wait to see what's coming next.

As long as @hendrikdegrote is concerned - I've had a few upvotes from this particular account but never knew that it is that big and important (you know how I am when it comes to stuff like that :/ ). It's just too sad. It feels like Steemit is shaking from its core and it's been really alienated for the rest couple of months.

I really admire how you are able to put your priorities right and straight and follow them strictly. Lately, I have trouble doing this. That's an idea - you can make a post about how you do it :) Or consult me :P

Hope to see you soon! Looking forward to your next post!

Good morning (here) @insight-out. Always nice to "hear" from you! 😊

”I was pretty sure you are going to be up to something new after your trip, I can't wait to see what's coming next.”

Yes, well, I can’t wait either … Hahaha … 😉

Seriously, I have always been a “big picture” conceptual thinker first, then work on the details afterwards. So … The “big picture” at this point is that I am going to do all I can to avoid going “back into the fire” of employment positions in highly stressful environments. Part of that is simply not seeking positions with levels of responsibility which typically put you in these environments. And, of course, with that comes lower levels of compensation, etc, etc. We’ll see how that plays out in the coming weeks …

”It's just too sad. It feels like Steemit is shaking from its core and it's been really alienated for the rest couple of months.”

Yes, very sad to me, as well. The pathetic “flag war” generically referenced in my post here and the impotence of “the system” to address it is concerning to me, to put it mildly. In a happier time for me, my true story post was written about the impact of my first @hendrickdegrote upvote. Result? My first post over $20 and my “rep” score went up over 2 points! That was about six months ago …

Above all else, I remain an investor in the Steem blockchain and other digital assets. I am not a young man and have experienced a lot in life. Whether ultimately a profitable investment or not remains to be seen, but it is truly fascinating to me to be a part of the historical unfolding of whatever this “story” is in the process of becoming …

Well, off into my day @insight-out. I hope all is well with you. Until we “meet” again, all the best to you and yours! 😊

Part of that is simply not seeking positions with levels of responsibility which typically put you in these environments. And, of course, with that comes lower levels of compensation, etc, etc. We’ll see how that plays out in the coming weeks …

I cross my fingers to find the best match for you!

All the best to you and your family, too!

That was an interesting month for you :) Congratulations on all those big votes - what an achievement! But frankly, you deserved it as your posts were superb.

I'm not sure if I'm glad to hear that you're going back to work but as it's your decision I think you did a lot of thinking about it, so it must be good for you :)

There is a lot going on on the blockchain and sometimes I find it difficult to stay positive when I see all the negativity and attacks. But I think it's everywhere like this. When you have a bunch of people there will always be a few who won't be able to agree on something.. it's how we human are :)

Thank you for the report and I wish you a lot of success in March :)

Thank you for your encouraging words @delishtreats. I appreciate knowing you thought my R2R posts were good ones. If I were honest, I went back and forth with myself on the time invested in creating them. The feedback throughout kept me going though and I am sure I will appreciate having them to look back on, from time to time … 😉

”I'm not sure if I'm glad to hear that you're going back to work but as it's your decision I think you did a lot of thinking about it, so it must be good for you :)”

Yes, I can understand how this might be confusing. Very complicated to explain it really, as it is not truly a “finished thought” even yet ... But, I suppose it can be viewed as a sort of “blend” of both pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatic in that we will benefit from the additional income. Idealistic in that I still feel compelled to work and serve somewhere, in a mutually beneficial way (if such a work environment can be found). As the day will come, when no matter what my desires might be, I simply will no longer be able to ...

What I will not do is ever again work in an environment like the one from which I just retired. Most likely I will be in some sort of a part-time role somewhere, where my experience and skills can help someone, but never reach the point of impacting my health like where I had been for far too long. We’ll see!

”There is a lot going on on the blockchain and sometimes I find it difficult to stay positive when I see all the negativity and attacks. But I think it's everywhere like this. When you have a bunch of people there will always be a few who won't be able to agree on something.. it's how we human are :)”

Yes, I suppose it is unavoidable at some level, but this issue is a strong enough demotivator for me, that I seriously question the wisdom of my continuing to invest my time and energy into the Steem blockchain. Strong words to some perhaps, but I am very serious.

It is just not right that there are a number of our fellow Steemians are being hurt. Badly. By something for which the Steem blockchain currently has no effective remedy … Other than just hope and pray you don’t somehow end up in the “crosshairs” of some of these people …

Well, with that, off I go into my day. We have awoken to -8°F (-22°C) here, so gotta keep moving! 😉 All the best to you “over there” for a great day @delishtreats!

Thanks for the update and great to see the progress your efforts have realized here in the ecosystem. You are a great example of what can be built herr by effort and dedication! I hope your next steps still provide an interesting experience that will surely be in your next step. The lense after retirement shoukd be interesting to see even if getting back on the saddle!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your encouraging words @newageinv. I appreciate it!

"... even if getting back on the saddle!"

Wherever I might end up, it will not be a job like the one from which I recently retired. Perhaps even part-time ... We'll see over the coming weeks ...

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir roleerob! so you haven't gotten another job yet or you can't tell us?

As far as the war ftg and bernie has going, it's still on, I still get about 15 to 20 downvotes each day from bernie to counteract the upvotes I get from ftg! lol. It's insane. For two months I've been getting those but I've heard they've been battling each other for 2 years!
They need to remove that ability on steemit, it drives people away.

No @janton, no job yet. "Clearing the deck" for focusing on the effort to find one, by getting some important projects done first. Like our taxes ... 😏

"They need to remove that ability on steemit, it drives people away."

Whether it needs to go away entirely, we agree something needs to be done, as the status quo is a real mess. Not only drives people away, but I would imagine it as a barrier to future investment. If it came to light, while someone was going through some due diligence, before investing major amounts of money.

In the "real world," we have mechanisms for conflict resolution. Guess we'll find out if a blockchain equivalent ever materializes.

Posted using Partiko Android

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Thank you very kindly for your support @c-squared. I appreciate it!

Hi @roleerob!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 4.077 which ranks you at #3484 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 11 places in the last three days (old rank 3495).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 219 contributions, your post is ranked at #26.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Some people are already following you, keep going!
  • The readers like your work!
  • Great user engagement! You rock!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Congratulations @roleerob! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You made more than 6000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 7000 upvotes.

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

Carnival Challenge - Here are the winners
Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Knock knock @roleerob

I hope you didn't give up on Steemit? I just checked your account to read your latest publication and I realized that you didnt post in a while.


No @crypto.piotr ...

"I hope you didn't give up on Steemit?"

... I am not gone, as you will see I am still maintaining some limited engagement.

My responsibilities in the "real world" have kept me from posting recently. I did complete a major effort in my "road to recovery" series ... I will post again, as time allows.

Where are you in your efforts to move back to Europe? All behind you? Or still in front of you?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @roleerob

Where are you in your efforts to move back to Europe? All behind you? Or still in front of you?

I'm already in Poland and my wife will join me once it will get warmer in 2 months. Right now Im freezing my ass to death. And apparently it's very "nice and warm". (according to my friends and family).

Lol :)

Well @crypto.piotr, at least you are familiar with the seasons, although away for awhile.

How many years have you been out of your country?

For your wife, though, a different story. Right? Has she ever lived anywhere out of the country of her birth?

If you have deliberately chosen to have her move there once the weather warms up and "ease" into it, that sounds very thoughtful of you ... 😊

Dear @roleerob

How many years have you been out of your country?

I left in 2005 (the day after we joined european union). I worked some time in Ireland and then over 11 years in Asia. The truth is that I would visit my hometown every year for 2-3 weeks, but it doesnt really count (it's like having short summer holiday).

Has she ever lived anywhere out of the country of her birth?

Yeah, we lived almost 2 years in Thailand. But it's also very different place from Poland :) She have seen my country twice and she do not like it much hahaha :) At least we both appreciate the fact that Poland is very safe (population is heavily controled by "secret police").

If you have deliberately chosen to have her move there once the weather warms up and "ease" into it, that sounds very thoughtful of you ...

Again Yeah :)

I need to focus on establishing our life financially and having wife around you (complaining non stop about weather, food, people) would drive me nuts haha :)

As always: thx for your reply


Well @crypto.piotr ...

"I need to focus on establishing our life financially and having wife around you (complaining non stop about weather, food, people) would drive me nuts haha :)"

... hopefully she will surprise you and, perhaps, even herself by adapting fairly quickly. It is certainly a major transition and would be quite a challenge for most ...

Hmmm ...

"At least we both appreciate the fact that Poland is very safe (population is heavily controled by "secret police")."

... yes I can understand the desirability of safety, but at what price? Adapting to weather is one thing. And will come in time. At least it should.

But "secret" police? 🤔 Very different matter ... You presumably "know your way around" under that system of power, so I suppose you can help your beloved wife learn what it takes ...

Thank you for investing your time @crypto.piotr in this personal glimpse into life. Tells me I would enjoy meeting you face-to-face and talking about "the meaning of life" ... 😉

All the best to you sir, for an even better tomorrow!

Posted using Partiko Android

I love how responsive your always are @roleerob :)

Seriously appreciate it a lot
Yours, Piotr

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

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