Update, Month 5: Still Engaged with an Increased Stake and "Doubling Down" ...
Continuing to blog on all the fascinating aspects of my experience on our Steem blockchain, here is my fifth monthly update.
Since posting my introduction on May 14th, it represents my "log" of sorts, giving my readers a monthly window into my "journey" through the Steemisphere - a new "virtual world" based on the creation of our Steem blockchain.

So ... "What are you doing 'in there' @roleerob and how is it going?"
Status or "Executive Summary"
To begin, here is a brief overview to answer the "how is it going" question we should probably be "checking in" with ourselves and answering, from time to time.
There is an old saying, "numbers don't lie." Yes, well, there is also an old joke about the executive asking the accountant, "what do the numbers say about how we're doing?" to which the accountant replied, "what do you want them to say?" ... 😉
Required to issue a monthly report for most of my career, with numbers to quantify progress, here are a few:

To date on my Steem "journey," these numbers are the most important. The first three quantify our influence on adding value to the Steem blockchain. And the second two, the actual work we are putting in to adding value ourselves. Given all of our rich diversity, I trust we all have one focused objective in common - adding value to the Steem blockchain.
We want the value to go up!
“Doubling Down”
In the face of the “bear market” in the entire cryptosphere over much of 2018, I remain not only a HODLer, but an investor. I have continued to invest in more STEEM on the dips, as much as possible.
My engagement levels are also significantly increased, particularly my replies which were triple what they were in my last update. I am very close now to my first 1,000 “posts” on the Steem blockchain.
I continue to struggle with the time commitment required. For example, my readers may note the table above skips 4. A typo right?
No. I simply didn't have the time to create a month 4 post, before it was too late …
So …
Frequently appearing in my writing in the past is the question of my time. I continue to struggle with the amount of time I have committed to Steem not being unsustainable, but so far have not figured out exactly what I will and won’t do, as a result …
So, "recalibrating" simply means I am still in a work-in-progress on getting the right balance of my time invested “in here” supporting our Steem community and time spent “out there” in the rest of my life. And then, further, how I allocate the time “in here” between posting and engagement, both “up” and “down” …
Awards and Accomplishments
Winning Curie Exceptional Content Award
Hands down, the single biggest accomplishment of this period was receipt of this award, resulting in the single highest-payout post I have yet created - Reflections: My Life as a Hay Farmer.
Given the impact on me, this in turn led to the inspiration to write my True Story: Encouragement on our Steem Blockchain post, telling the whole story.
More on this can be found in my 2 👍 👍 section below.
Full Engagement with @pifc Community for 1 Month
As detailed in my Chapter Two: My “Journey” and the Pay It Forward Community post, I made a decision to support this community, after this reply to its founder @thedarkhorse.
More on this can be found in my 1 👍 section below.
Publishing my Steemisphere Posts
Once deciding “Chapter One” of my Steem “journey” was over, I wanted to post what I had learned, for the benefit of other Steemians choosing to join the Steem blockchain. Why?
Here is what I said in my introductory comments:
”You are reading what I would like to have been quickly introduced to, when I was where you are right now.”
I wanted to help others avoid what I had been through, as much as possible.
Here are the two complimentary posts created:
- Welcome to the Steemisphere! Getting Off to a "Flying Start," Version 1.0 – Covers the full spectrum of what a new Steemian needs to know to get off to a “flying start.”
- User's Guide to the Steemisphere, Version 1.0 – Covers the recommended apps and tools a new Steemian needs as they begin to engage with our Steem blockchain.
Monthly Highlights
In this section of my monthly update, I try to extract both highlights, as well as “lowlights” (yes, there are some …) for the benefit of my readers.
👍 👍 Two Thumbs Up 👍 👍
Working with ”systems,” as well as managing the work of others, for much of my career, I have always emphasized ”people” over ”process” believing that is the right priority. From a lot of experience, I know the best systems are greatly diminished, if not ”manned” by competent, engaged people. A great team will always solve the problem of less-than-ideal systems. I have never experienced the reverse to be true ...
This section, then, will always be about the people I “meet” in our Community. Specifically, those who have had the greatest impact on my "journey."
During this period, my “shout outs” go to @lordkingpotato and @llfarms – both curators for the highly regarded Curie community. Between them, they added the most value to my understanding of and appreciation for our Steem blockchain.
If you would like to invest some time to learn more about this, here are important links:
- Exchange with @lordkingpotato after he replied to my Encouragement post.
- Exchange with @llfarms where she invested her time to answer the questions in my Encouragement post.
- “Let's Talk Curation” (Video Series) | Part One - What's A Curie And How Do You Get One? post of @llfarms, where she goes into more depth about Curie. She will be presenting on curation and Curie at Steemfest 3!
👍 One Thumb Up 👍
My experience with my “all in” engagement with the @pifc community was important to me. First, to follow through on what I said I would do. As we all have hopefully experienced in life, when we do that we never know how it is going to “play out.”
I am pleased to report it was a great learning experience. It just reinforced in my mind how many good people there are “in here” which are facing the Challenge I wrote about in my Encouragement post.
We never know where just one upvote, resteem, or encouraging word will lead and participating in this community will help anyone develop a much deeper appreciation of this fact.
👎 One Thumb Down 👎
I was very frustrated after getting my Steemisphere posts finished with all of my effort put in, that the embedded bookmarks didn’t work! Unbelievable. Why is that?
Steemit Inc. developers have chosen not to support all of the HTML code needed to format our posts, as desired. Specifically, the ID attribute in HTML needed to create functioning bookmarks.
In creating these large posts, it was my intent to refer to sections of them in future engagements with my fellow Steemians. In other words, not just with a link to a post, but a link to a section inside of it! Simply not currently possible …
- Note: If you would like to dive deeper into this topic, specifically the whitelisted HTML code Steemit Inc. developers support, here is a link to the very helpful post of @innervision.
Finding it, after 3 hours spent in vain to solve my problem, I read in it - “Note that the id attribute is not whitelisted” …
👎 👎 Two Thumbs Down 👎 👎
Sadly, this month I have two items in this section:
My experience with HF20 was not pleasant. My first experience with a fork on the Steem blockchain, I was definitely not impressed. The negative impact to our blockchain is hard to measure, but it was considerable.
I wrote extensively about this in my Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 26 ... then Boom! ... HF20 …. No punches were pulled. Not my style …As I have written in the post, I really despise the downvoting and destruction of people’s “rep” and income “in here.” Yes, I’ve read the FAQ on downvoting and reluctantly agree it has a place in keeping some “law and order” on our Steem blockchain.
But this month, I again experienced a very ugly exchange which had nothing to do with downvoting really poor content. It was much more an exercise in intimidation and bullying. Very sad people won’t do better that this. Just reinforces for me that while this brilliant creation called the Steem blockchain may be a revolutionary step into the future, human nature is unchanged from the beginning of time. And it can really be ugly at times …
So, overall a very big month for @roleerob. Thank you for investing your time in reading this update on my Steem journey. I trust you have found something of value in it and hopefully even some encouragement.
I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.
Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! 👍 😊
Respectfully, fellow Steemian @ roleerob
Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Saturday, 3 November 2018!

Interested to read more of my “log” posts on my Steem "journey"? Great! Here you go:
- Update, Month 1: Engaged with a 4-Figure Stake in the Future
- Update, Month 2: Still Engaged with an Increased Stake and "Growing" ...
Update, Month 3: Still (Somewhat) Engaged with an Increased Stake and "Recalibrating" ...
Great progress and update! I relate so well with you as I like to post my progress as it help me become accountable for my actions (or inactions) and monitor where I should focus going forward. I also continue to think about how much time is enough to actively engage here in the ecosystem as I think balance in all things we do are necessary but I have lately found myself refreshing my feed before I go to bed and as soon as I wake up and that is certainly not sustainable. I also wanted to share two additional metrics I have been tracking to monitor progress from a community perspective you coukd consider. First, @abh12345 has a weekly post that measures curation and engagement. It is free and you can ask to get your name included in the statistics which are great in my opinion. He also periodically puts out other stats which are always interesting to see and compare yourself with like where your votes go or come from. Second, I also look at my @steem-ua score which is an alternative reputation measure many are using these days. I still have not figured out everything that goes into the algorithm but it is considered better than the original reputation score given it is skewed to those who often use bots.
Look forward to where this continues to lead us my friend!
As always @newageinv, great to hear from you. Thanks for the input and adding value to this post!
Yep, time is the killer for me. I was very busy with a full life, before ever entering the Steemisphere. I hate to raise expectations I just can't meet.
For example, I am in @abh12345's Curation and Engagement League. I actually did pretty well one week, due to going "all in" to support the PIFC community. But I am certain I cannot maintain that, given how few hours of sleep I was getting...
I do see my Steem-UA score steadily climbing, but like you, not sure what that represents ...
Well seating in my seat and plane taking off! Thank you again my friend for stopping by!
Posted using Partiko Android
I do enjoy reading progress reports and this is one of my favorites. Excellent progress, despite and 'ugly' exchange.
I'm hoping there will be a fair few 'good' minnow graduates over the coming months, yourself included.
Always nice to hear from you @abh12345!
Yep, I hope to "graduate" one of these days. Glad that most encounters "in here" are with good people.
Currently at the airport in Dallas, renting a car. Speaking of good people, don't think I'll run into @janton, as this is a very big state. But, you never know!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Are you at Steemfest 3 yet? Am I remembering that right?
Posted using Partiko Android
Unlikely you will bump into him, but keep a look out for a yard that looks like it's not been tended too all summer :)
Flying on Tuesday, there for a week. What a disruption in Posts! Looking forward to the event very much.
Yes, unlikely @abh12345, but I'll keep my eye out, as you suggest. 😉
Yep, your posting may take a temporary dip, but it’ll be for a good cause. Right?
I’ve arrived tonight at my destination – Marriott’s San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa.. Quite a place! The International Institute for Business Analysis puts on their annual international conference in style. Likely to be the last outing like this of my career …
Looking forward to hearing from you again, about all you have experienced in Krakow, Poland. Should be good! 👍
P.S. Slogging through three construction slow-downs and three accidents all afternoon to get down here on I-35 from Dallas, I logged in to be greeted by my favorite bot - @trufflepig – awarding this post with his #1 pick of the day! Nice boost to the spirits to end the day.
A fine selection by @trufflepig :)
Yes my posting may dip, or at least dip in quality. Working from the phone with busy days ahead is going to mean less time for this. I hope people forgive me for the lack of engagement this week!
Wow! What a lovely location!
I hope you have plenty of free time to explore :)
Have a great week!
Definitely hope to have time to enjoy. It will be intense, I know that. Brilliant people from all over the world and have to pretend I have some idea of what they are talking about ... 😉
"I hope people forgive me for the lack of engagement this week!"
Forgiven in advance ... I appreciate your commitment level, but you need the time to maximize the ROI on the investment you've made to be a part of Steemfest 3.
Posted using Partiko Android
What a great idea to summarize monthly your experience. It definitely keeps a focus on one's goals :) Congrats on your accomplishments and the Curie!!! :D
I feel the same. I have a great difficulty in distributing my free time between Steemit and other essential needs like showering and eating. Adding to that my sleep-deprivation for 9 months now... Well, I have no idea how I manage. Bad timing - having a baby and discovering Steemit :D Thank God maternity leave is 2 years here :D Too bad for the economy, great for families. Lol.
I hope you and your family are doing well, @roleerob! Cheers!
Always nice to hear from you @insight-out!
Sorry for the delay in replying, but currently out of town for 10 days in Texas. At an amazing conference, hosted in a very nice venue – Marriott’s San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa.. Quite a place! The International Institute for Business Analysis puts on their annual international conference in style. Likely to be the last outing like this of my career …
[Note: I wrote about my experience at last year’s annual conference. I hope to write about this one, as time permits.]
Sleep-deprived for 9 months!? Hmmm. You’re the expert @insight-out, but that doesn’t sound too healthy … 😉
Two years? Wow! In reading this, I realized I don’t know where ”here” is for you. I searched for your intro post, but it does not appear to say either. That is okay, as I certainly respect privacy, but what you said here, did make me wonder …
Hope you and your family are doing fine. Your little one is growing “like a weed?” They are certainly a blessing to have and watch them grow and develop. You will look back and be amazed at “where did the time go” and they got so big all of a sudden …
No, I think I haven't mentioned it. I am from Bulgaria. It's in Europe, in the southern Balkans. But if I visit US someday, I will definitely visit Texas. I am curious to see what the rednecks are like :) In which state do you live?
Bulgaria! Very interesting @insight-out. I have "met" one of your countrymen "in here," @georgipraskov in Samokov, Bulgaria.
He’s very passionate about his Bulgarian heritage, refers to himself as the "man from the mountains," and writes some great posts. As with you, first "met" him through the PIFC community.
I was born in the center of our country, in Kansas. I’ve been something of a “tumbleweed” much of my life, as that is the way our father lived. So … I’ve lived in Arizona, California, Colorado, Missouri, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. As you can see, most it has been in the Rocky Mountain region of the West. Very unlikely I would ever live in the East …
Yes, in our big country, each of the regions has its own “flavor.” Texas is its own special place, with the distinction as the only state which was once a country in its own right. While I enjoy visiting most anywhere, including Texas, unlikely I would ever live there as it is totally flat. The highest point in the state (I’ve been there …) is the point on a ridge extending into Texas from New Mexico maybe a few hundred yards … 😊
Most of it is also quite humid. We prefer the mountains, a dryer climate, and 4 distinct seasons … 👍
They say engineers do not write well because they are more into technical stuff. You defy that notion with your very comprehensive progress report. Very good write up!
You are keen to be monitoring your progress on a monthly basis. While I posted about my status on my 30th and 100th day, I thought of doing it forward by the hundred days.
I have seen two instances of what you called two thumbs down. I guess one might be the same as what you saw. It is very sad and frustrating to see those unwarranted "wars" but it is a good thing that these happen rarely.
Very nice to "see" you @macoolette.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I don’t write many posts, but the ones I do write, I try to make them count … 😉
I hope all is well with you and yours “on the other side of the world” …
Thank you for stopping by!
I upvoted your post the first time I read it and I intended to leave my feedback at that time. For some reasons, I got distracted and eventually shut my laptop down. Every now and then I remember to come back for my feedback. I am glad that I eventually did!
I went back to a corporate life and I survived my first week. I just need to adjust again but I will be fine. I too hope that you are having a great time over there on the other end.
Interesting @macoolette. For some reason, I thought you were working in an IT role somewhere. If you don't mind me asking (if you prefer privacy, I'm just fine with that too ...), what have you gone back to doing?
For me, I am near the end of my career. On Jan. 18th, I will be retired. From my current position. Not willing to put up with the stress of totally unreasonable expectations any longer ...
After a break, I do hope to resume working and making a contribution somewhere. Not ready to "hang it up" just yet ...
Well, hopefully, heading into your 2nd week, you'll not only survive, but thrive ... 😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh... I guess my previous posts could have made a wrong impression about what I have been doing. I got out of the corporate world in May for both professional and personal reasons but more on the professional side. Like you said, I was not willing to put up with the stress of totally unreasonable expectations. Things were already getting too much to the point that I started to question my integrity and my values were being sacrificed.
I took the opportunity to work and organize personal matters while I was out of corporate job. There were prior opportunities but I am no longer this "newly graduate" who was willing to take anything to have a job. With the previous experience I had, I somehow started to be picky.
So yes, it is better that you stop and start something new if things are getting out of hand. There are greener pastures out there. I know you will find one.
I am into IT service delivery management. Our company is an IT service provider wherein we provide different IT services to our clients depending on what are covered in our contract. Samples are IT service desk, network operations center or the NOC which is more of monitoring infrastructure devices, IT managed services and IT projects. I look after the teams that deliver those services I mentioned. And when things go wrong with our service delivery, I am the absorber both from our clients and my bosses. 😃 I hope I somehow gave you a good picture of what I do.
Yap, I will do y best to thrive... I hope you're having a great weekend! 😊
Thanks for filling me in on your new role @macoolette.
Hopefully, you will receive the support you need in these situations, in a positive, constructive way, to make the improvements to the business needed. Having supervised people since 1984, I always try to focus on what we need to do to avoid recurrences of an issue for the next time.
All the best to you @macoolette!
Yes. This is something that can not be ignored. There must be lessons learned and action item after the fact.
Thank you. Same to you! 😊
Yep @macoolette ...
... gotta do it. Sometimes, depending on my state of mind, I call them "post mortems" ... 😉
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @roleerob, nice to meet you. I’ve just popped over to your little corner of the steemiverse after reading your reply to @abhaya05 post. And I’m certainly glad I have. This post is so useful, and I know that I will be exploring more with you to uncover the many mysteries of this new virtual world I have recently joined.
I’m loving the experience so far and have written a ‘little’ of my ‘journey’, and I too hope it helps others, but your obvious skills as a man of systems and laying out processes is without doubt such a valuable resource.
Well, like you my time in here is limited, so I have to get back to the real world. Enjoy your time in Dallas and congrats on the truffle award.
All the best, Julia
Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself @juliamulcahy. I always appreciate hearing from my fellow Steemians and meeting new ones. And I really appreciate you letting me know how you found out about my profile!
I see you are very new to the Steemisphere. My two Steemisphere posts may be of help to you, as they were to @abhaya05. They are what I wish I’d been directed to when I first got involved. And you're from Ireland. Love it! 👍 Fascinating world we live in today …
Currently at a conference here at Marriott’s San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa. Quite a place! The International Institute for Business Analysis puts on their annual international conference in style. Likely to be the last outing like this of my career. So … Back to it!
All the best to you @juliamulcahy for a better tomorrow!
Yes, I’ve begun reading your other posts already and have found them very useful. Had to pause as work beckoned but I intend to read through all of them over the next few days.
I live n Ireland, yes, but I’m actually from London.
Yes, @juliamulcahy ...
... we share the same challenge. I have a full-time job and family. So ... we do what we can!
P.S. Thanks for your upvote on my "Welcome to the Steemisphere" post, but I have to let you know it doesn't count, once past the Steem blockchain's 7-day payout limit. It's the thought that counts though, so thanks again!
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Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 1 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.
I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 13 SBD worth and should receive 170 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.
I am
, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Wow @trufflepig! I always enjoy hearing from you and learn I've managed to end up in your truffle bag after a day of roaming far and wide across the Steemisphere. But, to end up #1!
Never happened before today, so especially pleased to hear from you this time. All I can say, like always, is I like the way you (were programmed) to think! 😉
Keep up the great work and say "Hi" to your dev, @smcaterpillar, for me!
Hi @roleerob!
Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 3.640 which ranks you at #5428 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 105 places in the last three days (old rank 5533).
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 257 contributions, your post is ranked at #47.
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server