😃My Original Daily Motivation😃 - "It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


To protect what we truly believe in we have to sometimes be ready to walk alone in life. We have to walk away from people and things which might hinder our beliefs. Sometimes temporary, but sometimes unfortunately even permanently. Not an easy thing to do, but sometimes very necessary in order to protect our beliefs. I mean how do you walk away from people we consider your friends, and even family sometimes?

We have to ask ourselves first are those people really our friends if they are an obstacle to believing in what we truly believe in with all our hearts. There is nothing wrong with having friends who do not believe in what we believe in. True friends can give us their opinion, and even give us constructive criticism, but they should absolutely never be an obstacle to our beliefs. Real friends have disagreements, and even "fight" about some things in life, but I repeat they are NEVER EACH OTHER'S OBSTACLE.

They are each other's biggest support, and even if it turns out you are wrong in your belief they will not try to stop you from doing something. But rather they will be there with you even if you succeed or fail in trying. They will be there to hug and celebrate with you or offer a shoulder to lean on. REAL FRIENDS always support each other no matter what. They are with you through all your mistakes, failures, success, or happiness. THEY ARE THERE WITH YOU. And, you SHOULD BE for them as well.



Now, this brings us to another question. Will our beliefs always be correct even if we believe in them with all our hearts? In most cases, I really believe they will be. But, in certain cases, we will be wrong. There is nothing wrong with it. We CAN make a mistake. We are all human and I believe making mistakes is how we GROWas a person. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, but rather be afraid of not trying at all. I don't know about you, but I would rather go through life protecting and doing things I BELIEVE IN. I really don't care if I make a mistake. That mistake came from my heart. I can live with them. I CHOOSE to follow my heart, instead of listening to everybody else. I think we should all go through life saying:

"I choose to follow my heart, and I choose to protect what I believe in."

Have The Courage To Follow Your Heart

Does it take courage to truly stand up for what we believe in? Yes, it does. It takes a lot of courage to choose even walking alone in order to protect our beliefs. Can we make a mistake? Yes, we can. But, I think we should all make mistakes coming from our hearts instead of making mistakes listening to everybody else around us. We should never go through life wondering what would happen if we really stand up for what we believe in? Or, I wish I stood up for what I believed in? I wish did this, I wish I tried this? Life is all about "FINDING THE ANSWERS" to those I WISHES. Let's not go through life wondering what if we ever stood up for what we believed in?


Rather, we should all be brave enough to stand up and protect what we believe in. Walk alone if we have to. Right people will be there with us, and if not, right people will join us on our journey. What is life about if it's not about following our hearts and protecting our beliefs? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT FOR ME. It is about mistakes, failures, disappointments, success, accomplishments, happiness, sadness, joy, and if any of those came from following your heart they are never a MISTAKE. We choose to follow our heart above all else and in both cases being the good or the bad outcome we GREW AS A PERSON.

Don't take failure as the end of the world, but rather as a lesson. LEARN from it. At the end that is what mistake really is. It is a lesson for us. So LEARN, keep moving forward, keep believing with all your HEART, make your own mistakes, and MOST IMPORTANTLY have the courage to live a life following and PROTECTING the beliefs coming from your heart.

Let's start protecting and standing up for our beliefs. Who is with me? :)

"It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."

Have an amazing day all, follow your HEART, protect you BELIEFS, much love,

dbjegovic 💓💓💓

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of the other motivational posts I wrote:

My Original Daily Motivation - "Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals." 💪🏻


My Original Daily Motivation - "Stop saying I CAN'T. Stop COMPLAINING. Stop doubting YOURSELF. Stop being AFRAID. Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."💪🏻


My Original Daily Motivation - "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Don't be afraid to be different in life, but rather be afraid of going through LIFE PRETENDING to be someone you are not."


My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."


My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".⛅️


My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness." 😃


My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." 💪🏻


My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steem Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018. :)

The STEEM Engine



Very great post and quote! I'm in this position now where I have to walk alone because I'm stuck where I can't stop working to devote time and energy on this mew thing. So now all my extra time and energy is being used to learn business and marketing with out having the leverage of traditional methods to help or streamline the process. I stand alone because the job field I'm in is far from what I want and my immediate resources don't accomidate business, this leaves me to fight to put myself where I want!

@crypto.scott life is all about fighting for yourself and the life you want to live. I think to many people settle to0 soon for "safety" and they get stuck doing the job they don't like for better part of their life. It takes courage to step away from it and create your own way and the life you want to live. But, it is also liberating and soul feeding.

So, my friend, I applaud you for the courage you have tu pursue the life you want to live. :)

This was a great motivational piece to read! What you are saying is very true. I have lost a few “friends” along the way because we didn’t see eye to eye in some major aspects of life. I have learned a lot of tough lessons along the way but now realize some people are just in our lives for a season and others for a lifetime. I believe everyone we cross paths with we meet for a reason.

I too agree that we do need to stand for what we believe in. Even when it’s tough and we have to walk alone at times. It seems I have learned the most through my failures and I am not ashamed of that. We will never stop learning as long as we are in this life and I believe new people will continue to cross our paths that will make major impacts in our lives. Thanks for a nice read this morning :)

@crosheille you and me both. It is hard to walk away sometimes and sometimes we do lose "friends" but in order listen to yourself and your inner voice which is YOU it is necessary. And, just like you said some people are "road stops" on our life journey while some are meant to travel with us on our life journey. :)

Listening to yourself and standing up for what we believe in can sure help us see who are the ones with us for all of our lives. Learning through "failures" is how we grow, it is how we LEARN. They are nothing to be ashamed of at all. They are our roadmaps. They define us a person as much as the success does. We are both a person made out failures and out of success. :)

Thank you for an amazing comment. Have the best day ever. :)

Everything you said is so true!! We definitely shouldn’t be ashamed of our failures. Without them we wouldn’t grow or learn. It’s always great talking with you :)

Seriously a great article, @awakentolife! I agree that you must have the courage to continue standing up for what you believe in, even if no one wants to stand with you. Finding out who your real friends are is always a blessing in disguise too. These people will usually be the ones trying to sway or change your beliefs...and it's likely that you aren't really benefiting from that friendship anyways.

Honestly, @Keciah I have not done for all my life maybe, but I can safely say most of my life I have done exactly that. I stand up for I believed in and what I thought was right. Was I right all the time. No, I was not. But, I decided to trust that tiny voice inside me. Because that voice inside me is ME. The REAL ME. The other guys were just trying to FIT IN. Not trying to step on anyone toes, always holding back from what I really think. And, now more than ever I never want to be that kind of a guy again. I will go alone if I have to, but I am pretty sure I will not be alone because there are a lot of people out there refusing to live a life pretending to be someone they are not. Just like YOU. :)

Thank you @keciah for always leaving such an amazing comments. I truly enjoy reading them. Have the best day ever. :)

Lovely post to read with my morning coffee! You make a very important point about going with your heart and following what you believe. Even if you're wrong, you've directed yourself with courage and stuck to what you care about.

I read a saying once that stated; *Failure shouldn't be in the dictionary, it should be replaced by the word experiment"

Following your heart and that little tiny voice inside you speaking to you on what you should do in life is YOU. The real you speaking out. The more you follow it brother, the more of YOU will come out, and the voice will get louder. Because that is the REAL you. :)

And you should "experiment" every day, my friend, in order to find the right formula for YOU. :)

Your wisdom always brings a smile to my face buddy!

Hello awakentolife!

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So good, something I need to hear and it is timely too. Thanks @awakentolife :)

I think I once heard this line from a movie, Sucker Punch:

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. (something to this effect, may not have remembered it word for word)


You are more than welcome @happycrazycon :)

I am glad you found some motivation in my words. I also remember this saying but just like you I don't remember it word for word.lol But it is true. If you never stand for you believe in than we should all ask ourselves a question are we really WE in life? Or just following everybody else?

There are no failures, no mistakes, only lessons, and I am glad you pointed that out nicely. I hope people will get it and take that wisdom with them 💚

I sure hope they do. It took me a while to realize it as well and now just trying to help others realize the same. :)

I am glad that you keep spreading positivity in our great community and on steemit as well @awakentolife.
My favourite quote of yours is "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


I am happy to do it, my friend and I am glad it has a positive effect on people. :)

I have a lot of stored quotes on my phone and computer so you might read some more of your favorite quotes in the future in my posts. :)

My twin bro @awakentolife sincearly a good motivation post. There is a song on bengali one of the local language in India...which says...even if noone joins you keep walkin alone (jode kyo daak sunbe na ase , tobe tumi aekla chlo") written by famous Rabindranath Tagore. I completelly agree to it..👍

Thank you @steemflow my birthday twin bro. I am glad you like it. And, I am sure I would like the song as well. You have this amazing life to live, so live it your way. Walk alone if you have to. :)

Thankful to have heard your posts again on PYPT from @shadowspub's broadcast. Very nice to see upbeat and positive thoughts. I"m looking forward to more.

@jacobts I am glad you enjoyed reading my post. Life has put me through many things in life and these quotes are part of me. They are ME. And, there is a story behind each and one of them. And, there are more to be written. :)

Thank you for reading, and for all your support. Have an amazing day. :)

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