Winners! My 2020: Just a Normal Day

in #blocktradescontest4 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! We've got some winners! :)

First of all I want to thank everyone who joined the contest and shared with us how does a normal day goes by in your hometown, I was able to read all the 150+ entries one by one and I believe I curated all of them according to the level of effort put into each post. I have to say, this is the third year @blocktrades sponsors this contest and @ocd-witness by my hands organizes it and, I keep getting amazed and mesmerized at how different, interesting and exotic a normal day can be for someone who doesn't experience it.

There is only one truth about this contest...

There are no boring normal days. You might think that your routine is dull and that nobody actually cares about it; for you it might be normal to wake up in the middle of a big city surrounded by noise and people, but for the Steemian living in the countryside surrounded by cows, it's very interesting to see your normal day; perhaps for you going to the supermarket is as pedestrian as it gets, but for that Steemian who only has small corner stores or local shops available, it's as exciting as it gets to read about it... you get the idea, right?

So thank you all for sharing with us your normal day.

As you may have noticed, the prize is not a lot, it's a bit more than $30 USD in Steem, but as you might already know, the point of this contest is to increase engagement and high quality post creation from Steemians, the chance to get to know each other at a deeper level even though we might never meet in person and the chance of getting a post unusually rewarded by receiving votes from Blocktrades and OCD. The prize is symbolic, most of you made more from the post than from the actual prize.

I hope you power up the prize! Today is #SPUD - Steem Power Up Day!

This time there were no judges, I went through all the entries and picked the winners myself.

Let it be known, my criteria for picking the winners wasn't subjective. Nobody can judge whichnormal day is better or more interesting, I don't feel capable nor able to actually say this normal day deserves to win instead of this other. The truth is, every normal day deserves to win. I'm not saying this in the way of giving everyone participation trophies, I'm actually all in for meritocracy, but when it comes to something so subjective like our own lives and our own routines, it would be reckless from me to actually pick a winner depending on the actual day.

But what I can do, is judge who followed the rules of the contest, who included plenty of visual material on their post, who formatted their post in a better way and most importantly, who put the most effort in sharing their normal day with the Steem Blockchain.

Before I announce the winners, I want to say that I raised the prize pool to 300 Steem. Since there were 150+ posts, I decided to reward the 20 best posts (not normal days, but posts) with 15 Steem each.

@bluemoon - A day in the life @darkfemme - Just a normal day @porters - Living peacefully in the boreal forest @pablo1601 - My family
@tfame3865 - Resuming my morning duty @olasamuel - A typical workday @fatherfaith - A normal day in Nigeria @k-banti - Life as an undergradutae
@artmedina - Normal day: clean mirror @ayijufridar - DbD to realizing my dreams @alamin33 - How I dedicate time for a normal day @hafizullah - Know how I spend the day
@madushanka - How I dedicate my time for a normal day @tomlee - Life of a Nigerian hustler @yahialababidi - A writer's life @littlenewthings - When I juggle between work and family
@zellypearl - A girl in her prime @manuelramos - A year of decreed successes @libertycrypto - An ordinary day of my life @yousafharoonkhan - Life of a Steem lover

Congratulations again! I will transfer the Steem right away so you can Power It Up for #spud!

Remember this is a @Blocktrades sponsored contest, if you want to show them your support click here and vote for them as witness, it only takes 1 minute and you will be showing your gratitude in the best way possible.


Wow what a surprise 😍😍 Really excellent job bro.if get steem I have to SPUD💯

I am very happy to have participated in this great initiative organized by Eric @anomadsoul with the support of @blocktrades and @ocd. It was a rewarding and very nice experience to have gone through my day that as Eric says, one considers routine and even boring and it turns out that for others it is a lot of novelty. I also loved walking through other people's daily lives and getting to know more about other cultures in their daily routines. Thank you for these spaces, Eric, I continue to support them to the infinite. Congratulations to all the winners, especially those I know (@darkfemme, @ablo1601). I hug you, Eric, thanks for this opportunity and looking forward to your next contest, I say goodbye...

Me siento muy feliz de haber participado en esta estupenda iniciativa organizada por Eric @anomadsoul con el apoyo de @blocktrades y @ocd. Fué una experiencia gratificante y muy bonita haber recorrido mi día que como dice Eric, uno considera rutina y hasta aburrido y resulta que para otros es mucha novedad. También me encantó pasearme por el día a día de otras personas y conocer más de otras culturas en sus rutinas diarias. Gracias por estos espacios, Eric, los sigo apoyando al infinito. Felicidades a todos los ganadores, en especial a los que conozco (@darkfemme, @áblo1601). Te abrazo, Eric, gracias por esta oportunidad y esperando desde ya tu próximo concurso, me despido...

Felicidades a los ganadores!! Encantada de haber participado en este reto. Gracias @anomadsoul y @blocktrades

Thank you so much for @anomadsoul, @blocktrades, @ocd-witness, and all. I am happy to be part of this contest.

Thank you, Eric, for this opportunity and @blocktrades for making it possible @ocd-witness -- it was my pleasure to participate. Congratulations, to all the winners and greetings from Peru :)


I'm really very much happy, my name is in list of winner, i got 15 steem also Thank you @anomadsoul and @blocktradessuper super

Congratulations to the many winners!
Thank you for being the producer of this contest!. Congratulations to you too. @anomadsoul.

Congrat to the winners.

I'm wondering if there was any problem with my entry? Didn't I follow the rules? Since I asked you before if it's fine to join with a video uploaded on dtube and you said it works great, lol
Just curious about it...

Why do you ask Gab? Wasn't it curated by ocd and blocktrades?

It was, but I was expecting to get curated only if I am one of the winners. And then saw the winner's announcement and it was created a big confusion...

Oh WOW... Its a honor!

Thanks @anomadsoul and @blocktrades for the opportunity!

I had fear but i needed try to did this video... and its great that you like it!

I will wait for the next contest...

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