The BLACKLUX Party - Day 8 - Holiday Poetry Slam!

This party is in full swing now! With your help, there's poetry -- rhymes, limericks, and haiku, too! All to help raise funds for @blacklux to help recover from the mess that hurricanes Irma and Maria left for Puerto Rico. And you could win prizes, too!

blacklux christmas party 8-2.jpg
The community Christmas tree in Clinton, Arkansas. Steemians @ecoinstant and @kalemandra have a community Christmas spirit, too - with their hurricane recovery gifts to @blacklux!

What a Fun Party!

There has been so much going on at the BLACKLUX Party! 1. Holiday music! - 2. Cookies! - 3. Appetizers and Hors d'Ouevres! - 4. Party Drinks! - 5. Making Holiday Cards! - 6. Reminiscing Old Holiday Memories! - and 7. Christmas Carols!. There's more fun ahead -and plenty of room for more folks! Feel free to invite people to the BLACKLUX Party!

There's been some good holiday spirit - @ecoinstant and @kalemandra have sent SBD gifts to @blacklux to help out with the hurricane recovery. And I've matched their gifts, 1 for 1, to double the impact.

Let me know when you send your gift to @blacklux -- and I'll match it, too. Up to 50 SBD for the whole BLACKLUX Party that goes through January 1! If you've been tracking the value of SBD, you know that is real money, for a real person, who has real needs.

Holiday Poetry Slam!

Now the party is getting down to business. I'd like to see more gifts headed to @blacklux. And I'd like to have a Holiday Poetry Slam! Here's how it works.

You leave a poem about this holiday season in the comments below. It can be a rhyming poem of at least 8 lines. Or it can be a limerick. Or it can be a haiku.

One this post pays out, I'll choose my favorite poems. I'll give a prize of 2 SBD to my favorite poem in each category. That's 6 SBD total. If you want your potential prize to go to @blacklux, let me know that in the comments, too.

You can make your own post with your poem. I'll look at it and may resteem it for the party!

Why We're Having a BLACKLUX Party

It's the season for holiday parties. Steemit needs a party! And hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still! You can read more about the party in the BLACKLUX Party Post No. 1. I hope you stop by @blacklux's blog, too, with some holiday cheer and upvotes!

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
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Turkey Christmas Day
Full through the entire weekend
New Year's will be beets

If I win, send it to @blacklux

That's a great holiday haiku that hits the entire holiday season! Beets for you -- wild greens and black-eyed peas for me! Although I do have a tote full of garden beets stored in river sand. Maybe I should have a beet on New Years Day, too, lol. ; )

Stored in River Sand! That sounds fancy!

haha -- I foraged a few 5 gallon buckets from the Alsea River in the Siuslaw National Forest. People are allowed to take some for personal use, but I don't think many people do, lol. There's a lot of river sand! And there's nothing but forest upstream, so it's nice and clean. I bury my beets in it, and keep the tote outdoors. They stay in great shape all through the winter! Gotta take care of those beets for the new year! ; )

We just had Borscht prepared by a swede. But I'll bet you have fancy roasting plans for yours. Everything you do is fancy.

haha -- I am so not fancy. The Steemit Iron Chef contest was such a shift - and hard! Here's an example of how I eat usually -- it's more Homestead Cooking, lol. That's what I brought to the BLACKLUX Party Potluck, too.
x potluck 1.jpg

There's a healthy dose of fancy in there.

Well, I did use a glass for the beer! ; )

Me!! Meeee!! Pick meee!!!
Here's mine...

Cookies and cakes, we're here to share...

Still thinking in all the cookies pics I saw the other day, can't finish the poem without a cookie! XD

I've seen some cookies in different places around this party, not just at the Cookie Table. Folks have been hitting the cookies hard, but I think there are still some left! And @old-guy-photos brought fruitcake! :D

I'm not a poet but here it goes. I'm having fun...can you tell?!

I joined the @blacklux party for some Holiday fun
Thinking I could offer and would be a gift for some

In my kitchen I made appetizers, drinks and cookies
I made a Christmas card and offered Christmas carols for extra goodies

It has been a whirlwind of Holiday joy
Remembering the reason for the Season and that special little Boy

What I didn't expect was the best of all
I helped someone in need and made Friends with y'all

Tess :)

Thanks!... Now I wanna taste your food! hehe

That's a great poem, @tesscooks4u! It sure captures the spirit of the BLACKLUX Holiday Party! I'm glad you're having fun, too. Enjoy every bit of the holiday season! :D


The storm was bad
trees, roofs, and fences down
Lucy, blackluxy
We Worry!!

But nothing can hold her down!

The light is shining
The party is on!
We all are here!

Keep on shining my friend.

That's the story of @blacklux and the BLACKLUX Party, for sure! Keep on shining my friend -- so right! Thank you, @mariannewest!

Uh oh, time to get busy and try to write some rhyme. Great job on the party so far too. These are so much fun to be a part of. And a great thing you are doing for @blacklux. Well, I'm off to don my poetry hat. Have a nice night, and party on serious.

OK, after DAYS and DAYS and DAYS of work and practice, I think I've come up with something:

This Santa Claus,
he came to town,
riding on his pony.
As taped-on antlers,
in the "Reindeer Store ",
made the Great-Dane dogs look phony.

Thanks for all that effort in putting together this memorable poem! I've never seen Santa riding on a horse, but I did have a Christmas donkey visit my neighbor last week. Santa would have enjoyed riding that fancy Mammoth Donkey! It had a Santa hat, a cape, and bells and bows! :D

THAT I would like to see.

Maybe you will see that in a future post. There should be more Christmas Donkeys in the holiday season!

Ooh, I like that, a Christmas donkey. There MUST be a post there somewhere....maybe a Chicken in a Santa suit, on a donkey, headed somewhere South.
I do look forward to seeing your post on it in the future. "With baited breath, I even wait". (I think Shakespeare said that) ( :

Shakespeare said so many things! And probably something about an Donkey. Except I bet he used a different term for the creature, being a playwright of the common man of the times, and that term having so many meanings. Here's to the Santa hidden in every creature, just waiting for a costume to let the world know! ; )

Bestowethe -- by thy bearded gnome, of suited red and chimney wrent, descend to yon rumpus room, and de-bag as only thine is capable, sumptuous visual repast to pillowed youts, fast in slumber in 'jacent room. Waddle-saunter forth and quaff thy pale elixir of cow, and sweetened goods of deep bake, then ascend once more pitted chamber of hearth, to roof line above, as hoofed conveyance stamps thirty two deep in yon snowy, chill air.
Off with thee, fattened, whiskered sedge-elf, in rapt-repeatance, as oft as possible, before dawn's pale amber descends upon chimney-ed cores, and joyous crescendo rises up to thy chill of early dawn: "wow, look at all the neato stuff"! T'is little wonder, thine most joyous, single day of year hath an equal like no 0ther.
-Wilson² Shakespeare

Ohhh, I not a poet, but I always do love good rhymes....I would better join the party and watch other poets:)

I hope you find something at the party that you can participate in, @xabi! I'm glad you're here at the party! : )

Its amazing here...and i am loving it

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