Come to My BLACKLUX Party! - 14-Day Celebration and Fund-Raiser - for @blacklux

in #blackluxparty7 years ago (edited)

Instead of having a holiday party, I'm having a BLACKLUX party. Come and join the fun -- and help out a Steemit friend, too!

blacklux christmas party 3.jpg

Here's The Deal

Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Our friend, @blacklux, is living through the mess -- still! I've wanted to help out, but wasn't sure how.

I wasn't sure if she would even be able to stay connected with Steemit -- or be able access her Steemit funds to help recover. She's put out real effort to connect here on Steemit when she can get online. It took awhile for her to just get access to electricity and clean water. I really enjoy her sense of humor, here on Steemit and back on Tsu, too. And she has kept that sense of humor intact, too, all through the hurricane mess!

I'll show how you can help out other folks in Puerto Rico, too, in future BLACKLUX Party posts. In the meantime, let's get the party started!

Here's How the BLACKLUX Party Works

Some of you have enjoyed my Icicle Party or Spring Celebration Party or my Baby Dolphin Party. I know I enjoyed hosting them and seeing all the happy creativity everyone brought to those parties. So I'm having a BLACKLUX party that lasts the entire holiday season! So don't drink too much spiked eggnog right now -- that's for later!

I'm going to post a Holiday Card every day, from now through January 1. Each one is part of the BLACKLUX party! I've already got them made and ready to post! Every bit of the SBD that these Holiday Card posts make, I'll transfer to @blacklux once the posts pay out.

And there's more. In any of my BLACKLUX Party Holiday Card posts, if you show me a screenshot of any amount that you transfer to @blacklux, I'll match that -- up to 50 SBD total for the whole party. If you've been tracking the value of SBD, you know that is real money, for a real person, who has real needs.

Here's How You Can Win BLACKLUX Party Prizes, Too!

There will be some other fun and prizes for you, too, in the Holiday Cards over the coming days. So let's get the party started! Just like my other parties, we need music to get the party started. And I mean some upbeat party music! There will be time for the mellow music later. But now, let's get the party started!

Put a link to some good holiday party music in the comments below. I'll choose a random winner of 1 SBD from everyone who posts some holiday music in the comments below.

I'm starting things off with a fun mashup of Donde es Santa Claus from the great Santastic mashup playlists that come out almost every year. I listen to this song all year long, I like it that much.

Check the comments for the playlist that this song comes from.

Note: If you want to include a Soundcloud link for your party music, here's how. Don't just copy the link. Instead, click "share" and then "embed" for that Soundcloud music. And then copy the embed code, which will say "iframe" and a bunch of other stuff. Here's a post from @eoincurran that shows how.

Happy Holidays! And I hope to see you in all the BLACKLUX Party posts from now to New Year's Day on January 1!

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


Wow... Im speechless.... I never expected something like this. All this time i was sad because i wasnt able to be in touch with my friends and just by reading all the comments people left made me happy. Thanks for being my friend and for all the laughs you always give me

My pleasure, @blacklux! I hope this party helps your year end on a more positive note. And I hope that 2018 is a great year for you, your friends and family, and your community. I like how Steemit and the blockchain allows us to help each other out so easily when we need it. Enjoy the party -- there's a lot on the schedule -- appetizers, party drinks, jokes, more food and music and games, and other surprises. You may even see an old picture of Lemon Jr.! :D

And if you need help getting your transferred funds into a form you can spend in Puerto Rico, maybe someone at the party can help out!

Thaaaaanks! Just to know i have friends who love me and care for me its the greatest gift of all

I think a lot of people were trying to figure out how to help in some way, from so far away. Enjoy the party! There's a lot going on! :D

Here's another playlist I found! Going to listen to that rocking christmas music - haven't heard it yet this season!

Thanks for that playlist! It's time to get in the mood for the holidays! I hope you can join my party, now until New Year's too! People will be bringing cookies tomorrow! :D

Fantastic idea of a party! Looking forward to stopping in each day :)

Great! The more people that show up, the more fun it is. Happy Holidays!

How did I just find this!!! yay!! Love this idea! something we can do from afar.

Good to see you here at the BLACKLUX party, @mariannewest! I hope you enjoy the food and drinks, and all the activities going on. I think there will be something for everyone to enjoy, one day or another, all through New Years Day. Have fun at the party! :D

This would be an enjoyable party! Great job! ;)

Thanks, @tangmo! I hope you enjoy the party. It will take a lot of stamina to be at a party for 14 days, lol. But there will be food and drinks and games and more music. So we should all have fun! :D

You're welcome! Oh! I can imagine how fun it will be.... Wonderful party! ;))

I hope you can take part in some of the party activities. Maybe you can write a poem for Day 8 of the party! :D

Thanks so much for your kind invitation! It's unfortunate that I'm not good at poem.... I enjoy reading than writing.... You did great works for the party! ;))

I hope you find something you can join in with at the party, @tangmo! I know you have pictures of food - and the potluck dinner has just started. We are all hungry at this party after 10 days so far!

It sounds very interesting! Thanks again for your kindness! ;)

My pleasure! :D

Oh my Chris! That is a wonderfoul initiative and I am sure Luz will love the pressies she needs now!

Let the Blacklux party start! :D

Can I catch you Discord somehow?

I hope we get plenty of people stopping by the party over the next couple weeks! There's something different going on every day. So far, there's music and cookies! There's going to be appetizers, jokes, cocktails and party drinks, Christmas carols - and lots more!

I'm on Discord, in a few different places. Homsteaders Online, the PAL, Steemit Iron Chef, Vloggers Guild. Just let me know, because I haven't gone over there in a few weeks (uh oh). I have the same name as here on Steemit.

OK, here goes. One of the classics for Christmas. Particularly if you like to dance it up on the tiny stage.
This is dedicated to @blacklux, hoping you have a Merry Christmas, and know we are all thinking of you in the hard times you've had. May the next year bring more joy and peace to your life. And for now, "LET'S DANCE".

Love this! Thanks!

Thanks for adding this great song! It's hard to stand still -- I dance like the kid in the orange shirt, lol! ; )

Yeah lets get this bumping with a 100% upvote!

Thanks, @old-guy-photos! Stay tuned for the other parts of the party. There's going to be cookies, snacks, cocktails, jokes, and more -- a whole party over the two weeks. Let's get the year out in a bang! :D

Good initiative!! Here is to some Techno Jungling Bells :-)

You always have good music to contribute to my parties! Thanks for stopping by! Folks will have to get up and dance with your music! Merry Christmas! :D

Here's a holiday playlist to get the party started. I'm looking forward to listening to your holiday party music, too! :D

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