Beer of the day #24 - Beers Made with Flowers

in #beers7 years ago

Beer Special - Flower Beer

Steemians - here is my latest Beer Post, a really special one as I am writing about Beer made from Flowers - are you crazy some might ask - no I am not! Special Kudos to @jedau for inspiring me to this post.

Technically speaking, all beer breweries brew with flowers, as hops are actually flowers (Humulus lupus). Although it really sounds strange and like a modern-day concept, humans have been brewing with flowers and other herbs since brewing was invented. In reality use of hops as a flavoring agent is the more contemporary technique, only dating back to the 11th century (beer dates back to 9500 B.C.). Did not know? Me too since today!

Even an ancient practice, using flowers is still a very progressive concept nowadays. It is not an easy task but some brewers have mastered the art of brewing with flowers. Here are some flower power beer products / photos - hope you will enjoy!

Rosa Hibsicus Ale

A highly drinkable ale steeped with hibiscus flowers and a touch of orange peel for a natural tartness and slight pink hue.

Flowers Infusion

A saison brewed beer with wildflower honey, calendula, hibiscus, lavender, roses and a trade secret flower.

Nautilus Hibiscus Saison

Also a saison brewed with coriander, bitter orange peel and hibiscus flowers which has a crisp, tart flavor and a reddish, pink hue.

Hops & Roses Brewery

Liquid Gold aged in wine barrels with hibiscus, rose hips and elder flowers.

Hibiscus IPA

A beer made with Centennial, Chinook and Nugget hops with the addition of hibiscus flower.

Some more Flower Power Beer in the following!

Have you ever tried such a special Beer yet @twinner @beers @buzzbeergeek @meesterboom - let me know!?

Source: Wikipedia, Beerbecure, Beer Review

My other Beer posts

#1 - Augustiner

#2 - Spaten

#3 - Kamenitza

#4 - Franziskaner

#5 - Hagenbräu

#6 - Burgasko

#7 - Budweiser

#8 - Astra

#9 - Köstritzer

#10 - Hot Beer

#11 - British Beer

#12 - Heineken

#13 - Carnival Special

#14 - Health Special

#15 - Steem MeetUp Special

#16 - Steem Beer

#17 - CeBIT Special - Gilder

#18 - Steemit birthday Special

#19 - Früh Kölsch

#20 - Craft-Bräu

#21 - Beer Marketing

#22 - Celtia from Tunisia

#23 - Maibock Special

Hey Beerlover, habe auch gerade mal wieder einen Beerpost gesendet. Bei mir gab es Radler. Danke für Deinen Post und bis bald. Upvote!!!

Habs gesehen und kommentiert, sehr zweifelhaft :-)

Nunja, musste mal sein und das normale Warsteiner mag ich als Belgier einfach nicht..... ;-)

Ja Du Belgier :-) - das richtige #Warsteiner war für mich eines der wenigen Biere nördlich der Weisswurstgrenze die trinkbar sind :-)

dann wird es Zeit das Du mal ein #Einbecker (bei Göttingen) trinkst. Das ist aus Deiner Richtung ja fast schon von der Nordsee. ;-)

Ja, fast CeBIT - daher schon getrunken :-)

Excellent post dear friend @uwelang, thank you for comparing all this information
This is an artesalnal beer Argentina floral

Cheers to good life!! :D

Cheers, Sante and Prost! Thanks for feeding back.

My pleasure, have a wonderful day ahead ;-))

Right now I want to drink a beer soo bad, looks so tasty =D

I usually don't drink beer with exotic flavors but might try the one with rose and elder flowers.

sounds like a plan and post your experience thereafter

Fantastisch! Schon 24 Posts über Bier und alle so liebevoll gestaltet. Ich trinke ja wenn dann nur mal ein Sterni, aber du bist ein echter Gourmet :)

Lieben Dank für Dein Feedback, das freut mich um so mehr da wir uns noch nicht gesprochen haben. Deine Kunst ist inspirierend

I have tried many a heather based allies but never flowers. I am mightily intrigued by the hibiscus ones!! Will keep an eye out for them!

Do it and report back when you have been successful

Ich glaube, Uwe, jetzt muss ich noch ein Bierchen trinken, ehe ich mich in die Falle haue! :)

Das darfst Du heute mal - habt ihr denn eine Auswahl im kleinen Luxusstaat :-)?

Wir lassen das Bier, das uns gerade genehm ist einfach mit dem privaten Jet einfliegen.😉

Das wundert mich nicht :-)

love beer posts :) ill make some more soon at @kingsmind

Great my King, looking forward to reading them. Namaste

WOW! You really went through with it! Thanks for the shoutout, brother :D Lots of #til in this post, and I just can't get over the fact that hops are flowers. Who knew?? (Apparently, you did haha) The different kinds where beer comes from is definitely interesting. Just goes to show that we've only scratched the surface. Spectacular post!

Yeah i made it, thanks again for inspiring and resteeming - much appreciated!

You're welcome, man. Thanks for the follow! :D Followed you back ;)

Yup, you can go on ahead and make a milestone post, because I just became your 500th follower haha!

thanks Bro - seems you just became my 500th Follower, wooohoooo!

Yessir! And to think we've talked to each other quite a few times in the past now. I've even awarded you an honorable mention one time for the #originaltag contest haha

Yeah - I feel we had several touch points yet and was surprised to see I did not follow you yet :-) - thanks for the honorable mention, so it was you crazy enough to award me lol - Thanks buddy

I think it was all meant so that I could be your 500th follower. All in all, it worked great :)

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