Introducing Steem Beer - Beer of the Day #16 (Deutsch / English)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #beer7 years ago (edited)

Was braucht der engagierte und begeisterte Steemian heute - sei es Wal, Delphin oder kleiner Fisch. Ob zum generellen Abkühlen, genießen oder dem Überwinden von Steem Kurseinbrüchen oder Experimenten

Das STEEM BIER. Ein leckeres Lager, serviert im 0,5 Liter Glas, leicht im Geschmack, Kalorien: 1.500 je Glas, "SBV": 22% Steem mit einer dicken weissen Schaumschicht voll SteemPower (1000 SP). Testet es bald bevor der Steemkurs unter 2 Cents geht.

Das Bier lässt den Kurs bei genügend Konsum fliegen! Bestellungen zu mir!

What does the engaged and enthusiastic Steemian need nowadays - no matter if whale, dolphin oder little minnow? A drink for cooling down, simply enjoy or to survive Steem price drops or experiments that take place? 

You guess right - Steemians need STEEM Beer - a Pale Lager, available in 0,5 litre beer mugs, with an "SBV" of 22% Steem, beer is crystal clear, light taste, estimated calories: 1,500. On top, there is a nice layer of rough white foam of SteemPower (1,000 per mug)

Taste it and buy it before the Steem price is below 2 Cents. The Steem Beer makes you fly - go and get it! Orders to me.

Quellen / Sources: Pixabay

My other Beer posts / mehr Bier hier:

#1 - Augustiner

#2 - Spaten

#3 - Kamenitza

#4 - Franziskaner

#5 - Hagenbräu

#6 - Burgasko

#7 - Budweiser

#8 - Astra

#9 - Köstritzer

#10 - Hot Beer

#11 - British Beer

#12 - Heineken

#13 - Carnival Special

#14 - Health Special

#15 - Steem MeetUp Special


I'm so going to invest in this if Steemit started brewing beer.
Love the idea!

There must be an option, thanks mate

Cheers, lets drink on it!!

Prost Buddy - on to more than 20% Steem increase today!!! Cheerio!

Endlich Bier, ist ja auch schon Mittag....

Stimmt - perfektes Timing oder :-)?

ich liefere das essen dazu!!

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uwe, jetzt musst du nur noch das beemen erfinden und es rüberschicken ;)

ich arbeite daran :-)

I have the same exact mug! haha You should think about patenting this and selling it online for STEEM. I'm pretty sure it'll drum up interest for the platform :) Does Facebook have a beer? NO. Does Twitter or Instagram? NOPE!

Woah! Nice! Looking forward to it, der bruder!

:-) schau mer mal Bruder

@uwelang, Beer, Steem and the girls of Munich. It was bound to happen, one day.

A dream come true - not really though @afrog

Cheers, lets drink on it!!

Thanks, I don't know what I did, to post it twice, but 2 beers are better than one.

even 3 are no problem at all :-) @rynow

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