Daughters of Le Fey Part 27

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This is the story I've been editing. I reached the end of the work in progress and I've had inspiration to continue the story.

Thank you for following me as I edited it. I hope you'll continue to follow as I now enter the writing stage.

The links to the previous episodes are all here.

On with the story.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26

Images from Wiki, Google (free to use) and Pixabay

“He is getting stronger. I feel it through the ground.” Katherine closed her eyes.

Morgana watched as her daughter connected with the Earth and she smiled. “Dominic has such power and such influence with the demons but you, my darling daughter, you have no limits. Mother Earth has recognised you and she will help you now. She will help you even as I could not, for she influences both this side of the veil and the next. Well done, my darling. Very well done.”

“Come, Morgana, we have work to do,” Katherine said.

They rose up higher than any mountain and could see the whole world, it seemed. Then Katherine nodded and headed back down through clouds and on to a different place and further on in time.

Morgana held her daughter’s hand tight for she was no longer in control, she was not the guide on this venture, Katherine was.

As if in a daze, Katherine moved down into the streets of a sprawling city. Stench of sewage and offal, rotting flesh and waste assailed Morgana’s senses and she could hardly bear it. Katherine didn’t seem to notice as she moved through streets that had built up since she had last visited the city of London.

“What are we doing, child?” Morgana asked.

“There is something I have to do. I have to end the work of the demon, the Horseman as you called him. He has left his influence here and if allowed to run rampant, the city and its people will be devastated.”

“How do you know this?” Morgana asked.

“I do not know… I just do.” Katherine took hold of her mother’s hand and pulled her along.

A young girl, tired, yet still working even after a long day looked up and smiled at the spirits.

“Hello,” she said with a weary smile. “You seem familiar, may I help?”

Katherine looked deep into the girl’s eyes and nodded. “You are sick, child,” she said kindly.

The girl nodded. “Yes, but I need to finish my work. I am behind with it and the Master Baker will be angry if I don’t complete my tasks.”

“Come with me, child. I shall take you where there is no more pain and no more sickness. You shall wait for your loved ones for only a little while, but first would you do something for me?”

“Yes, Milady,” the girl curtseyed in a clumsy, unpractised manner. “But please assure me that Mister Farriner shall not beat me for not completing my duties?”

“He shall not,” Katherine said and led the girl away.

A short walk that took longer than is should because of the girl’s bad state of health and they arrived at a warehouse. The door stood ajar and Katherine went inside. They crossed the courtyard and went through another door leading to a cellar.

“Light a torch, if you will,” Katherine said.

“Light a torch? But Milady, this is a tar store and it could be dangerous…” the girl said, looking up at Katherine.

“If I tell you that yes, it will be dangerous and you will lose your life if you do this, but you may trust me. Trust that I have your best interests at heart and I shall never allow anything to harm you, child, will you place your life and your courage and your trust in my hands?”

The girl studied Katherine and it was as though she did not see Morgana.

She smiled a weary smile at Katherine all at once, placed both hands upon Katherine’s left hand and nodded.
“I shall do as you ask, Katherine.”

The girl lit a torch and set it down where it would not go out. The fire began to take hold and it licked around barrels filled with tar because it had, over time, seeped through the wood of the containers and made the barrels more waterproof, but also more flammable. One barrel caught fire and warmed the girl’s shivering frame.

Katherine sat with her as the fire grew and the girl’s strength waned.

“Stay with me, Milady?”

“I promise. Until I can deliver you to the next world, I shall be your constant companion.” Katherine wrapped her arms about the girl and though she was a spirit in that world, to the girl, she was real and she was comforted.

The girl fell asleep and passed over moments later. The three rose above the warehouse yard and the glow of the fire they had started spread out to Pudding Lane with the help of the Easterly winds.

“Oh Milady,” the girl said, distressed. “I did that. What shall we do?”

“We can watch if you like and I shall tell you a story,” Katherine said.

The girl looked at Katherine and her trust wavered just a little. Then she saw Morgana as if for the first time and she smiled again. “A story?” she said.


wow! your write it well @michelle.gent
I cant wait to the next episode of this story :) keep writing and I will continue reading you stories :)

Thank you.

This part went on so well I have a little 'in hand' to start me off on tomorrow's episode.

It flowed really fast today, I had a job keeping up with it!

okay @michelle.gent :)
I hope you post the next episode very soon so I can continue reading this story :)

Your muse is leading you down the right path...the story has a life of its own. I can't wait to read more. Katherine is coming into her own.

Thank you! She really is :)

I like your blog. I Resteemed your post.

Thank you. It's all appreciated.

Yeah? You read fast. What did you like best?

Your response to "Nice post" made me smile. I'm pretty sure the reader did not "read" the post.

I have not read everything up until now, but I will say that this chapter gripped me, because it's tragic. The sick child walking willingly to her death is really tough to read. I think one of the most challenging things in fiction writing is to summon the bravery to write passages like that. I can never ever kill off a character! Nicely done. And I am inspired to read more!

Thank you. I'm pleased you like my writing. I finished it moments before I posted it. But if you'd like to see where it started, around 7 years ago, the links and the story behind the story are all there.

The 'nice post' comments are getting wearisome... I make my own amusement from them sometimes :)

So I am not the only one that has long term projects....you hooked me into this, I'll check out the back story. I have a soft spot for Le Fey. Wanted to name my 2nd daughter Morgan....I have fun with short comments too!

I'm not alone! Thank you! ;)

Hahaha. I also enjoy messing with people's heads from time to time...

I'm about to check out your blog now, too.

Wow, a 7 year project! That is impressive. Yes, I will read more! I am not a fantasy-genre guru, so don't have a lot to contribute in feedback. But I like to read what people are doing across many genres for inspiration.

It's unfortunate that people write these "nice post" comments. Seems like with all the bots they could auto-omit those. Maybe Steemit should have a minimum word count requirement for comments! I suppose people would get around that as well, hmm?

Haha! I'm afraid it's not so impressive. I haven't been working on it for seven years. I put it away and ignored it until I got inspiration to finish it.

The time has come... and I'm inspired.

I keep threatening to flag the 'nice post' comments but I'd rather upvote than downvote lol

Well, you are definitely an inspiration to me. (Check out my mention of you and your work in my recent writing workshop post: https://steemit.com/fiction/@jayna/writing-workshop-volume-4-serial-fiction-projects-on-steemit.)

It's great that you let your work gestate when needed, and then return to it when the time is right. I may have to write a workshop post about that! :)

Haha! I was checking it out even as you must have been writing the post asking me to check it out. I've upvoted you at 100% and I'll follow you too. Nice work and thank you for the spotlight!

hello miss im new my voteing thanks

I wonder how hot a fire has to be to kill fleas. The burning of London was sort of a blessing in disguise, though I am sure at the time people did not think so. It is interesting that Katherine's abilities have exceeded Morgana's, and that she is more in-tune with Mother nature. It's gonna be a cool battle of the wills when Katherine and Dominic do meet.

I think the fire drove away the rats population that harboured the fleas.

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