How I edit my own work - Plus a story to read too - 3

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Part 1

Part 2

If you'd like to read the story in the edited format rather than comparing the 'before and after' versions, feel free to just read the left hand side version.

Images from Google (free to use) and Pixabay

Original text

“We are going to your future, Katherine.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know your name, I know how you came to burn your right hand and I know that none are left in your life to mourn you if you go missing. Your father did not want you and was happy for you to go into service but yesterday, when you had your accident and became useless, he washed his hands of you. He has gone, deserted you and left you in the care of someone else that does not want a crippled girl on their hands, unable to contribute to the household, yet is another mouth to feed.”

Katherine began to cry. Her heart felt as though it had fallen into the cavity of her chest and was still dropping. She stopped walking and sat on the dusty road, not caring for the rocks and pebbles that made her chosen seat uncomfortable. Her hand had begun to throb again and although it was less painful because of the salve, it was still close to unbearable for her.

Her companion did not shout at her or try to force her to get up, but he stood and watched her for a moment and then kneeling beside her, wrapped his arms around her in a gesture that she had not felt for so very long in her short lifetime. She was comforted and gave herself over to the warmth she found in the embrace.

Soon, she stopped crying but he did not remove his arms. He held her until she fell asleep and then he scooped her up and carried her, careful not to disturb her hand and wake her with fresh agonies.

Katherine awoke in a warm bed, her hand was throbbing again but she could smell delicious aromas and her belly was empty and over-rode the pain for the moment.

As she stirred, the stranger noticed and came over to the side of the bed and knelt on the floor so that he was at the same level as she was and could talk to her.

“Katherine, I am known as Dominic, I have a craft, it is a healing craft and I know that you sometimes have visions. That tells me that you are at least part-way to knowing some of the lessons I would like to teach you. If you will agree to become my apprentice, I shall teach you all I know and together we can travel the country and make our living from healing others. Would you like that?”

She looked at him as though he was talking in a language that she could not understand and he was concerned that he had misjudged the situation. He did not speak again, but allowed her to gather her thoughts.

“How did you know my name? How did you know that I would be at the stream? How do you know that my father abandoned me? How do I know that you are telling me the truth? Why should I trust you? Where have I been taken? Where had I been taken? Who was the man in that shack?” Katherine only paused to take a breath.

It was Dominic’s turn to be confused, the bombardment of questions that she fired at him was overwhelming and he sat on the floor and looked at her. She began another round of questions but Dominic held up one hand to ask her to stop before she started the next set.

“Katherine please, I cannot answer all of your questions immediately. Take a breath and give me a chance to think on what you have asked.”

She did as he asked and sat up in bed.

After a moment, Dominic began to speak. “I knew that you were going to be at the stream because I too have visions of a similar nature to yours. I know your name and that your father has gone by the same method and you have to decide if you can trust me or not. You are at my home, deep in the woods and the other questions are either of no consequence or will wait until later to be answered. I will not keep anything from you, Katherine, trust has to be mutual. Your destiny is entwined with mine and we have to be able to trust each other – even with our lives if necessary. Some of the things that I shall teach you are dangerous and if you do not trust me or I you, then we could cause great harm to one or both of us.” He gave her a moment to think on what he said and when she seemed to have it clear in her mind, he began again. “I am sometimes known as a Warlock or a male witch…”

Katherine’s eyes grew wide and she became frightened. To her credit, she did not try to get out of the bed or to flee and Dominic smiled at her for that.

“As I told you earlier, I heal people. I follow the Goddess Morgana in her teachings and I practice the philosophy of ‘Do no harm’. I think that you would be a good apprentice and that your visions would help you in this chosen field. Would you like to learn all that I have learned - how to heal a sick child or help to heal a broken limb?”

Edited text

“We are going to your future, Katherine,” he said. “And everything that holds for you.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know your name, I know how you came to burn your right hand and I know that none are left in your life that would mourn you if you go missing. Your father did not want you and was happy for you to go into service but yesterday, when you had your accident and became useless, he washed his hands of you.”

He hooked a finger under her chin and studied her face, her expression and her reaction to the news.

“He has gone, deserted you and left you in the care of someone else that does not love you. Also, they do not want a crippled girl on their hands, one mouth to feed that is unable to contribute to the household.”

Katherine began to cry. She pulled her face from his hand and turned away. Her heart felt as though it had fallen into the cavity of her chest and was still dropping.

She stopped walking and sat on the dusty road, not caring for the rocks and pebbles that made her seat uncomfortable. Her hand had begun to throb again and although it was less painful because of the salve, it was still close to unbearable.

A small moan of agony and despair started in her throat.

Her companion did not shout at her or try to force her to get up. He stood and watched her for a moment and then knelt beside her, wrapped his arms around her in a gesture that she had not felt for so very long in her short lifetime.

She allowed herself to receive the comfort he offered and gave herself over to the warmth she found in the embrace.

Soon, she stopped crying but he did not let her go. He held her until she fell asleep and then he scooped her up and carried her, careful not to disturb her hand and wake her with fresh agonies.

Katherine awoke in a warm bed; her hand throbbed again but she could smell delicious aromas and her belly rumble-growled and overrode the pain for the moment.

As she stirred, the stranger, who kept an eye on his patient while cooking, noticed and came over to the side of the bed. He knelt on the floor so they were at the same level and could talk.

“Katherine, I am known as Dominic The Healer. I have a craft, and I know that you sometimes have visions. That tells me you are at least part-way to knowing some of the lessons I would like to teach you. If you will agree to become my apprentice, I shall teach you all I know and together we can travel the country and make our living from healing others. Would you like that?”

She looked at him, bemused and perplexed, as though he was talking in a language that she could not understand. He leaned back on his heels, concerned that he had misjudged the situation. He did not speak again. He allowed her to gather her thoughts.

“How did you know my name? How did you know that I would be at the stream? How do you know that my father abandoned me? How do I know that you are telling me the truth? Why should I trust you? Where have I been taken? Where had I been taken? Who was the man in that shack?” Katherine only paused to take a breath after she had delivered all the questions buzzing around in her head.

It was Dominic’s turn to be confused, the bombardment of questions she fired at him overwhelmed his mind and he sat on the floor and looked at her. She began another round of questions but Dominic held up one hand to ask her to stop before she started the next set.

“Katherine please, I cannot answer all of your questions immediately. Take a breath and give me a chance to think on what you asked first.”

She did as he said and sat up in bed.

After a moment, Dominic began to speak.

“I knew that you were going to be at the stream because I too have visions of a similar nature to yours.”

She opened her mouth but Dominic’s expression made her re-think and she lowered her head a little, but not her eyes.

He continued. “I know your name, and I know that your father has gone by using the same method, my visions. You have to decide if you can trust me or not. You are at my home, deep in the woods and the other questions are either of no consequence or will wait until later to be answered. I will not keep anything from you, Katherine, trust has to be mutual.”

He gave her a moment to think and when she didn’t start asking anything else, he again continued.

“Your destiny is entwined with mine and we have to be able to trust each other – even with our lives if necessary. Some of the things that I shall teach you are dangerous and if you do not trust me or I you, we could cause great harm to one or both of us.”

He gave her a moment to think on what he said and when she seemed to have it clear in her mind, he gave her the biggest piece of information.

“I am sometimes known as a Warlock or a male witch…”

Katherine’s eyes grew wide and she became frightened. To her credit, she did not try to get out of the bed or to flee, and Dominic smiled at her for that.

“As I told you earlier, I heal people. I follow the Goddess Morgana in her teachings, and I practice the philosophy of ‘Do no harm’. I think that you would be a good apprentice and that your visions would help you in this chosen field. Would you like to learn all that I have learned - how to heal a sick child or help to heal a broken limb?”


I find this a useful method of teaching, but that is because I am more visually oriented when it comes to learning. (Show me). For some people they need a book with step by step instructions on how to do it, in order to learn.(first do this, then this, etc). Neither method of teaching or learning is wrong, it is what it is. Some people want one method of doing it, some people want lots of methods, so that they can take and combine bits and pieces to make their whole method. Once again not wrong, what works is what works and it will be different for different people.

Yes, I think that's right.

We have to teach the way people learn rather than make people learn the way we teach - Michael J Fox said that (or something like it).

Personally, I know what works for me and because it may work for someone else, I'm happy to share.

Excellent post. Even though (or maybe because ...) the edited version is longer, it is much easier to read. It has a flow that is not always in the original.

When I clicked on your post, I actually expected to find some editing tips. But instead you gave this example of before and after, which is probably a better way of showing how to do more in-depth editing.

My editing strategy is probably similar to yours. I write something, then read it and make changes regarding phrasing or syntax or content. Then I might proofread it, which will lead me to make more major changes – just because something does not sound right or the text does not flow right.

Typically, I do that over and over again. For all intents and purposes, my writing style and editing strategy go hand in hand. One leads to the other which demands the other which then results in a need for the other.

Eventually, I reach a point where the writing is satisfactory, although maybe not perfect. Then I'll proofread one final time, so at least it "reads" perfect. Or at least I hope so.

Keep writing, and keep editing, keep creating content here on Steemit, and keep giving whatever advice you can to anyone on Steemit who may benefit from it.


Hey @majes.tytyty thanks for stopping by. I've never been good at explaining how I do things, I can just do them (if that makes sense). It wasn't until I kept getting requests for help on that I finally decided to sit down and dissect what I do.

I'm still not sure I'm teaching properly, but if someone gets some value from my posts, I'm good with that.


From the perspective of this "student," you're teaching properly and effectively. I'm sure others would agree.

Thank you! That's all I need to hear - that someone finds my rambling useful ;)

It got way longer after editing though. Beautiful!

Yeah... I'm not very good at taking stuff out when I edit. I juggle it about and put other stuff in. If I'm enjoying myself when I'm writing it, the keys just get hammered at a rate of knots and I don't see what I've written 'til I stop.

I usually give it a while before I go back and look at it.

Ahh... waffling again... sorry.

I have to adopt your method of editing. Thanks for the tips.

You're most welcome :)

By the way thanks for upvoting my post. It meant a lot coming from someone like you

You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't give a critique.

It's okay. I know you're pretty busy

Great to see inside the mind of a creator, the way the writing evolves is magical.

Haha! Thank you... I'm just happy when it's easy to follow and we get to the place I thought we'd get to... eventually :)

Wow! thanks for this Michelle!

You're welcome. I hope it's of some use :)

I understand that when you go back, you see the writing with fresh eyes and the words just seem to flow and the story takes on a new life.

That's especially true if you leave the piece for a while - or in this case, 7 years ;)

Is it like fine wine - only gets better with age? lol

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