How I edit my own work - Plus a story to read too - 19

in #writing7 years ago

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18

If you'd like to read the story in the edited format rather than comparing the 'before and after' versions, feel free to just read the left hand side version.

Images from Wiki, Google (free to use) and Pixabay

There's not much to edit this time. A lot is historical fact, Robert Devereux was a well-known paramour of Queen Elizabeth and it was believed he could do no wrong...

Original text

One day, Katherine was looking through the window, down at the gardens and she heard the door opening and closing but she did not turn around until Elizabeth dismissed her entourage so as to talk more privately with someone.

Katherine turned to see Elizabeth’s face aglow with happiness as she gazed upon the bowed head of a man, kneeling before her in a mark of respect. Katherine’s blood would have frozen in her veins if she were still of that world, for she recognised the young man. Before Elizabeth gave him leave to rise up from his bended knee and raise his face, she saw Katherine’s expression and knew in an instant that her happiness was to be cut short.

“Leave me.” Elizabeth said.

“Your majesty?” The young man asked, puzzled at the sudden dismissal.

“Go, leave me.”

He did as she told him and left the room in bewilderment.

“Katherine?” Elizabeth asked as she heard the door close. “Please, do not say that is Dominic.”

“My Lady Elizabeth, my Queen.” Katherine began. “I wish it were not so. He is Dominic. He will betray you as he did me, or else he will use you and your position to gain power and position. Do not trust him your majesty; please do not allow him to break your heart as he did mine.”

“I shall not allow him to, but I could not help that you have.” Elizabeth’s eyes showed Katherine the sorrow that lay deep in her heart and the resolve that spoke of a promise given that would not be broken – at any cost - and Katherine knew that her friend was destroyed inside and the heart that was as hardy and strong as that of any King was also as tender as that of any lover and it had been broken – not by a lie, but by a truth. Elizabeth knew that the one she knew as Robert Devereux was deceitful and self-serving and the love that he had professed to her many times over was the lie that broke her heart. Yet still, it was her friend that had made her see the lie and therefore, it was Katherine that was the messenger.

“I cannot believe it.” Elizabeth said in a quiet voice. She was angry and Katherine knew her well enough to not press the point further. Elizabeth was silent for a good many minutes, her brow furrowed and her chin resting upon her fist, her elbow on the arm of her chair. “I shall send him away and perhaps my heart will not ache if he is not close to me when I decide upon his fate.

Elizabeth took advice upon most things but on this matter, she decided for herself. She sent Robert to Ireland to continue the battle that his father had begun.

Robert was concerned, he realised that something had changed between them, even after he had married a widow in secret, Elizabeth had come to forgive him and forget her initial anger at his deceit but he did not know what on earth he had done this time. After each of his victories he had arrived back at Elizabeth’s Court to resounding welcomes from his friends there, including the Queen and even after his dismal failures, such as when he failed to intercept the Spanish Treasure Fleet off the Azures, she had not been so very distant from him. The puzzle plagued his mind and he was distracted throughout the mission in Ireland.

When rumour reached him that he was falling out of favour with Elizabeth, he resolved to end his mission by whatever means possible and he made efforts to make treaty with Tyrone, the Irish rebel leader. Then he made his way back to England to try to quell the uprising of disfavour against him.

Edited text

Katherine looked through the window, down at the gardens, waiting for Elizabeth to finish her letter-writing and daily business and have time to talk. She heard the door opening and closing but she did not turn around until Elizabeth dismissed her entourage so as to talk more privately with the new-comer.

Katherine turned to see Elizabeth’s face aglow with happiness as she gazed upon the bowed head of a man, kneeling before her in a mark of respect.

Katherine’s blood would have frozen in her veins if she were still of that world, for she recognised the young man. Before Elizabeth gave him leave to rise up from his bended knee and raise his face, she saw Katherine’s expression and knew in an instant that her happiness was to be cut short.

“Leave me.” Elizabeth said.

“Your majesty?” The young man asked, puzzled at the sudden dismissal. He moved forward to try to grasp her hand.

“Go. Leave me.” She turned her head and waved her hand to dismiss him.

He did as she told him and left the room in bewilderment.

“Katherine?” Elizabeth asked as she heard the door close. “Please, do not say that is Dominic.”

“My Lady Elizabeth, my Queen.” Katherine began. “I wish it were not so. He is Dominic. He will betray you as he did me, or else he will use you and your position to gain power and position. Do not trust him your majesty; please do not allow him to break your heart as he did mine.”

Katherine's heart hurt for her friend and if she could change her mind, she would, but she knew eventually, Elizabeth would be used as she had been - to further Dominic's own ends.

“I shall not allow him to, but I could not help that you have.” Elizabeth’s eyes showed Katherine the sorrow that lay deep in her heart and the resolve that spoke of a promise given that would not be broken – at any cost.

Katherine knew that her friend was destroyed inside and the heart that was as hardy and strong as that of any King was also as tender as that of any lover, and it had been broken – not just by a lie, but also by a truth.

Elizabeth knew that the one she knew as Robert Devereux was deceitful and self-serving and the love that he had professed to her many times over was the lie that broke her heart. Yet still, it was her friend that had made her see the lie and therefore, it was Katherine that was the messenger.

“I cannot believe it.” Elizabeth said in a quiet voice. She was angry and Katherine knew her well enough to not press the point further. Elizabeth was silent for a good many minutes, her brow furrowed and her chin resting upon her fist, her elbow on the arm of her chair.

"Yet, I have to believe it. I have seen and ignored his indiscretions, but no more." Elizabeth stood and paced the room, deep in thought for what must be done, not only for her own-self, but for the good of her country.

“I shall send him away and perhaps my heart will not ache if he is not close to me when I decide upon his fate.”

Elizabeth took advice upon most things but on this matter, she decided for herself. She sent Robert to Ireland to continue the battle that his father had begun.

Robert was concerned, he realised that something had changed between them. Even after he had married a widow in secret, and against his Queen's express wish, Elizabeth had come to forgive him and forget her initial anger at his deceit, but he did not know what on earth he had done this time.

After each of his victories he had arrived back at Elizabeth’s Court to resounding welcomes from his friends there, including the Queen, and even after his dismal failures, such as when he failed to intercept the Spanish Treasure Fleet off the Azures, she had not been so very distant from him.

The puzzle plagued his mind and he was distracted throughout the mission in Ireland.

When rumour reached him that he was falling out of favour with Elizabeth, he resolved to end his mission by whatever means possible and he made efforts to make treaty with Tyrone, the Irish rebel leader. Then he made his way back to England to try to quell the uprising of disfavour against him.


looking forward to the Irish component to the story :-)

I like this story! Thanks for the information too!

I thought that I remembered the name Robert Devereux, from one of the movies my wife likes, and I remembered he was a married man, Thank you for confirming my memories, after all sometimes that is all we are allowed to cherish as Queen Elizabeth learned. A wonderful part.

Wow,nice story thou and as well you have a story editing sensibility..keep the good work up.

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