The blocktrades contest | Steemitbloggers Contest - Hotel Stories

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

Talking how awesome I am? Hmm, not really my favorite thing to do but let's embrace it :) This post is my submission to BLOCKTRADES SCHOLARSHIP contest initiated by @anomadsoul. Details can be found HERE or just see the resteem in my profile. I don't actually even know what this scholarship would mean for be, but sounds good so let's do this :)


Sorry mum, I know you taught me it's not polite to brag...

I believe that Steemit really is about making friends so I've decided to lowkey fly to Krakow during SF3 for half a day, only to meet my favorite minnow Steemians @evecab and @el-cr. No networking, building whales connections or juicy upvotes fishing. Just met those two and went back home happy on the next day :) I'm suuuperactive in comment sections, interacting with fellow peers and not only releasing post after post like many others do. That's how I've become champion in Curie commenting contest and also placed 2nd in @abh12345 's Engagement League. I've also placed in those couple more times in TOP 10. Despite the falling price of Steem, I've created 52 posts in the last 60 days. My belief in bright future of this platform is so strong that I've bought/powered up around 1200 STEEM in the last 10 days - essentially trippling the size of my account. Just last week I've started my own giveaway Learn and Earn league and I also actively take part in Curation League organized by @pifc.

And last but not least - during my Master Thesis defense last week, I've HIDDEN 10 Steemit logos on each and every slide!! :D That's how much I believe in Steemit :) You can check it out HERE. Ok, I'm done. That's enough of rambling how awesome I am for at least a year hahaha :D

My post from between 15.11 - 23.11

Hah, sadly this was exactly the week of my thesis defense so I posted mostly vlogs as it was faster that writing. I managed to sneak in an entry into #steemitbloggers contest (amazing Discord community of above-average content creators strictly managed by @jaynie where I'm a member). Here is the link of my submission.

Thanks for reading and wish my luck :) Matko.

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Wao! I am a witness of what you have wrote here. You have no idea how grateful we feel for meeting you and @phortun in Krakow. I didnt tell you before but I guess this is a perfect moment to do so: I was very impress by you traveling all the way to meet these two little minnows lol.

I cant believe you have hidden the STEEM logo in your thesis presentation, that's awesome and crazy!

I hope you win this dude!

Hah thanks for supplying me with the picture. We fu*ked up big time tho, that we don't have any together all 4 :/ Next year maybe? :)

Hah I felt that I could get out of it somehow even if the commitee finds out. But I didn't have balls to replace the wordcloud I had in slides with the photoshopped one my friend sent me :D

Here the original:

Here the version from my friend:

You see the difference :D? I guess not..there's a photoshopped-in word "Skibidi" we use for fun :D

Du bist in Innsbruck, da sprichst du ja sicher Deutsch :)

Viel Glueck in them contest. Ich versuche auch zu gewinnen 🤪

Alles Gute!

Hah yepp I spreche Deutsch aaber ueberhaupt ned perfekt :D Bin aus der Slowakei und bin hier gekommen um Deutsch zu lernen :D Aber die crazy Tiroler reden volle depp Dialekt haha :D Also meine Hochdeutsch ist eig in letzte 2 Jahren noch schlimmer geworden haha :D

Danke! :)

hahaha - das kann ich mir gut vorstellen. Ich bin in Bayern/ Franken aufgewachsen - also auch kein Hochdeutsch lol

Und bin jetzt schon so lange in der USA dass ich mein Deutsch schon ganz vergessen habe. Vor allem die Rechtschreibung 😱

hah, hab einmal irgendwo gelesen, dass die kinder junger als 8 Jahre alt wuerden die Muttersprache eigentlich vergessen, wenn sie wen von Land ziehen wuerden. Aber I denk es ist ja nicht dein Fall haha :D Du sprichst sicher so wie so tausendmal besser als I :) Wieso bist du nach Staated gegangen?

Fuer mich ist es mehr das fuer alle Dinge die ich in Englisch gelernt habe mir die Deutschen Worte fehlen.

Ich wollte verreisen und bin dann hier haengen geblieben :) Und wenn du ein degree an der Uni in Deutsch machen kannst, dann bist du gut!!

Haha na na, Ich mache es doch auf Englisch. Obwohl I musste schon 2 Faecher auf Deutsch gemacht..aber sonst alles auf English. In der Arbeit rede Ich aber eh nur auf Deutsch. So lernt man aber am bestens :) Hahha ich hoffe mir passiert nicht das gleiche mitm haengen blieben haha Ich wuerd schon gerne zuruck nach Slowakei :D

Dann nicht verlieben und Kinder kriegen 😂

Heyyy I hope you win this, you deserve it!!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Still haven't tried that coffee btw :D Carlos already asked for feedback last week hahaha :D I just wanted to properly prepare it and during the thesis week, I was just drinking coffee as if it was a water hah :D And then weekend, it was just alcohol :DD But I swear the review comes soon! :D Off to wrestling now :) And thx :)

aaaiiight now you can properly enjoy it =)

Yepp yepp, will let you updated :)

Good luck in the contest dude!

Hah I guess half of Steemit will take part, sooo I don't expect anything :D But thx :D

Nevím o co tady jde, ale strašně se chlubíš a ani jednou jsi mě nezmínil v souvislosti s tvými favorite Steemians a dokonce ani jako toho, kdo tě na ten nápad jet do Krakowa přivedl :D Takže doufám, že... to vyhraješ! :-* :D

Seriously guys, @matkodurko is the man to win this contest. Fingers crossed buddy! :)

Hahah teba som takticky nespomenul, lebo si bohaty :D A chcel som, nech to budi taky pocit, ze som sa isiel stretnut len s chudobnymi kamosmi :D Ved ty vies, ze som pri pisani na teba myslel :* :D

A chlubim sa fakt hrozne :D Hold, ucel svati prostriedky, ci ako sa to hovori :D

Tak myslím, že když uvážíme současnou cenu Steemu a fakt, že jsem "full-time Steemian", tak jsem adeptem na nejchudobnějšího člověka, kterého jsi v Krakově potkal, já! :DD :((

Ale chápu, jak jsi to myslel, delfín se ti do toho příběhu nehodil :D

Ja neviem vbc o akom Steeme rozpravas. Ja som samozrejme ze rozpraval o tebe a @liltammy. Ved sa hovori, ze laska je najvacsie bohatstvo na svete ci? :D Vy dvaja ste tym padom najvacsi bohaci :)

Hmm, pán se dal na diplomacii :D Vedeš si výborně :D

Diplomacia? mne by si rekel, že totálne "prdolí" :D

I hope you win this one! I know you're hyper active with your comment game. I don't know if I can ever be at your level haha totally an inspiration for all steemians out there ^^

Bonne Chance!

M- from across the pond :D

Hah are you there right now? Recording? :) Or do you by pond mean an ocean and that you're on the other side of it than me? :D

Shit I have to catch up with ur profile as well, havent read anything in a week from u :/

You know we live in different ponds. For instance,I am in between of indian ponds and the pacific :D and yes, that means the other side of it than you're living now.

Nothing much going on with my writing. School keeps me completely occupied though I still think I need more challenge in my life. Maybe I'll get back posting during my winter break ^^

I am looking forward reading your experience with the volunteering!

M- from across the pond.

Oh ok..I thought it's either this or that you're again near the lake where you've recorded that sound of birds. But this time on the other side - read across the pond haha :D

Hah well I'm couple of days off school and busy as fuck :D altho mostly cuz I partied too much instead of taking care of stuff haha :D Stay strong with the studies, the end is getting closer every day :)

I don't even have the time to go there again 😓 I hope it will change soon!

💪🏻 The end is near but hey! I wonder what will I do after? In fact, I am extending my study period until the next 2 years so I can figure out what I really want.

Partying never hurts. Enjoy your mid 20's to the fullest, or so they say 😉

M- from across the pond.

Oh wow :O Interesting that someone who already tried traveling and freelancing would willingly stay in the UNI longer.

I actually learned from my experience as a remote workers about creating a sustainable lifestyle. It is always good to have saving before dipping your feet into uncertainty. Sometimes, you can make 1000$/month sometimes you can make a little to nothing. If you want to build a company, like one of my dreams, back to mom's basement, save up while learning a lot and building it. Once you're finished and the product is automated and profit... You can move on your feet and paid off things.

hmm...probably true. Altho I can't imagine going back really. And it's been just a week hah :D but yeah, if you're building something, you need to be in the "safe" environment which gives provides you with all the things you actually need, without additional husstle to get them. And uni and living with parents deffinitely provides that.

Fuha noo..popravde som veľmi contestu neporozumela..takže ak napíšem " držím palce" bude stačiť? či aj nejaké hlasy ti treba?
.. a taky verím v Stímeček (a pumpu) a taky som awesome :D .. to len tak okrajovo,aby bolo jasno ha ha :)

Haha awesome si, v Stimecek verime viaceri a pumpa bude podla mna v 2020 :D a nie nemusis nic :)

Sweet. Another known face entering the contest. Good luck!

Thank you sir! :)

Good luck man! Unfortunately, we can't join. fingers crossed for you! :)

Why cannot u join? Not enough posts? Thanks!!

Exactly, not enough posts, because we are writing in total, on 3 accounts. 2 in Polish, @suchy - Daniel and @czaszi - Monika and this's our cooperate 3rd account. If we take all those three together then yes, we'll be ably to apply :)

oh..well there's an advantage to your approach as well :)

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