Curie Comment Contest (November 11th - November 18th, 2018)

in #curie6 years ago

Curie - Discovering exceptional content.png

  • In the spirit of Curie's commitment to building community and fostering engagement on the Steem blockchain, we are pleased to present a weekly comment contest administered from the @curie blog.
  • For those new to Curie, please follow @curie, and join us on Discord:
  • Follow @curie's votes to support the authors. Please consider following our trail and voting for curated authors. If you are a SteemAuto user, @curie is an available curation trail to follow.

Rules Update

Participation in the Curie comment contest has continued to grow, and we are very happy to see so many fun interactions in the comments. However, for the past several weeks the number of comments required to finish in the top 20 payout positions actually means that smaller plankton accounts literally cannot compete because of the resource credits required to comment that many times.

Introducing an OPTIONAL contest signup for a chance at RANDOM PRIZE PLACEMENTS

Click the Curie Contest Signup through SteemConnect link to register your Steem account for the Curie contest (select "continue" and then select your Steem account to register it for the contest):

Random Prize Placements - rules & eligibility

Up to five x 1 Steem prizes will be paid out to users who both sign up for the optional contest signup as described above and comment on at least five Curie upvoted posts in the contest week. Users who qualify for one of the 20 normal prize payout positions are not eligible for the random prize placements. If more than five users satisfy these criteria, the five winning placements will be chosen randomly.

Even a 15 SP brand new plankton account can leave five comments in a week, so this is a chance for everyone to participate and possibly win some Steem for engaging with the authors curated by Curie.

Curie Comment Contest

Earn Steem by leaving good comments on posts upvoted by @curie!*

*Only posts which receive a @curie vote through Curie curator/reviewer operations are eligible for this comment contest. PLEASE NOTE the @curie account casts many upvotes which are not part of Curie curator/reviewer operations. See below for two methods to tell what posts have been upvoted by Curie through curator/reviewer operations:

  • Visit to see a record of the most recent posts upvoted through Curie curator/reviewer operations and leave thoughtful comments on them for your chance to win!
  • @curie also leaves an automated comment on all posts upvoted through Curie curator/reviewer operations, so alternatively you can visit the @curie blog comments to find eligible upvoted posts to comment on.

How do I sign up?

There is no need to sign up to be eligible for the main contest prizes. Simply commenting on posting upvoted through Curie curator/reviewer operations makes you eligible for the Curie Comment Contest. There is an OPTIONALComment Contest Signup which is not required for the main contest prizes. See above under "Rules Update" for more.

The contest week will run from Sunday 15:01 UTC through Sunday 15:00 UTC

Curie will use an algorithm that evaluates comments on both quantitative and qualitative metrics. This means that in addition to the number of Curie-upvoted posts that you comment on, the quality of your comments will also factor into the score. In addition we will look at other metrics designed to measure engagement with the authors that Curie upvotes.


That being said, for reference here are the top 20 commenters by # of posts commented on for this contest week, as well as the total character count of those comments and the replies generated.

Continued interaction with Curie upvoted authors

beyond the initial post commented on is another factor. So remember to follow the authors and comment on their new posting as well to score the maximum number of points!

NEW PRIZE STRUCTURE - Win up to 12 Steem!

Curie Comment Contest winners will be announced in a weekly post. In addition to the prize payout structure outlined below, the weekly champion will receive an honorary role in the Curie Discord server of "Comment Champion". Bragging rights!

1st place (Curie Comment Champion): 12 Steem
2nd place: 10 Steem
3rd place: 8 Steem
4th & 5th places: 6 Steem each
6th & 7th places: 5 Steem each
8th & 9th places: 4 Steem each
Honorable Mentions (10th through 20th): 2 Steem each

Random Prize Placements (must have registered Steem account for Curie contest as described above under "Rules Update" and commented on minimum 5 Curie upvoted posts): 1 Steem

Total weekly prize pool: 82 Steem/ 20 payout positions + up to 5 Steem for random prize placements

Spam Comments will NOT be rewarded

The comment history of all winners will be manually reviewed for spam before any prizes are paid out. Short generic comments that could have been left without reading the post will not qualify for the Curie Comment Contest. Examples of spam comments include (but are not limited to): "Nice post"; "I like your post"; "Nice picture"; "Good song"; "Great story", etc.


A few words of advice on leaving good, thoughtful comments

- tell the post author what in specific you liked about the post, why you liked it and/or how it made you feel. If your comment is so generic that it could have been left without reading the post, it will not qualify for the Curie Comment Contest.

Weekly Winners!

For comments left during the contest week of November 11th - November 18th, 2018. All prize payouts will be sent out shortly from the @curie account.

Comment Champion - 12 Steem prize! CONGRATS to a first time winner! Great job @matkodurko :)

2nd place: 10 Steem - @macoolette

Great job sparking up continuing conversations and making ongoing friends through the contest! Here we have an example of great engagement scores including high marks on the continued interactions with Curie upvoted authors boosting @macoolette into second place despite a lower total number of Curie upvoted posts commented on this week.

3rd place: 8 Steem - @stef1

Another strong showing and the second most posts commented on overall! Great job :)

4th & 5th places: 6 Steem each

@janton & @oliviackl

6th & 7th places: 5 Steem each

@peachyladiva & @marblely

8th & 9th places: 4 Steem each

@delishtreats & @scrawly

Honorable Mentions (10th through 20th): 2 Steem each

@wisejg, @cicisaja, @veryspider, @jocqua, @adamada, @glenalbrethsen, @trincowski, @audreybits, @leilanyarevalo, @naideth, @elfranz

Random Prize Placements

(must have registered Steem account for Curie contest as described above under "Rules Update?" and commented on minimum 5 Curie upvoted posts): 1 Steem each: @artgirl

Let the wild rumpus begin!

So what are you waiting for? Start reading those Curie-upvoted posts and leaving thoughtful comments already!

List of all accounts currently registered through the OPTIONAL Comment Contest Signup



@delishtreats,@delishtreats,@delishtreats,@delishtreats I've done it!!! Just wanted to see how that belt feels like :D Now, the throne is yours to reclaim the next week! :)

Slovakia still undefeated, it was my pleasure to jump in while the real champ was not present ;)

Also, those posts were fire, altho I'd personally like more travel posts there and not that many freewrites. But I guess @curie guys know what they're doing :D Thanks and congratz to everyone :)!

It honestly mostly depends on what the curators submit as far as what posts get upvoted.

Hmmm so I hope curators see this and we get more travel posts next week haha :D Or some technology and programming? Or martial arts? Ideally jiu-jitsu, wrestling or boxing :D

Hahah can I just "order" what interests me? :D Hah kidding :)

YES!!! Here you go!! Congratulations Matko! (I can call you Matko since we agreed that you're still a boy, right? :D)

I just came to check what's going on here and I'm so happy to see you winning the contest! ;)

But now you should focus on your master thesis, no? ;) We'll gain the throne back next week! :)

Let me know how it will go on Friday. I will be back on Sunday and the first thing I'll check will be your message ;)

Hah I'm on it from 6am today :D Will let you know for sure :)

Hahaha. Well look who got the random prize. 😂 Thanks Curie... Will add it to my contest prize pool when I receive it. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats! To be clear, we will pay out up to 5 x 1 Steem prizes to contestants who register (like you) and comment on at least 5 posts. This week, you were actually the only contestant who both registered, and commented on at least 5 posts (and wasn't already in the top 20 placements). So it wasn't random. It will only be random if more than five registered contestants make 5+ comments without placing in the main contest. Then, we will randomly determine 5 winners. :)

Oh I see. Hahaha. Thanks! 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Curie,

This is a pretty cool way to get people to interact with creators and perhaps stumble upon new things and ideas.

Just curious, how far back can we go in terms of commenting on posts that you have upvoted?


Ah ha :) You have asked a very perceptive question @sanctus! I don't believe this has been asked before. There is no limit to how far back in time you can go commenting on posts upvoted by @curie. I suppose there might be a point in practice where if you were only replying to posts that @curie upvoted 2 years ago, it wouldn't make sense to reward you for this LOL We do check the comment histories of the winning placements so I guess the answer is use common sense.

Very good, thanks for replying :)

Oh wow, I actually thought it's just posts from this week :D interesting indeed...

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah basically the query is looking for comments you make within the past week, but the second part of the query just checks that the post you are commenting on was upvoted by Curie. The post you are commenting on does not have to have been upvoted by Curie in the comment week.

Which datasource are you guys using? Steemsql?

Posted using Partiko Android

Surprise, surprise! That was totally unexpected but definitely very awesome! As @curie mentioned, I have

lower total number of Curie upvoted posts commented on this week

because of my new job. It might continue to decline as my real-life projects ramp up. It is very good and thanks to Curie for recognizing

continued interactions with Curie upvoted authors

because yes, there are some authors who come back to the comments even after the week and it has been indeed nice to continue the engagement. Thank you very much @curie!

Congratulations to @matkodurko! Wow, you're already on top and still signed up for the random prize. Give chance to others, friend. 😂 ✌

Congratulations too to everyone on the list! Well done! 👏👍

Welcome to new names I see here but have known for fairly a long time - @cicisaja, @stever82, @trincowski! See you folks around... 😊

PS: Just in case any of the Curie upvoted authors are seeing this, I would like to also thank you all for the good engagement! It feels good when authors reply.

I signed up when I thought I won't be commenting that much this week...plans changed as I'm lazy to do my real work haha :D But don't you worry, if I remember correctly the post from last week, people who placed in the rankings are not eligible for random prize ;)

yup you have it correctly, anyone who wins Steem as one of the 20 payout positions is not eligible for the 1 Steem random participation prize. The goal was to have a lower tier of participation (5 comments / week which is certainly doable!) that still had a chance at some payout :)

Hey, get back to work! That's double-jeopardy being paid at work and yet you're on Steemit raking the curie prize. Hahaha! Just kidding...

😂😂 I don't even know that I'm in ..😂 I just looking for some steemmonsters posts actually and and ended up in commenting on curie 😆 congratulations to you too @macoolette😊 thanks for your support

There is a sign-up form for the random prize so you must have signed up in your sleep if you do not know about it. 😂

I think someone did it for me.. I haven't touch my steemit except for the steemmonsters last week @macoolette 😂 now I know who to thanks.. my stalker😊

Done some of that, but there's so much that I found it hard to do. Be nice if it was simple...

Can you clarify - as far as the contest rules? The main contest really couldn't be simpler, there is no sign up required and nothing required at all except for commenting on the posts that Curie curates. You can see the posts at or simply by visiting @curie/comments (Curie leaves an automated comment on all curated posts). Or did you have another question?

I will read it again, but there's so much to read and understand, but I'll give it a go

Well that is the short version of the contest rules. For the main contest, there is nothing required except commenting on the posts that Curie upvotes. We will check the winning placements for spam commenting, so don't spam comment of course :) All the rest of the text is not necessary to read, everything I said is the important bit

Hmmm I'm wondering whether @wales doesn't actually mean those curied posts. That they're long and it takes time to read them. Not sure if he talks about the "rules". There are hardly any :D

Felicitaciones a @macoolette, @cicisaja, @marblel, @trincowski, @janton, a todos los ganadores, cariños y besos para todos, que Dios los bendiga.

Thank you! 😊

Thanks @celinavisaez.. congrats to you too

Well, thank you @curie, once again.

I seem to enjoy being honorably mentioned. :) And look at all these people I haven't really met before! Looks like the contest is growing in participants quite well I must say.

Well, congratulations to everyone but in particular, my fellow honorably mentioned commenters—@wisejg, @cicisaja, @veryspider, @jocqua, @adamada, @trincowski, @audreybits, @leilanyarevalo, @naideth, @elfranz—well done. We are the baseline, people, holding the line!

Onward and upward.

😊 congrats to you too, Glenal!!

Thanks @glenalbrethsen 😊 what a surprise 😨 I didn't know that I really in this curie engagement and just did my best to keep in green for other league😁

Well, apparently you are, @cicisaja, and look what happened! I guess looking at more of the curie voted posts will help even more. I keep trying to get to them, but before I know it, it's going to be Wednesday! Last week, I commented on some last Wednesday, and then never got back to them after that. Then there's the C-squared/C-cubed league, too. Everyone wants our attention, which is great, but then you've got to get to it all. :)

Yes @glenalbrethsen 😊 not all authors are good engagers too😅 but reading and commenting is something like my daily work here on steemit, I can't support all communities but at least I enjoy reading good posts from curie pick .. see you around king👋

We hold the line!

That's right, @elfranz!

I'm always amazed at who I end up running across that I don't remember seeing before but who have been here for more or less as long as I have. If we've come across one another, I apologize for not remembering, but if we haven't, it's good to meet you. :)

thanks so much, Curie...

😊 Thank you @curie and congratulations everyone, I should continue to read all those wonderful posts😊 I feel like stupid when commenting but got no responds from the authors, so I stop doing that after 20 posts.

And this honorable mention is surprising😱 I'll read and support them through engagement. So glad to join, proud to be on the list.

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