🌸 Omm Sety- The Reincarnation of a Priestess of Isis🌸

in #history6 years ago

I present to you (finally) a love story that spans thousands of years!

Omm Sety, born Dorothy Eady, The Reincarnated Priestess of Isis

Before jumping right into it...

Yes. I've taken a REALLY long time producing this. Pretty much everything I did was new to me, but now I've got some more skills. 😎 It starts out a little rough, as I was learning. I DID, however, go back and fix a few things... but not too many.

Things I learned...

  • 5 seconds per image is simply TOO SHORT! Unless I want hundreds of images...
  • Perfection (at this stage) is downright silly.
  • Pics don't always need to match what is being said.
  • I sounded like I was lulling a baby to sleep... I need to mess around with different voices.
  • There are about a MILLION more things for me to learn.
  • To finish something I have to just do it.

Feedback from you?

Yup. I'd like some. Sure, I KNOW what I did poorly, at least some of it, but it would be nice to get some confirmation on things. Plus, what if I missed something glaring that's just annoying? I need to know! 😦 I wouldn't necessarily commit yourself to watching the whole thing... Though it IS informative and the pics are cool.... You do you.

On with the show!

TL:DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)

Normally, I would totally do this. However, I physically WROTE out my dialog rather than doing it on a device. That process took.... a LONG time.😲 I really like the tactile-ness of creating that way though...

Instead, I'll provide all the links from where I gathered information:

I may have grabbed a few thoughts from other places, but the majority came from those sources. 😀 I also used whatever images I could find for the video. I find this is the norm in these types of videos. I need to get a 'fair use act' image to use, but I think that covers me... I think... If I find I was in the wrong- I'll fix it and let ya'all know... so you don't make the same mistakes. 😘

I hope you learn a little something and enjoy the video!

That's all folks pink.gif

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Oh! One more thing!

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I'm starting my very own RADIO SHOW on the ✨STEEMSTAR NETWORK✨!

I'll do an entire post on it soon (tomorrow), but for now.... Here are some details...

  • Name of my show: 🚀Mission Control Mondays with CarrieAllen🚀
  • Time: TUESDAYS 12 AM UTC.
  • In the United States? Here are my show times: MONDAYS 5 PM Pacific; 6 PM MTN; 7 PM Central; 8 PM Eastern.
  • Where to watch/listen:

SteemStar.net Live Stream 24/7/365

  • What I'll talk about: Your guess is as good as mine. 😎
  • Okay, the tentative plan: Weird news, Steemit news, crypto news, my thoughts on life, flowers, cats, food (specifically bacon), special guests, Steemian music, games, giveaways, collaborations. See? It could be anything.

That's all for now. Stay tuned! I start in a couple of days!

Latest Episodes

Do not fear! There are more of these coming! So much weird info, you won't know what to do with yourself!

New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... 😎

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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@carrieallen allow me to supplicate my robot body and wiggle my tentacles in your honor. What a great post! Holy cow. I was not expecting all that! Original script, voice acting and editing - you are the whole package :) I know what you mean about more inflection and variation in your voice but that will come with more practice as you listen to yourself. All in all, this is an incredibly impressive effort. What a cool story to feature of course, super fascinating! And you moved right through it, I was totally gripped and enjoyed every second. I thought you did a great job on the video editing as well.

Ooookay I just realized I am still laying on the ground quivering my tentacles and making a fool out of myself. Get it together Bot!


Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot or an Alien" Gnash / @carlgnash

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Human Certified Original Works

Thank you so much!

I think I was somehow nervous when just recording my voice (no video). So for some reason, though no one was home, I was all soft and calm. The subject matter KINDA called for it, but really, some inflection would have been nice. 😏
I've been doing much better on my videos (where you see my face). The difference between the first few and the most recent ones are lifetimes apart. 😍
Plus, I think having a radio/talk show will help too. I think it's in me, I just need practice for it to be more natural.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the video! The subject grabbed me a few weeks ago and I found myself just researching more and more. I seriously LOVE things like this. I spend way too much time just watching youtube videos and thought, "I should do that!" LOL!

And finally, thank you again for the kind words on video editing. It's a new skill I'm super stoked to learn... there's just SO MUCH. No fear, I'll be creating movies in no time. 😉

whoaaaa creepyy ! and beautifully done Carrie ! :)

Yes! A bit creepy!
I mean, it didn't get really weird until her nocturnal visits... From a chi-ghost!? I'm not saying I don't believe it, I'm just saying it's weird and a little scary. Though, in the end, ultimately it's probably the MOST romantic thing ever. Like EVER. Over 3000 years of waiting for retribution for your soul mate? Like whoa.

I'm glad (from my viewpoint) that they get to be together again. I know how lost I'd feel without mine. 💕

beautifully done @Carrieallen thanks for giving us an insight into history.

Thank you so much! I do have a soft spot of stories of old. 😍

Me too but I still think I need some brushing up on how to put together my history findings into a good work. Any tips that may help

Yes. First and foremost (from what little I've learned so far)

Don't try to include too much.

This is a big problem for me at least. I tend to find SO MUCH info on a topic and want to include everything, but it becomes quite daunting.

I left out SO much of this story in order to make it cohesive, but still informative and not too long.

On that same note, if you DO have a lot of info on a topic, break it up into parts, especially if you're primarily blogging. Reading long texts may get lost, even to the most scholarly individuals. It's good to give info in smaller amounts with lots of visual aides to break it up.

We've evolved to an age of distraction, play on that. 😎

Great advice! I do freelance historical research for authors who write in particular time periods and don't want to spend the time to figure out the nitty gritty of how life worked then and there - and in large part they are paying me to synthesize these mountains of resources that are easily found online and crystallize it into only the most relevant bits and in the most easily digestible format possible. It is a real skill to be able to do this, and again I have to say great job here! I loved that you condensed it down to under 10 minutes, this is totally watchable and in the wheelhouse for what a Steem post should be IMO. Which brings me to...

This post was nominated by a @curie curator to be featured in an upcoming Author Showcase post on the @curie blog. If you agree to be featured in this way, please reply and:

  • Let us know if we can quote text and/or feature images from your post.
  • If you would like to provide a brief statement about your posting, your life or anything else to be included in the article, you can do so in reply here or look me up on Discord chat (@gnashster#6522 ) or even (last resort) email, same username as here with ye olde gmail appended.

You can check out the previous week's Author Showcase to get an idea of what we are doing with these posts.

Cheers - Carl (@curie curator)

Curie Badge transparency.png

Thank you so much!

Of course, you can use whatever you wish!

As far as a statement.... Hmmm... maybe a promo for my new radio show? If that's not appropriate (or what you're looking for), I could whip up something else. I'll find ya on Discord. Also, thanks for including your 4-digits.)😍

And yes, starting with a HUGE pile of information and cutting it down to size without losing important info or quality is quite the task. I probably had enough info to fill at least 20 minutes, but knew that was just too much for what I was prepared to edit (so...many... images!). I think I'll get better, I mean, I can't get worse, right? 😆

Thanks again for finding me. 😘

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