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RE: 🌸 Omm Sety- The Reincarnation of a Priestess of Isis🌸

in #history6 years ago

@carrieallen allow me to supplicate my robot body and wiggle my tentacles in your honor. What a great post! Holy cow. I was not expecting all that! Original script, voice acting and editing - you are the whole package :) I know what you mean about more inflection and variation in your voice but that will come with more practice as you listen to yourself. All in all, this is an incredibly impressive effort. What a cool story to feature of course, super fascinating! And you moved right through it, I was totally gripped and enjoyed every second. I thought you did a great job on the video editing as well.

Ooookay I just realized I am still laying on the ground quivering my tentacles and making a fool out of myself. Get it together Bot!


Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot or an Alien" Gnash / @carlgnash

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Thank you so much!

I think I was somehow nervous when just recording my voice (no video). So for some reason, though no one was home, I was all soft and calm. The subject matter KINDA called for it, but really, some inflection would have been nice. 😏
I've been doing much better on my videos (where you see my face). The difference between the first few and the most recent ones are lifetimes apart. 😍
Plus, I think having a radio/talk show will help too. I think it's in me, I just need practice for it to be more natural.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the video! The subject grabbed me a few weeks ago and I found myself just researching more and more. I seriously LOVE things like this. I spend way too much time just watching youtube videos and thought, "I should do that!" LOL!

And finally, thank you again for the kind words on video editing. It's a new skill I'm super stoked to learn... there's just SO MUCH. No fear, I'll be creating movies in no time. 😉

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