My 60 Days of Steemit Community Service

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

I recently celebrated my 60th day on Steemit a couple of days ago. Yay!

If you told me 60 days ago that I would barely be on Facebook, leave my people there behind, meet an entirely new set of friends and in the process get back to my Filipino roots and have an opportunity to be of service to others - I'd have told you, you were out of your gdamn mind.

Yet here we are.

I like to think I'm very community oriented and that in my short time here I have helped grow the Steemit community and support various groups in their inception.

Here are some of the community projects I have been involved in in my 60 days :)

The logo that began everything.

I remember sitting at home wondering if I should even try out for the Marketing Exec position and then seeing in my minds eye the Steemit logo in every country's colours. I knew then the possibilities and had to give it a go.

Next thing I know I'm hired and I'm messaging SK my Oscar like thank you speech and I never looked back after that.

Shortly after I released @TeamAustralia's Official Graphics, @sirknight and I began work to launch Steem Wars and preparing the new teams.

Being Filipina - I of course wanted The Philippines represented and created these graphics for the use of the Team Philippines I envisioned.

Next up was Team USA.

Then Great Britain.

I had a couple of weeks off after Steem Wars before I was approached by @communitynews to design their logo and footer.

I actually had so much fun with this project. It flowed so easily and the whole thing was done in a few hours and I feel the design captures the "community" aspect very well. Simple but effective :)

Not long after the Community News project @sirknight and I began working on Steem Lords, which has completely taken a life of it's own and is still on NOW, check # steemlords

Steem Lords meant introducing (or coaxing) new teams to join our little family.

So began my recruitment drive for the temporary Nomads team.

I figured maybe give them something flashy with their name on it and maybe they'll come out and play?

Another group to join the family in the Steem Lords journey is @steemsilvergold.

Already thriving and established, I thought I would entice them with some blingy graphics :)

The Steem Lords promotional campaign involved a new wall paper every day until the event officially began. The idea was to add another piece to the puzzle and keep our players interested.. confused yes, but interested nevertheless. lol

Download them here.

And while I was neck deep in Steem Lords as the Baroness Bearone the reformed alcoholic Steemit Philippines popped up!

For ages the people at @SteemPh has been trying to get me on their discord server.

Being relatively new, I had no idea there were even other servers aside from PAL, so when they finally got me on their server and pitched their idea to create a Philippines group dedicated to helping the Filipino community on and off Steemit AND help the Steemit community grow.

Honestly, how could I even think to say NO? Of course I'm in lol

I made our Official Steemit Philippines graphics to go with the rest of the other teams that I have worked with like one big family.

I will be retiring my old Team Philippines graphics (scroll up) very soon meaning I will no longer be creating custom footers and will be throwing all my support, energy and love towards Steemit Philippines.

Steemit Philippines custom footers will be available very soon.

Join our Steemit Philippines Discord Server here

WE HAVE KARAOKE. Aint even joking.

I was about to take a little Steemit break when @TeamSouthAfrica messaged me for help with their logo.

As it happened their fearless leader didn't need much help in the design department as he was quite handy himself.

The South Africa flag overlay on the Steemit logo is all cheeto's brilliant idea <3 and he's done some very nice edits on my original Team SA design.

I know he gives me credit, but all I provided is the basic team format I have used for all the teams in my family.

I swear I think I'm going to have to give all of you that fall under my umbrella a name lol

Here is Team South Africa's launch post.

And on my waiting list as soon as I come back from hiatus?

Team Canada!!

So there it is. My 60 Days of Steemit Community Service.

It's been a full on 2 months. When that ball started rolling with Team Australia it never stopped, if anything it's just rolling faster and its getting bigger and bigger.

There's a lot of things I'm working on right now and so many things I want to implement, but all in their time.

Right now I just want to thank all of you for supporting me.

Thank you for knowing you can come to me for help and assistance, thank you for including me in your grand and fabulous plans.

Thank you for showing me that my hard work and commitment to the community is recognised and appreciated.

I have only just begun <3


Except for the Canadian flag which is courtesy of PixaBay.


If you can do all this in 60 days Arly - imagine what you will achieve over a year. You are a truly amazing artist and person.

I can't begin to express how much the steemians in these teams owe to you - not to mention the entire Steemit platform.

It is you which makes Steemit a visual pleasure and your graphics, images, logos which create a world that is uniformed, stable and comfortable to spend hours a day operating within.

Looking forward to all your endevours here on Steemit Arly.


Oh shit bro. You made me cry <3

All I have now grew from the opportunities you gave me and continue to give me. It's an honor to be mentored by you. You have no idea how much I appreciate your guidance and friendship SK.

A lot of my accomplishments we did together so the credit also belongs to you. Thank you so much SK for your very kind words.

I can only hope my next 60 days will be equally productive for myself and our growing community.

Inspirational @bearone. Thanks for being the best version of you and for giving so much. x

So much hard work!
We appreciate all of it ;)
Love my @steemph footer

Thank you @luvabi <3 and I appreciate you all :)

I love both pictures with quotes..can we have #steemph logo on them pls? the bottom one can be my fb banner ;)

well see how we go <3

Wow!! What journey so far @bearone!!
You've really been an absolute blessing to the community in a whole :)
Thanks for all your support and looking forward to seeing what else you get up to :)

Thanks <3 that is so kind of you to say.

I've got a few things in the works ;) Stay tuned!

Can't wait ;)

Awesome work I love the African one, its very cool!!!

Cheers Gohba! I like the African one too @cheeto,blue did such a great job!

amazing works!
karaoke in discord?
hahahha .. so Pinoy
this post got me curious but am on a busy weekend sched so I'm afraid I won't be joining this weekend
have fun ya' all!

You will be joining us after this then?? Is the mighty mistress Ivy coming out? karaoke lang pala!

Congrats and more days to come here on Steemit. :)

Thank you so much @zararina <3

Very nice graphics @bearone. Would you happen to know how I'll be able to add the SteamPH logo as my footer?

@eastmael I will hook you up with that ;) hang tight brother

Thank you. Looking forward to it.

Awesome Momi Bear! Keep up the amazing work po!

Thanks so much little brother <3 You have been such an inspiration to me lately <3

Walang anuman po. Talaga po? Cool, glad I was able to impact you positively.

Of course!! Youve done so much in your time here Dev, you should be proud of yourself.

rock on dude... that's a lot of graphics!

haha thanks brother! Yes it is lol :D :D :D

Well done, following you. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Cheers mate! :)

Cheers, what are your favourite games that you play?

Did you sort out the footer thing?

I don't really play many games, I do play Diablo 3 on ps4. Its my game addiction lol

I heard that one is very addictive. My friend at Deloitte used to play it all the time. No I haven't, it comes out weird.

one sec ? can you help please?

Thanks man!

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