in #writing8 years ago (edited)

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter (Part 1 and Part 2) before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #6


Cloud Image Source

Hey Cloudheads! Yet another long chapter divided into parts, yet another apology coming your way. I promise you, that is the longest chapter in the story, so I applaud you for getting through that. In terms of real-world events, this has got to be one of the most important chapters in this story. I struggled with writing this, because this wasn't a particularly proud moment. The discussions regarding the inclusion of this chapter were very lengthy. Unfortunately, the events of the chapter happened in real life.

I remember it clearly because my father and I went to visit that day. The chains of the rusted gate from the previous chapter was unhinged specifically for our arrival. In a way, I've always felt a bit responsible for what happened. Even though the septic tank event and Zepp running away didn't happen on the same day, I intermingled the events to create a more powerful distraction. In reality, everyone was preoccupied at that time doing something else while Zepp slipped past unnoticed. It wasn't anyone's fault, and no one ever expected that Zepp would travel as far as he did. I hope that you won't judge them for any perceived neglect. However, the bullies scene did not happen. I used other events as inspiration for that scene.

Thankfully, Zepp was returned unscathed. The events surrounding his return was written almost faithfully. I think you could easily determine which parts I took liberties with. My father and I arrived mere minutes after he was taken back to the compound. At first, we didn't know why tensions were high, but everything made sense after they recounted what happened that morning. This, again, was one of the sparks that ignited this story. To say that this is pivotal is an understatement.

A Little Bit of Discussion

Woo! With all that backstory out of the way, time for some little discussion. Have you had the chance to catch your breath? Go on, we'll wait. Alright? Alright!

Okay, so, I know I'm trying to blur the line between fiction and reality, but I think this chapter deserves more in-depth discernment because of the sensitive nature of the topics involved. Just to reiterate once again, while Ledd had seen better days, Zepp was unharmed during the whole exchange. Do you remember how when we were kids, we used to exaggerate about everything? What felt like years for him was really just a couple of minutes in the real world, but from what I've been told, he traveled quite a distance. I don't the exact measure, but when I traced it, it was almost half a kilometer, through open road. Fortunately, it wasn't a busy street, and the hulking metallic creatures that frequented it are the three-wheeled tricycles, which is the most common means of transportation in the Philippines.


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All of this time, the second language that I've been using is Spanish, and coche is no exception. That creature is ... you guessed it! A car. A minivan, specifically. They affectionally call it "Katips" in real life, and it does know how to "speak" in different tones through the radio.


The upside down "Y" emblem in his shoes is that iconic Air Jordan logo. My cousin and her husband once operated an online shoe distribution business named "The Foot Rocker", which was partly inspired by Zepp as well.


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While Zepp hasn't been bullied for his condition in real life, that I know of, I was inspired to write this scene by stories I read during my research. It's hard dealing with people who are different, especially at a young age. I wanted to exhibit the different kinds of reactions that are often displayed through those three kids. The hostility that they displayed was not born out of discrimination, rather it was mainly from their misunderstanding of Zepp's condition. I wanted to pepper in a tense fight sequence here just to keep the reader's interest piqued. While it's not a perfect representation of the struggles differently abled people feel, I do hope that it translated well. I meant for the outcome to be this sort of empowering note.


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Living in a basketball-crazed country, it's a common sight to see makeshift basketball courts pop up in the middle of the street. In my youth, I have learned to play in that rough and tumble environment as well. Although, the court seen in the story is a established court that doesn't obstruct any roads. It's where Zepp found himself in before he was whisked back into my cousin's arms by the burly barangay official who was kind enough to escort him back. And, no, his name isn't Potalaga.

Taken as a whole "Thank you po talaga" or more commonly spoken as "Salamat po talaga" is a Filipino phrase that translates to "Thank you very much." Po is an honorific used in conjuction with nouns when a younger fellow is speaking to an elder. It doesn't really have a direct translation in English, but it's often cited as a word that sets Filipino (or Tagalog) apart as an inherently polite language. Sadly, its use is deterriorating nowadays because the younger generation aren't as polite. Talaga is more commonly translated as "really", but in this context it's used as "very (much)".

Also, just to clarify, if you notice a few lapses with regards to the information used, it's purely intentional. I've carefully mapped this out, and I've peppered in inconsistencies intentionally because I'm approaching this from the perspective of the protagonist, a less-than-dependable narrator. The errors that might still be found are purely grammatical and typographical.

Until next time! As always, thank you for taking the time to read :D

Thanks for reading! (redundant, because I really mean it) Follow me @jedau for stories, solutions and other stuff that begin with 'S'!



Congrats you have been selected as Author of the day by the Steemvoter (SV) Guild, keep up the good work and helping make Steem great!

Note: You should receive many guild votes in an hour or so, enjoy!

Wow! This is such a huge honor! Thank you @steemvoter! I'm using your platform, and I haven't regretted it since. This is such a huge opportunity for us bottomfeeders, and while I'm sure I won't have the same vote count ever again, this is such a huge blessing.

This is the highest votes I've ever gotten, and would surely be the highest I would ever get here ever. THANK YOU!

You never know what the future brings, that's amazing bro, congratulations on this milestone and personal best!

Thanks, brother! Though, I really think this is a rather lofty ceiling that's hard to beat, especially considering my track record haha

You're welcome. Just cherish and enjoy it for what its worth, who knows what higher heights await you. Many things are possible.

Preach, brother! I'll hold my head high and keep the faith :)

Thank you for your humble and kind words, it means a lot to us. Thank you for your contributions to Steem.

Keep up with the great work! You're a huge help in weeding out the deserving ones on this platform :D

Hey @steemvoter, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it.

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

Yet another one! Haha Don't reply to this, bro :D

quick note, haven't read it but will and maybe i will nominate you for the guild vote of the :) just a heads up cheers mate :)

Aww shucks, thanks mate! It's a real honor :D Even though I don't get the nod, I'm very thankful for your nomination. I just saw the link and I was surprised to see that you already went through with it. It really means the world! Bless you to the moon!

The vote is coming ;) may have to wait 30 days for payout though, we were a bit delayed.

No need to apologize regarding the delay. You guys more than doubled my previous highest vote count. That in itself is a gift that I would treasure for all of my stay here on this platform!

dude that was yesterday(I'm asleep so I'm not sure what you mean :D ), today I'm winning again by 2 votes to 1 of my own, if you want you can go vote for a game developer, he's new so he might like it, :D already got 20 for his intro, so it's your choice :D SVG but you are expected to get the vote I believe at least it looks like it :D

It says 10 hours ago for me, so I guess it still qualifies as "today" haha I'm not sure what you mean about voting for the game developer. Won't that mean that my nomination will lose if he gets more votes? haha

WHAT THE! I WAS FLOORED WHEN I LOGGED BACK ON AND SAW THE VOTE COUNT. I thought to myself "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!" but YOU made it happen! Thank you, my friend. From the bottom of my heart and soul. You're heaven sent!!

He got the vote :) it's coming now. I should be able to get votes done earlier after I'm through month end business. Next month will be better organised.

Thanks, no worries at least you are running the show and it's not 50 people :D don't fail like other guilds please :) cheers will keep nominating and spreading the word :) so far people seem to be scared of participating, It seems they think you have to be a part of the guild or something :D Just my thoughts, Best of Luck Hope the next month is 5 times better for you, and me for that matter I've posted 5 times maybe :D

Hey @j3dy, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it.

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

If anyone judged your cousins for that instance, then they either do not have children or have been ridiculously lucky. Especially when you have one who is determined to flee...the constant vigilance to keep that from happening has got to be astounding.
I loved that chapter, I'm glad you didn't leave it out.
And I love these follow ups, as always giving us a backstage look!

WORD is right! @dreemit's sentiment was very well put :D

Hey @justinashby, I just posted something today related to A Day In The Clouds, please try and check it out, I'm sure you can definitely appreciate it.

I thought I would share this with everyone who follows the series along with the Silver Lining.

Didn't I tell you #7 would be meaty? :) The Potalaga part is what really inspired me to write a complementary piece to explain things that would otherwise go unanswered. Definitely among my favorite chapters to write. It's so hard because my hearstrings were being tugged with every word. I became so engrossed that this was the longest chapter I have written ever.

I'm sure that at least one person judged them. With all things considered, their track record is still pretty remarkable. What Ledd thought of as years was merely minutes in real life. It's not like he was lost for 48 hours or something. An event like this hasn't happened since.

Simply well explained and thoroughly covered. I'm so glad Jepp in real life was found and returned. I guessed all of the interpretations right except for the three wheeled tricycles. My initial guess was a bicycle with a carriage/side car of some sort. I was pretty close. Also clever use of the upside down Y, I immediately had thought of Air Jordans when I read the chapter and I loved how you described the car being able to speak in different languages and tones. That was creative yet still easy to perceive. Wonderful backstory bro.

Woohoo! You finally caught up to the posts you can comment on! :D It was a bit hard thinking of ways to describe them, since as adults we already have preconceived notions what they are. I really had to dig deep to come up with those, so I'm glad my efforts are appreciated. Thank you for the acknowledgement, my bro!

Finally caught up on your side project - so sorry for the delay. Been meaning to do so and never did. But here I am :)

I am very glad that you wrote this second series. It does fill in some gaps, but mostly it helps explain the characters involved in the story, and gives some sense of comprehension to their own back stories. Whilst not completely necessary for understanding the flow of the main novel, it does help, and certainly adds a layer to it as a whole.

Also, we get to see your personality in this series. And that's cool, with it being your own personal description of how the story came about. To me, this has given the whole package extra value and meaning.

And I must say I like the explanation of how some of the names came about. being a rock fan myself - especially Led Zeppelin and Pearl Jam - this brought a smile to my face.

I wanted to leave a few comments on the earlier ones, but I left it too late and Steemit has closed off comments for those, so instead thought to save it all up for this one.

And the donations to @zeppelin is a nice touch. I think you, and this story have brought value to Steemit, and as such I will like to send a donation directly. Hope it helps.

No apologies necessary. You taking the time to leave your thoughts on my work is something that is truly a gift, so thank you for that, mate! That was truly the goal for this: to give some sense of comprehension. You really hit it right on the head :D It's hard to understand differently-abled people because it's hard to comprehend them, so that's what I wanted to convey with how I write it as well. I wanted A Day in the Clouds to not only be Zepp's voice, but to be his representation here. His is such a fascinating story that is sadly underappreciated, so I thank you and all the others for your continued support.

I appreciate the recognition! It's rare to receive comments regarding my personality, so I treasure every single one. That's all I really want to give: value and meaning. It's such a happy coincidence to discover that you're a rock fan, particularly of those two bands. My day is complete whenever I make at least one person smile, and that holds true :)

A huge thank you for your donation! I've screencapped it and sent it to my cousin. She wants to extend her sincerest gratitude to you as well! It surely helps, especially as a moral support. You're actually the first person to donate to Zepp, so that's a distinction that you will always have. I've recently seen donation drives for Steemians who have been bullied by whales. I don't know the exact total, but I've seen donations of upwards of 150 STEEM. The total must be in the thousands now, so I'm happy for them. Now, it's not fair to assume that one cause is greater than another, I just wish that the love was spread more. Whenever I look at the 100 STEEM you gave, it might as well have been worth a million because that's how I feel given your continued support :D

And now I am up to date on both the story, and the side project, and will be following along as best I can. It's a good read - I truly mean that. But with regards to the Silver Lining posts I am glad I made the effort to go back and get up to speed on them. The story does make sense on its own, but it is boosted somewhat by these posts. It becomes more personal, and therefore more layered.

And yes those two bands are still two of my all time favourites, Still on high rotation on my playlist.

As for the donation - you, and your cousin, are truly welcome. I think I have done okay from Steemit, so I am happy to help for a cause like this. I hear what you are saying about the whale scenario, and have been observing it with interest, and it has made me a little bit perplexed. I try to stay out of all the drama that has been appearing here as it bores me to no end - but just wanted to acknowledge your point, and quietly say I agree :)

At first, I was a bit hesitant to create SILVER LINING, as I feel that some people would think that it's just a cash grab. So, I really worked hard in trying to create a significant difference between them and create a specific purpose for the complementary series. I'm just glad it's being received well. Arguably, it's being received even better than the chapters. Maybe because it's easier to digest haha

Now these companion pieces are really useful. We all know what we are reading but occasionally there are mentions that make you think what's that? For me it was the inverted Y's and the three-wheeled tricycles. It's good to get the background on them. I racked my brains about potalaga to, wondering what I was missing! Smashing stuff! What do you use for your title picture with the text? I quite like it!

Ha! I knew it! I knew that someone's bound to miss out on that, as it's not that common. @ryivhnn was actually stumped about the same things! I expected Potalaga to be that ultimate gotcha, I really hope I explained it clearly. That's why I created this companion series, for that exact reason. Even though there's some merit to letting readers arrive at their own conclusions, it's nice to give them the intended meaning for comparison. I'm so happy whenever I add new information even though I write fiction :D

The title picture text was made from scratch by yours truly :) I use Gimp, and I have a template text which I mask over pictures of clouds. If you ever require something similar, just give me a holler. I'm happy to help you out whenever I can, man!

Aaah!! Yes I see what you did. I could do the same in Photoshop I reckon with a reverse mask on some selected text. I just never thought of it. That and my time on a PC is severely limited. Cheers man !!

YES! I'm sure you're going to do a better job at it. I just fumbled around with it until I came up with something decent looking haha!

I picked everything but the trikes (and considering I've spent a decent chunk in South East Asia I don't know why I missed that, must be getting old in my old age XD) and the Air Jordans, go me XD I think you're doing a pretty good job describing things from a child's/generally unfamiliar with this stuff pov.

I love the unreliable narrator, what better way to keep us readers guessing and thinking! And Ledd is such an amusing narrator XD

Glad that everything ended well, oh my goodness Zepp's poor mother, I so feel for her! Also really glad the bully scene didn't happen. That one actually took me a little while to sort out seeing as Ledd described them as "men", thought process went something along the lines of:

  • how old is this freaking child again?!
  • what the hell kind of adult does that to a kid?! What special kind of defective are they?
  • wait Ledd said "men" not "giants" so maybe they're his size
  • oh they'd be other kids. Alrighty then

I do appreciate these insights into your/their lives behind the story as well, it makes it that much more...I'm not sure what really but definitely something :)

These days I'm wondering if the reason I'm writing an accurate depiction is because I'm operating with a child's POV :O In all seriousness though, thank you for the compliment regarding Ledd as the narrator. This is my first time writing in the first-person, and validation like this is surely encouraging. I quite like his unreliability, especially when there are expositions born from the things he doesn't say/know.

Haha! That thought process really made my day! Thanks so much for sharing that :D I'm very careful with the words I choose to use, so I'm glad that you picked it up in a very entertaining fashion. Comments like this are awesome! It really tells the story of how the story was interpreted. Warms my heart to have readers like you and @dreemit, among a few others, who are enjoying the story and continually take the time to share your thoughts :D

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