in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #15


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Yo yo yo Cloudheads! Hungry? You'd think they need to eat dinner some time, right? I wanted this to be a stark contrast to the lunch chapter a few chapters back. In my quest to write a chiasmus, this is what I came up with. It's not perfect, but it's my best shot at it.

It's funny because while I was editing this chapter, I was chatting with my cousin regarding Zepp's latest check-up with the doctor. We chatted about his food preference, and I found it funny how similar we are when it comes to what we eat. Well, nowadays I eat just about everything, but I wasn't always this prolific eater. There was a time in my life when my mother's hair thinned out of frustration from my, hmm shall we say, pickiness in eating. I was underweight until I was 13 or 14 years old. But, that's a story for a different post.

In terms of eggs, he doesn't eat anything that isn't scrambled. Not sunny-side up, not over-easy, not poached, not boiled. Just scrambled.

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I can't say I blame him. When I was a kid, I was the same way. For some reason, sunny-side up eggs freaked me out. I hated the taste of the egg white. My entry to it was when I dip toasted bread into the yolk. If you haven't tried that, you should definitely eat it that way right now. Soon after, once the yolk is depleted, I sandwich what's left of the egg in between two toasted slices. Although, to this day, I don't eat boiled eggs, unless I'm held at gunpoint or it's the only thing that's served. I'd rather get punched in the face than eat an egg sandwich. That's exclusive to chicken eggs though. I'd eat boiled balut any day.

In terms of drinks, his favorite is Coke. Must be the fizzy sugary aspect of it that he enjoys. No wonder his viento bubbles up from inside him! Cool story: he actually said "Egg" and "Coke" clearly just recently :D Sadly, he wasn't able to repeat it, so no video of that, but still, that's huge progress.


In terms of chicken, he only eats KFC. Thigh and leg part only! Must be the colonel's secret spice rub. For the longest time, I only eat thigh and leg part as well. Nowadays, it's just my go-to preference, but I'd eat a whole chicken without any problem.

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In terms of fruits, it's bananas and oranges, or bust. For chocolates, he only eats Galaxy. (hint hint, if anyone has access to that, you can send some his way :) and mine as well, if you're so inclined :/ )

He hates vegetables. One might argue that it's a bit normal for a six-year old, and even I didn't eat vegetables until I was in highschool. My cousin and her husband tries to sneak them in by mashing them and hiding it beneath his rice, but Zepp's expert palate spots it and spits it out. He even knows how to weed out pepper. He eats hamburgers though, from McDonald's or Jollibee, but I guess that's not sustainable. (FYI Jollibee's a local fast food chain, but they're already branching out abroad)

Here's a video of Anthony Bourdain trying it out:

I remember when I was younger, I would discard the pickles before I ate hamburgers. @randomli still does that and passes it on to me. Looking back, I really regret wasting all those sweet sweet pickles. If I could go back in time, those are some of the points I would travel back to. I imagine I would collect all of the ingredients I discarded and eat all of them while watching the weighing scale as it points out that I'm overweight. Take that skinny @jedau! Hashtag food is life, yo!

While we're on the subject of food, my good buddy @meesterboom actually concocted a tasty tasy Pizza Bianco Jedau just this week. The recipe can be found here. For all you food buffs out there who has an oven, definitely give that a try! The Scottish Scott hasn't failed us before, and this dish definitely follows that positive trend.

Oh, and one other thing. While discussing the previous SILVER LINING, @kiwideb accidentally brought up diets without knowing the contents of this week's SILVER LINING haha! She suggested the GAPS diet, as an effective option for dealing with autism. Here are a few posts she made regarding the topic:

  • About the Gut & Psychology syndrome (GAPS) diet Part 1 – Can it help autism?
  • GAPS diet Part 2: Foods we can’t have
  • GAPS diet Part 3: Foods we CAN have

Definitely something helpful for all of you parents of special needs children out there! She also pointed out that a ketogenic diet often helps with epilepsy. A little tip from a very well read nutrition enthusiast. Thank you, my friend!

These little eccentricities in eating varies from person to person, and it's funny knowing what kinds of food people avoid. Nowadays, I avoid pork like it's the plague. I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's not a religious thing, rather more of a health thing. Do you have any food you avoid? Why do you avoid eating that? List them in the comments section and we'll have a laugh about it :D

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



Thats a cool silver lining. More like Jed's lining! I feel like we are getting to know you more and more!

Does Zepp eat omelette? I was thinking it was quite like scrambled eggs. In fact you can make a very scrambled-esque omelette!

I am exactly the same with pickles dude. All those years wasted fishing them out and throwing them away and now I am like Wha'.. give me the damn pickles!!!

I clicked the link to Balut, what I saw was some diseased looking organ. To use a Scottish phrase, it gave me the boak. I presume it is a vegetable?

I mean WTF is it?! Obviously I could search and find out but its more fun when people enlighten you :O)

And finally on the subject of food. Does he like bolognese? My daughter hated veg for a while and I finely grated carrot into her bolognese and it was undetectable

Galaxy you say? Can you get it down there at all? I could send ya some. It is the King of Chocolate!

Ha! You caught me! I guess this is my backdoor way to write a long drawn-out introduceyourself post since my first one tanked haha! In all seriousness though, it was just a coincidence that Zepp and I had tons of similarities growing up. I found all the eccentricities funny and all too familiar.

I don't think he eats omelette. I'm not 100% sure though. But, based on how fussy he is with vegetables, I think it's going to be a hard sell. Maybe if they could mash the vegetables then have the egg taste overpower it, they could trick Zepp into eating an "omelette" haha!

Hindsight is 20/20, so the best thing to do now is... to work our asses off to build a time machine so we can get all those damn pickles we wasted!! I would really like to give the younger me a stern talking to. For shame, young man! For shame...

Balut is ... * drumroll * ... boiled duck egg :D It's eggy and tastes like duck at the same time, without the lean meat that's full of bones. I agree that it's more fun when people enlighten you rather than researching. Gotta love the small inaccurate details haha!

Bolognese? To be honest, I'm not exactly sure. Because their family enjoys taking food trips, I'm sure he has tasted it, though I'm not sure if he enjoys it. Maybe when my cousin finds the time to com on here, she could sound off on that. That's a neat trick with the carrot though! Sneaky sneaky. Father of the year moves!

Oh, Galaxy is available there?? Hmmmm hng :/ I feel so tempted, but with the cost of shipping fees, it's more economical if it's part of a larger package. We call it the "balikbayan" package here (roughly translated as "coming home") where they bundle up assorted items into one huge box so that the shipping fee would be significantly less. Mmmm I could taste that sweet silky smooth milk chocolate...

I'm glad you enjoyed this edition, brohem! Thank you for leaving your precious thoughts :D

Boiled duck egg! I have never tried it. Looks like a startling experience! Hehe. I will have to try it sometime!

Everyone should consider this as an introduce yourself post, all done!! :O)

Oh man you'll enjoy it for sure! I see it in eating challenges all the time. They serve it side to side with mangrove worms, spiders, or whatever icky thing they think is edible. Really though, balut is so delicious! Pro tip: eat it with vinegar ;)

Haha! Shhh everyone's already making $$$ with theirs, while I made $0.32 (I can't forget that number) haha! Let's not encourage people ;) hahaha!

Lol, I can't quite remember what I made with mine but I suspect it was something similar. I was crushed!

You've recovered quite nicely though. "Quite nicely" is an understatement to what you've already accomplished :D On the other hand, I'm still losing more than I make hahaha!

My friend, your cousin is a child and I imagine that growing up will change, but you really only eat the chicken leg? I understand your mother! Haha. I'm glad you changed.
Note that zepp has a quality palate, something similar happens to me.
What I have never been able to eat is liver (not as it is said in English), celery and carrot. Three miles away I can smell food with those ingredients.

I eat the whole chicken now! Head, feet, innards -- no part is spared haha! I'm happy to report that my mother's hair has regained its original luster. It's as thick as ever now! :D

Liver? I eat it, but I don't prefer its level of bitterness. What's the Spanish word for what you're referring to? Maybe it has a Filipino equivalent. Celery, I don't prefer as well. I don't like the aftertaste. But, carrot? I've grown fond of it. Zanahorias haha

Thanks for sharing your food dislikes, brother! I'll be careful to not prepare you a dish with those ingredients :D

Haha I'm glad for your mother my friend! Liver = Higado ... Ohh I can't eat carrots, I can't! I eat everything but those ingredients are the only ones I try to avoid. Have a good sunday dear jedau!

I used to be like you when I was younger, my friend. But, I have seen the light!!! Hallelujah! I've been told recently by another good friend here, that a good strategy for acclimating carrots is to mash them up and mix it in with bolognese. Now, it's going to take some time to get used to it, but I'm sure you're going to be saying "What's up, Doc?" in no time ;)

  • Thanks for the mention!
  • Chicken leg and thigh are the best! Breast doesn't have the fat, so is dry. But better than nothing.
  • Pickles - have also tossed away many of them.
  • Soldiers! Do toast fingers dipped in yolk get called "soldiers" there?
  • There is something funny about pork. I read about a live blood screening experiment where they tested people after eating traditionally cured pork, and after eating uncured pork. After the uncured pork, the blood cells clumped up, which they're not supposed to do. But they were fine after the cured pork.
  • Cauliflower made me gag as a child and I still can't eat it
  • You know that pizza with potato on top is neither Paleo nor keto, don't you? {wink}

Thank you for all the useful information, my friend! Right?? I can't help but sulk whenever I'm left with the breast. I find it funny that it's so dry and doesn't have fat, as opposed to its human equivalent. And now I'm sounding like a cannibal :/

Is pickles the food most adults regret throwing away when they were younger? It's ironic since the pickling process takes time, so to did our appreciation for it! Soldiers? I can't say I'm familiar with the term being used for food. Here, we have toast fingers but they're dipped in liquid butter and then rolled in sugar. We call it tostado :D

Oooohhh I wonder what it is about the curing process that changes the property. Ha! Take that pork lovers! I used to eat pork a lot when I was younger, but I got migraines after eating it, so I stopped entirely. Now I have a bullet whenever people ridicule me for it. Thanks for providing that info, my friend! I'll look for that study later.

What is it about cauliflower that you hate? I think that's one of the first vegetables I ate without complaints, mainly because it didn't have a strong taste.

Yeah not Paleo or keto but ... cheat day? :/ Hahaha!! Thanks for the reminder and for sharing your thoughts, buddy! :D

Tostado sound very naughty but nice. These are probably originally English soldiers.

I don't know why I hate cauli - my body just rejects it in a way it doesn't with anything else. Oh, except avocado. The only way I can eat that is mashed up with soft boiled eggs, butter and salt.

Neither of these are the original article I read, but they refer to it

AH! Wait, did you mean you dip the "soldiers" in the egg?? We do that here you, but we're not particular if the bread is toasted or not, and we dip it on a sunny side up egg. Personally, I prefer pan de sal (LINK) as the bread. Not very Paleo, I know haha!

Thanks for the links! They won't even know what hit them :D

That's too bad about cauli, but it is what it is. I'm glad you found that out early on instead of in the middle of a social function or whatever. I used to be that way about avocado as well. But, I've grown used to it. I don't know when exactly, but maybe when I ate guacamole more frequently.

I am so glad I caught this one or I would have missed the last chapter :O I did upvote them both while I was at my original home and now I'm back at my other home I can comment XD (well I could have done so before, it's just easier as what I had to work with before was uncomfortable, I know, I know...XD)

Pffft you don't like boiled eggs but you'll eat balut MATE ahh people are so interesting XD I have had to switch to poached recently as people were grossed out over my soft boiled eggs (I like the whole bloody thing runny as fuck, so will basically only just cook the white so they're white, according to people whites are supposed to be firm BUT NOT WHEN FYN IS INVOLVED).

Yay for words :D That's better than no words :D

Oh goodness diets, we tried a gluten free sugar free casein diet because that apparently helps with autism as well and it generated a whole pile of other issues and a deep misery in everyone. I am so impressed by anyone who can maintain restrictive diets long term O_O Fortunately in our case it seems the diet isn't making the hugest difference (most of what we're restricting is processed sugar which we were doing anyway, we just did it more). What made the difference for us is metatonin and a weighted blanket :) And hopefully whatever the paedietrician and psychologist devises to further help him out. It's pretty exhausting and he's not as far along that side of the spectrum like Zepp, so I can see why your cousin doesn't always have time to come see what's going on never mind comment!

Gluten free is a bit hard here because of the cost, but that was definitely explored by my cousin and her family. It just wasn't sustainable since you need different cookingware for that as well. Did that help in your case?

Yeah.. I guess, as a minimum, avoiding processed sugar is already a huge deal. Sugar, not fat, is the enemy!

Metatonin? Mind elaborating what that is? That definitely seems interesting.

Haha! I don't like the smell of the egg whites in boiled eggs. On the other hand, the whites in the balut is so tasty!! I'm a poached egg guy myself, so I definitely get the appeal. Runny eggs for the win!!

It's so awesome that you caught this one! I really felt your absence in the comments section, my friend. Goes to show the impact that your entertaining comments make :D Chapter 17 is posted now. I'm reading Black Fingernails now.

You need different cookware? D: I had no idea XD I don't know if it helped, my partner thinks it did a little bit, I didn't. His behaviour actually improved when we got off it because he didn't want to go back on it!

Melatonin is a hormone that has something to do with telling you when it's bedtime. My youngest has a LOT of trouble sleeping and the paedietrician prescribed it to help him get more sleep as he was not getting enough. Between melatonin pills and his weighted blanket youngest is going to sleep a lot easier now and he really values both those things as he's realised the value of good sleep now that he's finally getting some :)

Yay glad I'm good for something ;D

Yeah, I think I read it somewhere that once gluten is cooked somewhere, it still leaves traces in there haha It's a bit silly when I'm writing it now though.

Ooohhh that's why Melatonin was so familiar! I had a phase where I was so interested in dreams and sleep, so I might've stumbled upon that there. Did your youngest have any trouble acclimating to the weighted blanket though? It's awesome that he came to the realization on his own!! :)

Does it really? o_O If it can survive all that high heat (in pots and pans and dishwashers or just hot soapy water in general) then it's some powerful stuff indeed XD

First, he told me it was "very heavy" and that he wouldn't be able to move under it, and got upset when I told him that was the idea (poor kid has awesome wit enough to make up some amazing puns and some rather inellectual abstract jokes but normal jokes are lost on him as he takes them literally, and we're a family that...needs to grow the hell up really XD).

It helped a a bit before we got the melatonin prescription.

Then he asked for a heavier one XD Told him he'll have to wait a while as I actually got the thing slightly heavier than I should have (according to the weight recommendation chart I should have got him 2.5kg, I got 3kg) and they're not cheap!

Best money I ever spent though, between the weighted blanket and the melatonin he's been getting good sleep which helps everything and everyone immensely :)

Yeah.. Those glutens seem like pesky bastards. Gluten everywhere!! Seriously though, I remember it now being said to me by a professional chef when I took a gluten-free cooking course.

Your stories with your children are always so entertaining :D I can't stop laughing at him being amazing at puns and intellectual jokes but normal jokes are lost on him. Would it be cheaper if you just created the blanket? What do they use to weigh them down?

The one I bought uses glass beads as the weight so it's machine washable. The cheaper ones I've seen that can be bought or made use wheat/sand/rice. Much cheaper, not so washable XD And in this house things need to be machine washable. Leotards are an exception only because 10yo usually does them on her own :)

And I'm not crafty enough for that kind of project XD

Ohhh! Wouldn't the glass beads break if the blanket is thrown though? I get why they use sand, but having it leak would be a real headache when cleaning up.

Yo yo, number one cloudhead here, late I know, but I had reason (see chat ) What foods I avoid....meat. lol. I agree with you about the yolk dipping however, and my child self would have been in total denial if someone told her that I would one day love all veggies and not eat chicken nuggets every day, haha! It boggles my mind that I hated broccoli and asparagus, which are two of my favorite things now. Behind cheese. A long ways behind cheese which is why I could probably never be vegan ;) It's a more recent development, the no meat, at least the no meat entirely. And my reasoning tends to make people feel defensive which I absolutely do not mean for them to, but they do anyway, so if you're really curious we can chat about it, but probably not in the comments :)
Now on to the chapter!

Better late than never, and I know you never miss out on a post, my friend! I'll check out the reason later, I haven't logged in to chat here. Oh wow, you're a vegetarian? I didn't know that! :o It's awesome that you're sticking with it!

It's funny how our diets change over time, huh. I was such a skinny kid back then, people would laugh hysterically if they would've been told that when I grow up I would eat everything.

You hated broccoli and asparagus?! Look at me questioning it when I can't even eat vegetable even if my life depended on it. Broccoli and asparagus are my jam as well :D Two of the best veggies out there, I agree! Beyond veggies, cheese is life though haha!!

It is funny how our tastes change over time, broccoli literally used to make me gag! Now I feel the same way about chicken nuggets, LOL. (Not because they're meat, but because they're a very suspicious meat ;)

Right?? I mean, what part of a chicken do the nuggets come from? Do I have a nugget in my body? Are those nuggets even 100% chicken?? So many questions!!

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