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in #writing7 years ago

Thats a cool silver lining. More like Jed's lining! I feel like we are getting to know you more and more!

Does Zepp eat omelette? I was thinking it was quite like scrambled eggs. In fact you can make a very scrambled-esque omelette!

I am exactly the same with pickles dude. All those years wasted fishing them out and throwing them away and now I am like Wha'.. give me the damn pickles!!!

I clicked the link to Balut, what I saw was some diseased looking organ. To use a Scottish phrase, it gave me the boak. I presume it is a vegetable?

I mean WTF is it?! Obviously I could search and find out but its more fun when people enlighten you :O)

And finally on the subject of food. Does he like bolognese? My daughter hated veg for a while and I finely grated carrot into her bolognese and it was undetectable

Galaxy you say? Can you get it down there at all? I could send ya some. It is the King of Chocolate!


Ha! You caught me! I guess this is my backdoor way to write a long drawn-out introduceyourself post since my first one tanked haha! In all seriousness though, it was just a coincidence that Zepp and I had tons of similarities growing up. I found all the eccentricities funny and all too familiar.

I don't think he eats omelette. I'm not 100% sure though. But, based on how fussy he is with vegetables, I think it's going to be a hard sell. Maybe if they could mash the vegetables then have the egg taste overpower it, they could trick Zepp into eating an "omelette" haha!

Hindsight is 20/20, so the best thing to do now is... to work our asses off to build a time machine so we can get all those damn pickles we wasted!! I would really like to give the younger me a stern talking to. For shame, young man! For shame...

Balut is ... * drumroll * ... boiled duck egg :D It's eggy and tastes like duck at the same time, without the lean meat that's full of bones. I agree that it's more fun when people enlighten you rather than researching. Gotta love the small inaccurate details haha!

Bolognese? To be honest, I'm not exactly sure. Because their family enjoys taking food trips, I'm sure he has tasted it, though I'm not sure if he enjoys it. Maybe when my cousin finds the time to com on here, she could sound off on that. That's a neat trick with the carrot though! Sneaky sneaky. Father of the year moves!

Oh, Galaxy is available there?? Hmmmm hng :/ I feel so tempted, but with the cost of shipping fees, it's more economical if it's part of a larger package. We call it the "balikbayan" package here (roughly translated as "coming home") where they bundle up assorted items into one huge box so that the shipping fee would be significantly less. Mmmm I could taste that sweet silky smooth milk chocolate...

I'm glad you enjoyed this edition, brohem! Thank you for leaving your precious thoughts :D

Boiled duck egg! I have never tried it. Looks like a startling experience! Hehe. I will have to try it sometime!

Everyone should consider this as an introduce yourself post, all done!! :O)

Oh man you'll enjoy it for sure! I see it in eating challenges all the time. They serve it side to side with mangrove worms, spiders, or whatever icky thing they think is edible. Really though, balut is so delicious! Pro tip: eat it with vinegar ;)

Haha! Shhh everyone's already making $$$ with theirs, while I made $0.32 (I can't forget that number) haha! Let's not encourage people ;) hahaha!

Lol, I can't quite remember what I made with mine but I suspect it was something similar. I was crushed!

You've recovered quite nicely though. "Quite nicely" is an understatement to what you've already accomplished :D On the other hand, I'm still losing more than I make hahaha!

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