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in #writing7 years ago

I am so glad I caught this one or I would have missed the last chapter :O I did upvote them both while I was at my original home and now I'm back at my other home I can comment XD (well I could have done so before, it's just easier as what I had to work with before was uncomfortable, I know, I know...XD)

Pffft you don't like boiled eggs but you'll eat balut MATE ahh people are so interesting XD I have had to switch to poached recently as people were grossed out over my soft boiled eggs (I like the whole bloody thing runny as fuck, so will basically only just cook the white so they're white, according to people whites are supposed to be firm BUT NOT WHEN FYN IS INVOLVED).

Yay for words :D That's better than no words :D

Oh goodness diets, we tried a gluten free sugar free casein diet because that apparently helps with autism as well and it generated a whole pile of other issues and a deep misery in everyone. I am so impressed by anyone who can maintain restrictive diets long term O_O Fortunately in our case it seems the diet isn't making the hugest difference (most of what we're restricting is processed sugar which we were doing anyway, we just did it more). What made the difference for us is metatonin and a weighted blanket :) And hopefully whatever the paedietrician and psychologist devises to further help him out. It's pretty exhausting and he's not as far along that side of the spectrum like Zepp, so I can see why your cousin doesn't always have time to come see what's going on never mind comment!


Gluten free is a bit hard here because of the cost, but that was definitely explored by my cousin and her family. It just wasn't sustainable since you need different cookingware for that as well. Did that help in your case?

Yeah.. I guess, as a minimum, avoiding processed sugar is already a huge deal. Sugar, not fat, is the enemy!

Metatonin? Mind elaborating what that is? That definitely seems interesting.

Haha! I don't like the smell of the egg whites in boiled eggs. On the other hand, the whites in the balut is so tasty!! I'm a poached egg guy myself, so I definitely get the appeal. Runny eggs for the win!!

It's so awesome that you caught this one! I really felt your absence in the comments section, my friend. Goes to show the impact that your entertaining comments make :D Chapter 17 is posted now. I'm reading Black Fingernails now.

You need different cookware? D: I had no idea XD I don't know if it helped, my partner thinks it did a little bit, I didn't. His behaviour actually improved when we got off it because he didn't want to go back on it!

Melatonin is a hormone that has something to do with telling you when it's bedtime. My youngest has a LOT of trouble sleeping and the paedietrician prescribed it to help him get more sleep as he was not getting enough. Between melatonin pills and his weighted blanket youngest is going to sleep a lot easier now and he really values both those things as he's realised the value of good sleep now that he's finally getting some :)

Yay glad I'm good for something ;D

Yeah, I think I read it somewhere that once gluten is cooked somewhere, it still leaves traces in there haha It's a bit silly when I'm writing it now though.

Ooohhh that's why Melatonin was so familiar! I had a phase where I was so interested in dreams and sleep, so I might've stumbled upon that there. Did your youngest have any trouble acclimating to the weighted blanket though? It's awesome that he came to the realization on his own!! :)

Does it really? o_O If it can survive all that high heat (in pots and pans and dishwashers or just hot soapy water in general) then it's some powerful stuff indeed XD

First, he told me it was "very heavy" and that he wouldn't be able to move under it, and got upset when I told him that was the idea (poor kid has awesome wit enough to make up some amazing puns and some rather inellectual abstract jokes but normal jokes are lost on him as he takes them literally, and we're a family that...needs to grow the hell up really XD).

It helped a a bit before we got the melatonin prescription.

Then he asked for a heavier one XD Told him he'll have to wait a while as I actually got the thing slightly heavier than I should have (according to the weight recommendation chart I should have got him 2.5kg, I got 3kg) and they're not cheap!

Best money I ever spent though, between the weighted blanket and the melatonin he's been getting good sleep which helps everything and everyone immensely :)

Yeah.. Those glutens seem like pesky bastards. Gluten everywhere!! Seriously though, I remember it now being said to me by a professional chef when I took a gluten-free cooking course.

Your stories with your children are always so entertaining :D I can't stop laughing at him being amazing at puns and intellectual jokes but normal jokes are lost on him. Would it be cheaper if you just created the blanket? What do they use to weigh them down?

The one I bought uses glass beads as the weight so it's machine washable. The cheaper ones I've seen that can be bought or made use wheat/sand/rice. Much cheaper, not so washable XD And in this house things need to be machine washable. Leotards are an exception only because 10yo usually does them on her own :)

And I'm not crafty enough for that kind of project XD

Ohhh! Wouldn't the glass beads break if the blanket is thrown though? I get why they use sand, but having it leak would be a real headache when cleaning up.

They're quite small and solid, have had children rolling around on top of and up in this one with no injury so I think they're pretty safe :) And as for throwing it well it's pretty awkward to throw! XD I have tried a couple of times just when moving the thing (like throwing it out of my way when I need to remake the bed) and it just kind of collapses very anti-climatically after a massive effort on my part.

Though that could also be because I'm pissweak ;D

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