in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #16


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And, just like that, the overarching mystery has finally been uncovered. I should've put a warning there that it was the chapter where I jump the shark. I'm packing things up and I'm heading off to a deserted island now. Thank you for all the support, Cloudheads. It's been fun! :D

Seriously though, I never expected to reveal this much this early. We have 6 more chapters to go, and I don't know how to end this more effectively. The mystery is gone, and I am left to deal with the real world drama. Frankly, I'm a bit terrified at this point. It's good thing that it's nighttime, and I could write whole chapters of Ledd sleeping, dreamless. That's it! Spoiler Alert: The next six chapters are just blank chapters, so move along people!

Finally, I'm going to have bullets for my fight against people who complain that my posts are too long. It'll just be the usual prompt with the cover, and that's it. It's like a weight has been finally lifted from my shoulders! Nothing more to see. Thanks for coming folks!




Oh you're still here? You're probably wondering who that Diego fellow is. Is that right? Well, of course, it's none other than...

Diego the Explorer!

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¡Hola amigos!

That turned out like a "Who's that Pokemon" reveal! I bet @ryivhnn got it right! :D

Does that help in putting the pieces together? Well, what about that channel with the golden "H"?

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner winner, chicken dinner!

I initially thought of going into detail about the effects of TV on children, but I guess everyone and their dogs all know about it. You can find countless studies on the internet proving my claim. Heck, I don't even need to claim it! You probably experienced it first hand or with your kids!

Children are impressionable, and it goes double for children with special needs. Thankfully, there's stricter censorship these days. Back when I was a kid, that PG warning at the bottom was just like an advertisement you don't notice. Fortunately for me, I didn't get screwed up (that much), and as much as we try to laugh about this, there have been serious cases of people who were mentally warped by digital media. It could've been completely avoided had their parents spent more time with them instead of plopping them in front of the TV for the whole day.

In Zepp's earlier years, his parents' busy schedule made this almost unavoidable. But, as his condition showed, the way they raised him improved. Physical activity, mental stimulation and other educational things have been provider for our little warrior.

Admittedly, Diego (or even Dora) the Explorer was way past my time. The other influences I used (like Avatar: The Last Airbender), however, were things that I was able to view first hand. There was a version of the story where Samurai Jack was the main influence, but then it would've had such a drastically different plot. A Day in the Clouds wouldn't even have been the title!

Let this be a reminder for all of you parents of young children. Make time for your kids. When they grow up and start being preoccupied by other things, you're going to miss them when they were still craving for your attention.

I can't believe that there are only seven more chapters until this story wraps! Time flew by so quickly!! Now that one of the bigger questions have been answered, I promise that for the next arc, it's going to be less mystery and more history. Hmmm... what could it all mean??

Were you let down by the big reveal? Will you come back for the next chapter? Do you want me to slam my face with a pie? Because I really would. Slam me in the comments section. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



Dear friend, sorry for writing from this account, but I have it open.

I think you touched a sensitive subject. The children in my opinion are losing some humanity due to technology. I see it in my younger brother who spends hours in front of a tablet. At least I enjoy a beautiful childhood playing in the street. In my country due to insecurity this has been lost and thanks to technology have stopped enjoying these things.

When I have a child I'm going to try to make him have the kind of childhood I had. Enjoying the countryside and those experiences that are unforgettable. Big hug my dear brother!

Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts, my friend. Indeed, this is a growing concern that should be really taken into consideration. It's the same here. When I was growing up, we were only allowed to watch TV 2 hours tops. Playing outside was the best possible way to enjoy nature and interacting with people.

I'm the same when I have children, brother. No matter if they will be delayed technologically. What's important for me is that they would experience the same thing we were accustomed to growing up. Big hug! Enjoy the weekend! :D

Thanks, brother! I wouldn't say that it's looking good, but I'm happy with the interaction (however few) I've been getting. Best people to have in your corner here in this platform :D I appreciate you taking the time to leave your encouraging thoughts!

I am going to slam you in the face with a pie!! 6 chapters?! 7 chapters?! How many? I needs to know! There is your pie face felony right there! ;O)

It was a good reveal! I can't believe we are almost at the end. Who the devil has been complaining that your posts are too long. Give em merry hell!

What next when this is done? Do you have another book up your sleeve? Or are you going to go maverick and just make up random stuff? Either way, I got yer back :OD

Awwww, I remember you!!! Good to see you back old friend!!

Steady now. The walls have ears. I would hate for you to get in trouble by saying such things aloud.

You are right of course. You have never been one to hold back.

Meep meep meep... Meep!! :D

Hahaha! Thanks for the reassurance, dude! I'm going to give you a clue: how long is a typical day in our Earthly realm? :D

It's too bad that the people who won't be able to read the SILVER LININGs won't find out who Diego really is. I won't specifically mention his identity in the book aside from the clues I left, so this is where the SILVER LINING is beneficial.

You know, I try to not think about what comes after. I do have some stories waiting in the wings, but I've slacked off and haven't written them yet. Perhaps I'm going to go maverick for a bit until I've written substantial chapters of the next one. This book is something definitely, well... for the books, at least for me. It'd be difficult for me to match the emotion put into this one. On the plus side, I would be getting all the earnings for the next one(s). However, on the down side, I haven't been receiving a lot of earnings as of late hahaha!

Thanks, dude! I'm truly appreciative of your Scottish hands pushing against my back. Your support has truly been wonderful! Unlike other cryptocurrencies out there * cough * the worth of your words only eternally increases :D

I've missed out on a lot while I've been away, but I get to check out the final few chapters in real-time (not simply by catching up).

I, too, believe in the negative effects of television overload on the young mind. It's a real issue but one I think that may actually continue to worsen. Kids are bombarded by information from so many different sources, it can be scary to even contemplate sometimes.

But hey, closing in on the end and a masterpiece is born. It's now etched into the blockchain and testament to your fine writing skills. Keep on pushing, bro!

Yeah, it's crazy how technology affects us. Sure, it has its advantages, but there are a lot of understated disadvantages that lead to severe conditions as well. I think it's the responsibility of not only the parents, but the manufacturers themselves to fully test everything before they launch it.

I really didn't think I would reach this far into the story without missing a week. The months went by so quickly! I had wanted to stop in chapter 19 so that it could sit side-by-side with one of the (currently) unfinished epics here on Steemit ;)

Yep I totally got it right XD My kids watched some Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go when they were younger and we had Foxtel, then we moved to the house with the big tree that was in the way of the satellite so no more Foxtel (which honestly did not bother me at all XD now they're big and just watch Youtube all day, sigh).

And seriously it was the accent/language and Ledd screaming "GO DIEGO GO" when they had to run that gave it away. He was probably much easier to write and hint at than using this other famous Diego though XD

I did also pick up the history channel, it was one of our favourites.

Ahh my kids have watched and played so many age-inappropriate things. I'll have to wait and see how badly I broke them when they hit adulthood. As far as screens go we don't have limits. They can watch as much as they like and usually do, and still manage to spend an inordinate amount of time running around, climbing things, jumping off things, etc. Makes me wish I was out on the acreage we're dreaming about already :)

I'm going to be sad if you just write blank chapters from hereon XP Also I had a minor freakout because I thought I'd managed to miss a chapter again but the last one I read was indeed the last one (phew!). The link to the chapter at the top doesn't seem to be working :)

The "Go Diego Go" phrase was definitely tongue-in-cheek :) It was way beyond my time, so I had to research most of their back story. I needed a Spanish-speaking icon, so I was forced to use him. Since the Chachapoya was based in Peru, it was a bit of a necessity. Granted, Spanish wasn't the language of that civilization, but I couldn't find traces of their extinct language. Believe me, I tried. As to why I decided to use that civilization, I'm reserving it for the final SILVER LINING :')

You know, I've toyed around with the idea of using Diego from Ice Age as the monster in chains!! Haha! One idea I had was that Diego inadvertently transforms into Sabretooth Diego, that's why he was booted from the fortress, but that left too many lingering questions and not enough chapters to explain it haha I guess that removes one suspect from the lineup of what the monster is :/

I can't stop laughing when you said that it didn't bother you at all hahaha I 'm sure you'll have so much fun with the kids' psychiatrist discussing how you broke them :)

I've just fixed the latest chapter link, thanks for noting that, my friend. As for the next chapter link, I linked it in advance because I was caught by the period of not being able to edit the post so I wasn't able to add the correct one in. Sorry for the confusion there.

Were-Diego would have been entertaining as well! Though I can see why you didn't do it, I probably wouldn't have either. Though that would have left room for a sequel as Ledd tries to help out his old friend either fix or otherwise get a handle on the transformation issue XD

I shall await more clues on the monster :)

Yeh the only thing I use the tv for is Playstation games (and I don't even game anymore due to time constraints :<) so losing channels doesn't bother me at all XD

Gah... Whenever I think about that, I couldn't help but sigh at the possibilities.. I had a choice whether to stick to reality or go balls out with fantasy. But, as I mentioned prior, the mood of the chapters depend on the state that Ledd is in. I know you've noted that before with the fever chapters. Without saying too much, I chose to stay grounded in reality.

I had been tempted a number of times to open this up for a sequel, but he doesn't seem to have a long attention span. If this was strictly based on my childhood, I would've been able to write prequels and sequels until the cows come home. But, as I mentioned in the introduction, this story isn't about me :D

He doesn't need a long attention span. He can read (or be read to) for about as much as his attention span holds and continue another time XD

No, I meant it as hmm... Whenever I make up worlds, I revisit them every day. The stories and the characters evolve. When I used to (debatable) play with toys, I would carry on with what they were doing since the last time I played with them. There are definite ends and ever evolving dynamics is what I'm trying to get at.

When I observed how Zepp plays though, I noticed that he plays with his toys for a bit and just leaves them wherever, ultimately forgetting about them. That's how I envisioned the story. Hmm I don't want to say too much to spoil the ending, so I'll try to circle around spoilers haha!

Ahh I getcha. I don't think playing with toys things ever had ends either, I'd kind of lose interest and possibly even remember to put everything away after XD

All my stories have ends that aren't ends (the story ends for the audience but I try to make it clear that the characters are still continuing on with their daily lives afterward XD

Does trying to skirt the spoilers drive you nuts? I'm constantly trying to work out what I'm going to show my patreons and what would be too spoilerific as the ones that answered the poll I put up don't want major spoilers but are okay with minor little things/hints XD

YES! Haha! It's agonizing. Though, the good kind (if there is one). One day, I want to write a story that I'm able to say the ending to right in the very first chapter. Then maybe I could reverse it and tell the story of the beginning haha! Hooray for storytellers like us who continue the lives of our characters even after they have been told :D

Excellent post dear friend @jedau congratulations on this wonderful work

Thanks for stopping by, my friend! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :D

You know, I did think of Diego the explorer right off the bat, but that was only because it's the only Diego on TV I know of so I figured I'd be wrong! lol!
I can't believe I could be reading your book right now, but I can't because too much is happening! It figures, I had so much leisure time for so long, now I'm being bombarded. Tomorrow is a 'surprise' birthday for me, hahaha, too many friends who don't know how to be hush hush, so this weekend is shot, but my friend who's been staying with us is leaving, so next week should be quieter.
Anyhow, I know that no one could possibly be disappointed with anything to do with this story, even if you gave away the entire plot it would still be an awesome read!

You should've went with your gut, my friend! Haha! With everything happening, you might end up getting the chance to read through everything at the exact time the last chapter is posted haha!

Ohh! It's your first birthday ever since we became friends. Happiest of birthdays, my friend! Here's one big internet hug for you! That's why when I plan surprises I usually keep the circle very small to avoid spoilers haha

Thank you for the reassurance, I'm just glad to have supporters like you! The people who comment on this story are just simply the best :D

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