My Life's Journey - A first amazing weekend in Cosenza, Italy. Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tsufamily7 years ago (edited)

I have just arrived in Cosenza about 10 days ago and I can tell you guys this town is amazing. It has that old rustic architecture vibe about it and I love it. It feels like I am living in different time a bit. As I have just arrived here about 10 day's ago some of my teammates invited me and another foreign player from Argentina on Saturday to join them on the trip to the beach. We drove up north of Cosenza to a near by city called Vis Calabria. As some of you know I am all about the sea, and the beautiful beaches. So it was an easy decision. Take me to the beach.

Vis Calabria is about 30 min drive from Cosenza, and my Italian teammate drives a bit fast so we there in no time. lol I managed to snap some photos of Cosenza in a moving car but I will make a separate post all about Cosenza in one of my future posts as I accumulate more photos. Hopefully not from a moving car. lol

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We arrived there around 1 pm and after a week of hard practices, I could not wait to dive into the beautiful Adriatic sea for some well-deserved refreshment. As the sea is perfect for relaxing the muscles. The beach was gorgeous and the view around it was amazing. I always say just give me the beach, and clean sea and I am a happy man. Even though I just came here and I went to the beach plenty this summer in Croatia I felt like I never been to the beach before. Just like a kid. lol This is exactly what I needed to recover from practices.


After about an hour of swimming and 29-year old acting like a kid, it was time to set my towel down and soak up the amazing rays of the sun. The temperature was perfect for as it was not too hot or too cold for some sun exposure. Plus little breeze was blowing which made it perfect to just spread my arms, and legs and just lay there on the sand beach. It is a good life. Good life indeed. :)


After about an hour of soaking up the sun. We decided to get a bit of refreshment as being hydrated on the beach is extremely important as the sun can dry out, and damage your skin. So we went to a bar and we all got a beer. lol I know right? Here is this guy talking about health and here he is buying a beer for hydration. I don't drink much really, or at all for the past 2-3 years, but while in good company 1 beer will not hurt much. Or two, as we went for a second beer later. Great job Duro. I keep fixing this story so it fits my story how beer is not bad for you. lol


After convincing myself the beer is good for me I went for a little-barefooted walk on little rocks surface part of the beach. I like to go barefooted as thousands of nerve connections are on the bottom of your foot. Nerve connections which lead all through out your body. Putting pressure on those nerve trigger points stimulates better functionality of the organs and entire body. At the beginning, it hurts a little bit, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Please don't do this on sharp stones or you will cut your foot. Do it on obliques shaped stones. Do not overdo it. 5-10 min would be enough to stimulate those nerves.


I also collected some interesting sea glass and one stone which caught my eye. As I like to collect little things to remind me of a great and positive day. Good thing to have around the house to remind you of something positive when you are having a bad day. One positive thought can lead to a positive day, and in the future positive life.

We spent another 2 hours on the beach and about 6:30 pm decided to go back to Cosenza. As the sun does tire you out if you are exposed to it for too long and not properly hydrated. Alcohol is not the answer guys as it probably dehydrates you even more. Glad I didn't go for a sugary cocktail as one of our teammates suggested. lol


On our way back I snapped some more photos from a moving car. They were some beautiful captures for an ending to a beautiful day. I arrived home around 7:30 pm, made dinner and went straight to sleep as the Sun tired me out a bit. On Sunday our teammates being very good teammates invited us to go for lunch on the mountain and to visit a National Park Sila, but I will not talk about it much here as the beauty of the park deserves to be shown in a separate post. Trust me though there will be some gorgeous photos shared in my next post.

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I am becoming a professional with this photos from a moving

Anyway, guys another amazing day in my books worth an entry to my My Life's Journey journal. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed this beautiful Saturday. Stay tuned for an entry about National Park Sila.

Have an amazing day all, much love,


Previously posted My Life's Journey entries:

My Life's Journey - The Adventures of Dama(our cat) Part 2

My Life's Journey - Flying to a new basketball adventure in Cosenza, Italy.

My Life's Journey - The Adventures of Dama(our cat). Part 1

My Life's Journey - Forest fire above my hometown Drnis, on a mountain Promina.

My Life's Journey - Forest fire above my hometown Drnis, on a mountain Promina. Progress Report

My Life's Journey - Unexpected gift on the horizon.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war. Part 2 - Progress

My Life's Journey - Amazing day with my brother Nikola.




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Hi @awakentolife!

I've read some of your stories ( took me a while 😁 ) and I decided to follow your journey. And I am curious what do you think about Sila National Park.

Much love,


Hi, @szuri. Thank you for reading as somehow I don't seem to know how to write a short story. lol

Sila National Park is gorgeous. I really enjoyed my time there. Perfect place for a picnic and enjoying the nature. Hopefully, soon I will find a time write a post about it. :)

Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have an amazing day. :)

I am so happy for you!! It all looks so wonderful! I hope you have a great season.

Thank you, Melinda for your kind words. I sure do have an amazing feeling about this season as I followed my gut feeling on deciding where to play this season. :)

Thank you for stopping by, and leaving a great comment. Have an amazing day :)

Bok, kako si?

Wow, Duro! You have jumped in with both feet! :)) Sounds like a perfect way to end the week and pull some relaxation out of it Beach is always perfect for me. Summer or winter.

I agree with walking barefoot for stimulation. When I was a kid, we never wore shoes in the summertime.It was against our religion. :) Kidding. I hope you got hydrated with your two beers!!!

Sounds like you have made a nice transition to Italy and the new team. I hope you really enjoy these last few season (s) It will be so hard to change you life again, but, I think your body will probably thank you later.

Keep on Steemin! Love your stories. Upped and Steemed

Ja sam odlicno. Kako si ti? :)

I sure did. With both feet. I agree with 100%. Summer or winter just give me the beach. :)

As a kid, I never wore flip flops either. Always barefooted. The beers were actually quite refreshing even though water would do the trick also. But, all my teammates were getting beers so what a heck. lol

Whatever will happen in the future it will happen in the future. I will just focus on enjoying the NOW, right here where I am. :)

I am used to changes as you have to be highly adaptable for a pro player as you never know where basketball will take you next. :)

Thank you for an amazing comment. I truly do appreciate it. Have an amazing day. :)

You too! As for the future, you are absolutely right. What better time to enjoy life than the here and now. I find that the future always seems to take care of itself in its own time!!

Yep, I could not agree more. I have realized the more I plan things the more life twists it around. Yes, we should all have a general direction we are going in life, but having too many plans, can also lead to many disappointments as they don't come true. Because life is mysterious like this. :)

So just like you said. Live here and now. The future will take care of itself on its own. :)

Thank you for another amazing comment. :)

Great pics - even from a moving car! Looks like the beach had small pebbles instead of smooth sand. The sea glass is really cool! Thanks for sharing such a nice view in your post!

I like it better than sand also. For me, it feels better under my feet. I am getting better with moving car pictures. lol Practice makes better.. hehe

Sea glass is actually pieces of beer bottles which have been shaped by the sea's tides. Cool thing indeed.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a great comment. Have a great day. :)

When we hit the beach, we look for shells and drift wood that is small enough to use for a decoration. We haven't found beach glass yet. We have some black sand beaches here. It sticks to you and you end up taking home a ton of it!

Small drifts woods with "character" are amazing decorations pieces. Well, it depends I think as I am not expert on the tides of the sea, and what kind of beach is it. :)

I love the sand also, but prefer this small oblique rocks kind of beaches. :)

Thank you for a lovly comment. Have an amazing day. :)

I'm not sure how I missed this when you posted it, so I'm a little late to the party

It looks like you're having a wonderful time in your new community. Glad you could go enjoy the beach, it's beautiful and it looks like much fun.

I'm very excited to see the post about the National Park. I enjoy seeing pictures from beautiful places and hearing the stories that accompany them.

Thanks for sharing. :)

@tippy vote

Little late is always better than 100% late brother. hehe jk I am just glad you found a time to visit my post. :)

The beach sure is beautiful and a great place to clear my mind. :)

The national park is gorgeous though. Very well maintained and organized. I could not find one piece of trash on its property. As you will see in the pictures I will post. I took a lot of photos so I have to write the post and sort through all the pictures. But I will post it probably tomorrow. :)

Thank you for always engaging in my posts brother. I have not been much active here lately so I got to catch up with everybody's posts. Have a great day. :) @ethandsmith

I always appreciate your comments, too. I'm looking forward to your new posts. I've got a new one coming soon about a hike I went on this weekend. Hopefully we'll both be able to enjoy each other's posts about beautiful scenery.

I'm sure you'll find time to get caught up! Thanks again for stopping by!

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Life is incredible was not too long ago you were in the middle of fires helping the best way you could and now you are on the beach in Italy. I am so happy for you, you deserve the best. Also, looking forward to learn more about the amazing city and the park. UPV & RSD 🌸💖🌸

Life truly is incredible and it has taken me for a ride for sure. Sometimes life does not even pay the ticket, it just takes me places without asking. But, everywhere I been there was a story to tell, and a lesson to learn. Even though it seems all random, life always has a plan why you are there, and what you need to accomplish. :)

You deserve the best as well my amazing friend. And, one day I hope all you work and look for comes to you wrapped in the nice present from life. :)


Beer is soul food. Enjoy it without guilt. Glad to see you are enjoying it over there.

I did enjoy it to tell you the truth. Guilt free not so much as I am a bit of health freak. lol Not too much though.

I am having a good time. It seems listening to my gut feeling about picking the club for this year has been spot on. :)

What to say really. You are amazing. Thank you for the tip. :)

For sure Italy is in my list of places to visit. Really cool pictures and I hope You are having a blast.

Italy is beautiful and there is a lot of places and things to see. :) I am having a good time so far. :)

That is the most important ❤

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