My Life's Journey - The Adventures of Dama(our cat). Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tsufamily7 years ago (edited)

Before we get on me telling you about the adventure of our cat Dama(literal translation Lady.) I want to tell you a bit about her. She is a beautiful cat with light yellow eyes, and she is a lady in every sense of the way. She has that classy and smooth thing going on for her. Kind of lady Tom Jones would sing about in his "She is a lady" song. Anway this our cat Dama. :)

Giving me that mean look. Why are you taking pictures of me? lol

She is kind of a cat which one day will spend a day with you cuddling and peering around you, and then one day she will just ignore you like you never existed. lol It just depends on which personality you will get on certain days. Plus she is a daredevil and true sentiment to a theory that cats have 9 lives. She is definitely a survivor. To explain a bit let me tell you a story.

My aunt lived on the 4th floor of a huge apartment complex. Dama was my aunt's cat at first, but she left it with my mom about a year ago. My aunt absolutely loved her and treated in an exact way with much love and care. Anway, Dama loved to sleep on the balcony, but not on the floor of the balcony. She was sleeping on top of the fence about 3 inches wide with about 20m(65 feet) fall to the ground if she tips to the side while sleeping. No matter how many times my aunt would move her from the fence she would always come back there to sleep. Daredevil right?

Well, one day my aunt came home and could not find Dama anywhere. She looked everywhere. Searched for her for 3 days, but could not find her. She was losing hope she will ever find her again. Then, one day going to her car in the parking lot behind her apartment she heard a very silent sound reminding her of the sound only Dama could make. She looked around and under one of the car's in the parking lot, she found her. Dama was not a pretty sight. Her back legs were literally loose as she has fallen 20m down to the ground from the balcony.

My aunt was happy and sad at the same time. Happy to find her, but sad about the condition she was in. She took her to the vet and the vet told her Dama's hips were broken, and if she did not go through 2000$ surgery she will not be able to walk normally or not at all on those two back legs. She could not afford such a huge expense so she took her home, and did all she could to make feel comfortable. She was bringing her food and comforted her in the best way she could at the moment.

For about 2 weeks or so of my aunt was treating Dama with the medicine of love and care. There was really not much progress in those weeks. She basically spent all her day in on her pillow not moving much at all. Until one day my aunt came back home from work and was witnessing a miracle. As soon as she walked into her apartment Dama's was right there at the door standing on her own 4 feet greeting her. I mean she was limping, and having a hard time moving, but she was standing after the vet told us she will never stand on those two back legs again. Tears of joy came to my aunts face. She just hugged her and was not letting her go. I remember my aunt telling me, Dama soon shook herself off from my aunt's arms and walked away still limping a significantly. The way she walked away it seemed she was saying did you really doubt me? It was like she actually got mad at my aunt for believing the vet. lol

On everybody's surprise after about a month or so after her fall from the balcony, Dama was jumping and running like nothing had happened before. Of course, again sleeping on the edge of the fence on the balcony. lol The next vet appointment x-ray showed not even a sign of a break. Like nothing happened. In true words, a miracle has happened. From this point on we are all true believers in the cat have 9 lives theory. I mean how else can you explain this?
She still loves resting on the edges. Who cares right? She still has 7 more lives left. smh lol

In my own personal opinion, I believe her miraculous recovery was due to the "medicine of love and care" my aunt was giving her through the recovery process. I really do not see any other explanation. It just goes to show us all how much a real support and love means to somebody who is going through tough time and recovery such as Dama's. Sometimes all we need is a bit of "medicine of love". So next time you see somebody in need, my friends, show them love, and who knows maybe your love will be a trigger which will lead to some miraculous story such as this one.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story, as much I did writing it. It is an incredible story. I did not wish to make it this long, but the words were basically typing by themselves. I was planning to write both stories in one post, but it would be just too long to read. This is why I will share the other story which happened this past week at my mom's house in part 2 of Dama's adventures. 2017-08-19-19-52-41.jpg

Let me know what you think about this story. Would love to hear some feedback from you. See you guys in the comment section.

Have an amazing day all. Sending you much love,


My other posts this week:

My Life's Journey - The unexpected gift on the horizon.

An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3

"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 4

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war. Part 2 - Progress


Copywrite of Duro Bjegovic


Oh my goodness, what an amazing story Durko. Absolutely love it. Dama is a little cute darerdevil for sure. However, I would put something around the edges of the balcony to prevent her from falling again. 💖🐺💖

Thank you, my amazing friend as always for an amazing comment.

She is not living with my aunt anymore so no more balcony and the fences around my mom's house are not on a big height. So she is safe. At least from the height falls, but she always finds some new ways to scare us. Like in part 2 I will share about her adventures. We are never bored with her. lol

Nice post, beautifully presented and explained. detail oriented with nice pics. thank you for sharing this with us, Upvoted,

Thank you @kingjan, and you are more than welcome. I enjoyed writing about Dama and her adventurous. She is a survivor. Great example how we should all be in life. No matter what happens, it can all get better if we believe. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

Cats are such survivors! And I don't believe the people who say cats aren't loyal like dogs as my cat used to wait for me at the front door and even sleeping there to wait til I got home. And when I was travelling, my sis used to say my cat would still wait ta the door for me, even though my sis told her I won't be back that night! I'm so glad your aunt believed in Dama and didn't put her to sleep as many would. Can't wait to read part 2... :)

It is all about the connection you create with no matter what type pet you have. They are as loyal as much as you are loyal to them. Dama is incredibly loyal and good cat. Just as my mom is. We used to have 2 dogs and they were so connected to us that they will feel us nearby even if they can't not hear or see us. They would run straight to the door and already happy we are coming. It is an incredible connection. :)

Part 2 is going to be interesting. She is one lucky cat for sure. We thought again we lost her forever, but there she goes and surprises us again. :)

So true... You will get in return, what you give...
Looking forward to your Part 2... :)

Indeed we will. We get what we give. So let's spread some positivity and love around. :)

Part 2 coming sometime this week. Just been busy to write this past week. :)

Thank you for always stopping by my profile and commenting. Have an amazing day. :)

Hi! Again I enjoyed your post. You write in such a present way that I feel I am the person you are talking to. Love your cat's name and you've certainly illustrated her like a lady, your lady... hahaha

Thank you @anvitoriakong. I really do not intend to write like this, but I guess this my natural way of telling a story. I always try to write it as interesting as it was for me. :)

She is definitely a lady. I mean when she wants to be. :)

Thank you for a lovely comment. Have a great day. :)

Dama is too bautiful :) Thank u for sharing this amazing story with us :)

Thank you @megybella :) She really is something special. The other story I write about her will be very interesting also. Just have to write it. :)

I can wait to read it :)

nice post.. thanks for sharing this and loving your cat...
keep it up

Thank you @kenhudoy. :) Will do my best to keep writing great stories from my life. :)

wow...thanks for this and be assured of my constant support...
find time also to check my blog posts.... sure you will find some good read...

Thank you. I will stop by your blog :)

Have an amazing day. :)

welcome as always dear... keep steeming hot

Oh, didn't knew you were a fellow extsuvian!

Yes, I was on TSU, and right when I started to get going on there it vanished. lol My name on there was GetFitForLife. My account was all about motivation and fitness. Fitness part I will add here later. :)

I don't think we met in tsu. I was Luzyi there. I used to run the selfie zone channel and admin 3 more channels. It was a shame what they did, tsu was a great place!

I don't believe we also met on TSU. O well glad to know you know on Steemit. :)

Well, it was a great place if you were an early adopter or one who the management favorited. I think it was a great idea but very poorly executed. I hope Steemit is a whole another story.

I think Steemit its different in lots of ways. I don't complain much about tsu because I met wonderful people there and I'm lucky to still be friends with them. So far i like Steemit, im learning stuff and meeting cool people.

Of course, the same here. Met some amazing people on TSU. I still keep in contact with many of them and some of them are here on Steemit which is amazing. I just thought TSU management could have done a much better job. That is all. I am looking forward to our futures here on Steemit. I hope we all have a great time here and meet some more amazing people. :)

I agree! Lets make new friends! 😊

Glad you do. :)

That's really a very exciting story. I'm so glad you have a cat so beautiful that has seven lives

Thank you, my friend. She is indeed beautiful and in a true sense a survivor. :)

Thank you for a thoughtful comment. :)

Thank you too

Živjela Dama! Ajde drago mi je da si ti uspio s kojim postom zaradit neku veću cifru. Ja sam pokušala s jednom slikom, više slika pa ništa. Vidim da triba ispričat priču, pa budem i to provala.

Evo vidis taman sam ti komentirao da malo vise pises o slikama. Gdje si bila i sta si radila tamo. Onako malo da se ljudi mogu povezati s time. A ovo mi je vec drugi post da je tako zaradio iako sam samo 3 tjedna tu. Iskreno i mene iznenadilo. Ono probudio se ujutro i vidim preko 100$ na postu. 3 puta provjeravao jeli istina.. hehe :)

Zivjela Dama :)

Quite an amazing story. I have always thought of cats as mysterious creatures, they don't really wear their emotions on their sleeves like dogs. Glad to see everything turned out alright for Dama

They sure have that mysterious vibe about them. It sure was a good story, and I will write part 2 soon which happened couple weeks ago. She gave us a scare again. lol

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