My Life's Journey - Forest fire above my hometown Drnis, on a mountain Promina. Progress Report.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Hi, my friends. I am bringing you the report from the fire which was raging above my hometown Drnis, Croatia. The fire burned down enormous part of the mountain and turned trees and vegetation to ash. It will take years for it to grow back. Ecological damage is horrifying which you will be able to see in the pictures below. Not to mention animals habitat who are now scattered all over the place.

If you missed my first report use the link below to catch up with the story.

From the information I have from my friend who is a professional fireman only a few houses and one church has burned down. None of the lives were lost as the fire is now under control. I volunteered one night when the fire was at its peak and the help was truly needed because otherwise, they were not letting citizens volunteer because there are enormous consequences if something happens to us. It would a media sh.t storm. But they had no choice.

At first, I tried to go to fire department and volunteer but at the moment they did not let any civilians to help out with putting down the fire. Since they did not let me volunteer I found out they are preparing in our towns kindergarten a place where the evacuated people will sleep. So I went there and helped carry beds and all the stuff they needed help with. I could not sit at home and sit on my butt. My heart was telling to help out in any way I can. Most of the evacuated were older people who lived in the villages near the fire areas. I can't even imagine how they felt. Leaving their home behind. Not knowing if they will have a home when they return.

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As I was checking on my phone for the news about the fire I noticed a post saying people are gathering with cooperation with the fire department to go and help out with putting out the fire. I did not think for a second. I ran to the meeting place, where they gave us short instructions to always listen to professional fire fighters assigned to us. We were never to separate and always go in groups with somebody watching your back so the fire does not circle and trap us. No HEROS needed, only teamwork. After the van picked us up and we were on our way to the mountain.

I can't describe to you guys how it all looked when I got up there at 10 pm. I mean guys if I am ever asked how to describe how hell looks like I would describe it exactly like this. When we looked up to the big fires you can see the flames going up to 20m(65feet) or higher to the sky. Horrifying to see. There was hard wind blowing so I am not kidding you guys the fire spreads 50 meters in the direction of the wind in 3-4 minutes or less. When the wind is blowing like this it is impossible to stop the fire, but only try to contain it. Not to mention it is extremely dangerous. Especially if the wind changes, and the fire moving so quickly. That is why civilian volunteers are not allowed to be close to it. Some of my friends who are professional firemen sent me these pictures so you can imagine how it was to be there.

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I was in a group with 10 other civilians who were sent under the ridge where above the huge fires raged. Led by two professional firemen, we were ordered to put down small fires, and not let them spread. Even there we ran into trouble because we are inexperienced and without proper equipment. Little fire flakes fly all around us and can start a new fire anywhere. As we were walking by one 4m(13feet) tree the flake falls on it. I am not exaggerating this not even by a bit. The whole tree went on fire in less than 5 seconds. The heat from the tree was like putting your head in the oven for 10 seconds. It took five of us to put it down. Later I asked how is this possible? It looked like its soaked with gasoline. They told me because trees are full of resin it acts as fire accelerator. Now I was imagining how it would be to stand in the vicinity of a 20m tree on fire as this small tree. Can you imagine it? Now imagine 100 or more of those trees burning together at the same time. Horrible indeed right? That is how the big fires above us looked like.

We kept pushing long in the night and ran into more problems, but this I feel is worth sharing. We did not have any equipment except water bags with hoses designed for individual firefighters. We had no helmets. The clothes and shoes came from our homes. This is why this was a problem.

As we were breaking through still not burned down trees and vegetation to get to the small fire the wind direction changed and all the thick smoke from the fire came blowing straight into our faces. In 10 seconds my eyes were red and tearing up, and breathing was near to impossible. I mean horrible feeling. It was like trying to breathe through a straw. Plus you are not breathing in clear air, but thick fire smog. Somehow we managed to get through and stopped the small fire to spread and become a big fire. By small fire, I mean big fire but without huge 20m trees around us. But still dangerous if not careful and do not follow instructions from the professional fireman. We patrolled the area until about 4 am, and had to watch it does not spark again. It really only needs one fire flake on dry grass to start it again.Luckily we did a good job, and it did not start again as the wind calmed down also. Soon we were sent home as only huge fires were left and we can not assist in those.

I remember coming home and looking at my basketball shoes all melted down and my face black. I mean besides my darker toned skin. lol My clothes were full of burned spots. But, the most important of all I was not burned anywhere. My father waited for me till 4 am as he was worried a bit about me since I am a bit clumsy for anything besides basketball. lol He was glad to see me come home safe and sound. I was exhausted climbing the rough terrain, breathing in the smoke for 6 hours, but very happy I got to chance to contribute with putting down the fire. I was part of something bigger than myself.

Tomorrow morning there were pictures of burned areas all over facebook and my friends sent some to me so I can share it with you guys. I mean I can't the describe the sadness in my heart when I saw them. Especially listening to the stories all of these fires were planted. I mean what kind of person can do such a thing? I can only explain as a person without no conscience, heart, and soul. The only way I can make sense of it. Take a look at it by yourself, and you be the judge.

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Terrible site to see. It looks like it winter and it's snowing. But instead of snow flakes, the ash flakes were falling down. I mean Facebook was full of pictures from the devastation fire left behind. Two photos my friends sent me stuck with me. They perfectly depict the ecological damage done.


No words needed. These two pictures say a thousand words...


I truly believe there is always something positive in everything negative. Even in the horrible story such as this one. I absolutely loved how people came together to help out. The reinforcements were coming from all over Croatia. People were donating food and water for the volunteers and fire fighters. It makes my heart warm seeing such a togetherness displayed. Everbody was doing their part and no matter how smalls it seems it is important for the whole operation. If one these "small" deeds stop working the whole operation suffers. The same as we were putting out the small fires, from spreading and becoming big fires. Everybody has to do their parts. Teamwork is a must in these kinds of situations.

It just makes me wonder why are we not always like this? Why do we only work together when something bad happens? Why can't we be this "connected" with all the problems in the world? Can you imagine the world where all of this citizens work together to solve the problems?

We would make this place a heaven on earth in no time. I believe in such a world. Are you guys dreamers like I am? I sure hope so. One day this place will be "Heaven on Earth". So I leave you with a perfect song by great John Lennon. Keep dreaming my friends, one day it will become a reality. We just need more of us to believe and start working together toward such an amazing dream.

Thank you for reading. See you in the comment section. Have an amazing day all. :)


Some of my other posts this week:

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war. Part 2 - Progress

"It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 5

My Life's Journey - The Adventures of Dama(our cat). Part 1

Sun Thursday Challenge Submission - Bribirske Mostine, Croatia.


its damaged lot of things and hope all will fine soon...

It has damaged a lot. But, it will grow back over time. Nature can rebuild anything. It will just take some time. :)

Thank you for your story. You have great love and empathy and that is why what you wish you shall have: peace and love on Earth for all humanity. I can imagine. Aloha!

Thank you @islandliving for your kind words. Someday we will all live in such a world full of love. We just have to come together, start dreaming and working toward our dreams.

Have an amazing day. :)

Wildfires are extremely crazy and unpredictable. They're normal where I live and expected during the summer time since it gets really hot and dry. I hope you stay safe out there! :)


Yes, they are indeed. Impossible where the wind will change and where it will spread. The same here. Every year we have problems with it, but our fire departments are equipped with 30 year old dated equipment. Which makes their job much harder. Our government really do not care about it. This is the first time I was near the one close to my home. Plus saw it up-close.

Thank you for the kind wishes buddy. Have a great day. :)

Showed your post some love. I am so sorry that this is happening near your home - I can't even imagine how devastating an event of this calibre must be on your family and even emotionally.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you, as well as the best wishes of the entire Unmentionables group. I will see if we can put something together to help this post gain more traction through our group efforts.

We love our members and we want you to know that we support you!

I am just glad it did not spread down to our city. Our fire fighters did a good job of controlling it. I am glad I was a little part of their operation. :)

Thank you for an amazing comment and all your support brother. We are a small group but I love the togetherness.

Have an amazing day, and see you in the group chat. :)

A powerful post so glad to read no one was fatally injured, what's a dramatic and powerful fire leaving a path of so much destruction

SO much praise for you going out to help fight the fire especially with no protective equipment

Back when I was younger I was called out to help with some fire fighting and was fortunate to have protective gear but it was such hard work especially if you get caught with a wind change as you did

Glad you are all safe and the fire is under control

Indeed my friend. The most important thing is no one got hurt. The rest will grow back eventually. Even though I am hearing reports of fires flaring up again. But, from what I know it is under control. If not I will have to go and help out again. Maybe this time little more prepared. lol

Thank you for reading and leaving a great comment. Much appreicated. Have an amazing day. :)

Lets hope its minor flare ups that can quickly be dealt with

you to have a great day

I hope so too my friend. Will keep you updated. :)

It is really so sad to see the comparison and I cannot explain the horror you described to us how deadly the forest fire is.

So to see that happening in your hometown @awakentolife , it is really horrifying. It definitely has no link with farming because Summer is where the yield comes (as far as I understand) and one spark of the hot land could cultivate a whole nightmare for its surroundings.

In Malaysia we suffered the neighbouring forest fire multiple times as because of the farmers started the open burning at the farms so that they can cultivate natural fertiliser (which is the old kind of way in farming), but when it is not govern, especially on a hot and dry season, things could turn so ugly that not only the effected areas are devastated with the damage, neighbouring states and countries suffered equally as the air thickens with nothing but ashes.

I truly hope that the entire radius affected and (further towns and cities that got struck by the haze because of the wind) will be restored fully soon.

Our hearts are out to you Croatia !
upvoted and resteemed

I really salute you... You think of others and not only you think of others, you put your thoughts into action.. you go out and do what you could to help...
"No HEROS needed, only teamwork."
Because of teamwork, we have a great team of HEROS...

Thank you, Eliza, for such amazing words. In life, we all need to show what we think and how we feel. Thinking about it and not doing anything about it. Even a little action on your part can mean a lot. It can mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. Such as people bringing the beds, making food, and some containing small fires. It is all important for the goal we have. :)

Absolutely love your input:

"Because of teamwork, we have a great team of HEROS..."

The same goes for Steemit here. We can make a wonder of Steemit if we work together.

Thank you for amazing and thoughtful comment, Eliza. Have an amazing day. :)

Thank you for always sharing with us your thoughts and your experiences... And yes.. We can make a wonder of Steemit if we work together... Teamwork... :)

I am glad to share with some amazing people such as you. I am glad you guys are enjoying reading my stories. :)

Teamwork is the only the way to go up for Steemit. :)

Hello my friend, @awakentolife I have been following this saga. You have done a fine job of capturing the sorrow, the feeling of helplessness, and the stark reality.

Hopefully, your town with quickly plant trees. All the biochar will assist their early growth.

I really tried my best to help my readers imagine the experience I went through. To take you literally with me at the place it was all happening. Reality is we could only contain it. We were at the mercy of the weather and wind, and lucky for us wind stopped blowing and firefighter planes came to help out. Wind such a strong wind they can't fly. I am just glad it is contained now even though other fires have started in around cities and areas and some of them even worse than this one.

I hope they will start planting also. They need to in order for the forest to recover.

Thank you for following the story and for leaving a great comment. Have an amazing day. :)

Oh my goodness Durko, thank God and everyone who helped including you. God bless you all and I wish you the best returning back to restore your lives. Even though it is a very sad site to see the forest burned, at least no one got hurt. UPV & RSD XOXO

Indeed my friend, thank you God for keeping everyone and me safe. :) We will rebuild and grow what was destroyed eventually. I just heard today it was flaring up again, but it is under control of the fireman. If not I will go again. Hopefully more prepared next time. :)

Sending you much love. XOXO

Much love to you too Durko, you have a big heart. Let's just hope the fire is soon to be completely over XOXO

Me and you both my amazing friend. XOXO

Sad and dangerous situation. Glad to see that everyone is okay, and great that people did what they could. Mother nature has a weird way of showing who is in charge. It must be devastating having this happen so close to home. Stay safe

The mother nature is the boss for sure, but in this case, I believe it is not her who started this. It was man made fire. Because they arrested some people in the attempt to set the fires already. They think they started these fires also because it is unlikely the fire starts at 4 different locations at the same time. Highly unlikely.

Thank you, brother, for the safe wishes. I will do my best. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

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