The Manic Depressive Type...Is In The Hospital...

in #tribevibes5 years ago


billbrewer.jpeg This is the Rev. William Augustus Brewer I, Bill's great grandfather, who was a minister in San Mateo County, CA.

The house is quiet and peaceful this morning without Bill, except his phone alarm went off at 4am and woke me up. Joe the homeless dude has been blowing up his phone - i guess he was released from the hospital this morning - and his texts say that Bill made him attempt suicide - Good luck Joe! You still are not ready yet.

I fed the fish and noticed one of them is lying on his back at the bottom of the tank, but still alive (heartbreaking) and I lifted the log because I could not find the clown fish - who was always a lovely jovial character and found it's rotting body under the log.

I hate this. This is my downfall - in life is seeing other life forms suffer at the hands of US humans. I also noticed one of the Silver Dollar's eyes looks like it's coating over. It's got to be a toxic cesspool of acidity in that tank. I have no idea what to do about it - I am a total nube to the fish world - and am broke, and injured - so I am going to pray for the fish - Archangel Uriel please take care that those fish don't suffer to much...

My boyfriend gave William that tank 2 years ago - - and William actually later got ANGRY that he has to take care of the fish. He's a Pisces, so I thought he would like them... but no! Anything that requires he get out of himself and actually help another with no obvious reward to him - he gets pissed off.

What a sad commentary on humanity. Oh well. I am so negative by nature.I am going to begin working on "getting rid of stuff" which is my current job to get ready to move out of here.

bill very scary.jpg

Bill called me from the hospital to see if the I had been served the eviction notice. He still hates me even though he is on drugs. I blocked the number.

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