The Yeti and The Mermaid...Chapter 3

in #art6 years ago

Chapter 3
The Yeti & The Mermaid...the true story of 2 people who needed help & helped each other...

Feather; Encaustic & Oil with Paper Mache, Collage on Wood; 11.5" x 17" x 2" relief $390

The yeti had asked the mermaid to help him find his way back to the Ocean. He knew something was not right but he didn't know what. He had been chronically homeless for 40 years, on and off. From seeing the mermaid, he remembered that he once swam freely in the Ocean, but he could not remember exactly what happened that had made him become a yeti. The mermaid seemed to know more than he did about the Ocean and how to get there. Although they did not understand one another, they learned how to get along. They had absolutely nothing in common, except that they were both looking for the Ocean.

Besides, she smelled good. She had that fragrance of saltwater and seaweed that reminded him of something before. He remembered that he once felt better than being a strange boy, and he longed to be free, so he followed the mermaid. He had the stubborn personality of a goat and she had the firey personality of a comet. She burned his hooves and he trampled on her fins, but they stuck together because they recognized their vulnerability, in a world where most people were asleep.

Synastry, Oil & paper mache on panel, 12" x 22" x 1.5" Relief $390

Once Unity is created between the dark and the light forces, continuous listening to various needs and wants through prayer and meditation is required to keep balance.

The yeti has quite a tale to tell. He grew up bi-coastal. His dad worked for the DOD as an undercover agent and he is the oldest of 6. He was the smartest and therefore was treated differently - and not in a good way - it's a typical dilemma when dealing with pure Evil. He had been offered a not entirely free ride through Princeton as a PhD candidate in math, but Dad said no because he did not want to pay for it.

Dad, the secret agent man - Mom, the abandoned wife - pissed-off that Dad is always gone, abuses the kids while Dad is absent and then is remorseful later - the kids grow up in this weird, other-worldly, unstable environment - which they learn to believe is "normal" and they recreate it for themselves as adults - and they hate each other because they remind each other of the horrid feelings of childhood - instead of caring for one another as a family unit, the kids create one obvious scapegoat to compare themselves to and live their separate lonely lives... the scapegoat in this case, was the yeti.

He is an awkward boy, super brainiac and very tall and gawky, and the son of a high-ranking government official; so he is above the law - and never has consequences for his actions. The cops run his plates and drive off before ever pulling him over. Living without consequences as a youngster leads to nothing good later - an inability to fit in to society may start out as unconventionally cool but ends up just plain homeless, due to having "gotten away with it" all those years.

At heart, the yeti desired love. He longed to be indoors and for a companion, a family, a community - he's getting old. The lure of the catch-as-catch-can swindle is no longer of interest to him. Every day at about 4 o'clock he would have an existential crisis when he realized he was going to be sleeping outside again. He is trying to clean up his act - but Crazy does not bode well for him, and Crazy is all he knows... as he goes to various community groups trying to find a way out. He is like the steer who jumps the slaughterhouse fence and runs headlong into traffic - free at last!. The problem is - he is still a steer - and steers just don't know how to behave in the City.

His hooves slip on the pavement. He becomes more afraid - now not only of the life he leaves, but of what awaits him - there is no love in sight - fear looks like aggression - an enormous 1500 pound animal barreling through the residential neighborhood might be shot by "authorities" in this day of conformity - and in some ways it is safer for the steer standing in it's own excrement in the feed lot yard - the inevitable death guarantees peace. It is a dilemma we face in our world today. The Age of Submission to the Materialistic God has made humans complacent to an oddball... they kill it and then find out what it is.

When it came to helping the yeti, the mermaid had to call on all her special friends for help - the faeries & the butterflies, the Holy Spirit & the Ocean itself. She called & prayed & cast spells because even though the yeti followed her around, he was gruff & tough & a little wild. He lived outside, so he could never let his guard down & just be the man that he was. She needed help from all of her family, her elders & her sisters & brothers and she needed help from her cohorts. She needed help from her community like she had never needed it before.

Previous Chapters



This is down right beautiful, thank you for sharing this it touched my heart 💓

well thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that ! and there are many more chapters to come... so stay tuned.

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