TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people!

As we begin a new week here on Steemit, the sun is shining here in Ireland and I have the pleasure of sharing some of @tribesteemup written Gems with you all. The members are stretched right around the globe and they have all written articles that really embody what the Tribe stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 19 articles to share with all you beautiful people today. That look at ways in which we can take back control of our health and of our lives, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in all that we do.

Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful. By sharing these articles and by interacting with one another through Steemit we can share all our wisdom and help to empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live.

So sit back and enjoy the following articles and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

The Medicinal Gourmet Cooking Collective: Join Us For A Different Kind Of Food Challenge!


Hello my luvlies! Let me ask you, what better way is there to inspire ourselves to eat to stay healthy then to launch The Medicinal Gourmet Cooking Collective! Many foods are also medicines and when included in a meal can really help to improve your health! In India there are many spices and herbs that are used, as well as certain vegetables like bitter gourd that are very medicinal. Bitter foods tend to help the blood and heart. In China there are many things eaten for health such as Ginseng, Fermented Foods, Mushrooms, and many Herbs. Most countries have their own way to heal the body naturally through food, and this collective will bring us all together so that we can share our knowledge and inspire each other.

Extending the Bounds of Self | Thoughts on Deep Ecology & Anthropocentrism


In college I often spent countless hours in the stacks (upper regions of the limestone block library that my grandfather had a part in building). You would find me studying mainly religion/spirituality, philosophy, the natural world and the intersection of these themes. Out of my curiosity I searched and not because I was told to read these books for my classes.
Eventually I stumbled on the interplay of ecology and philosophy = enter the recently developed field of "ecosophy" branching into Deep Ecology, coined by Arne Næss, which is the inspiration for this article.
Let’s dig in!!

The quixotic tinkerers of Earth


We are all Light creating that which we want to experience the most in each and every moment and it has never been different.
Hence, we can safely assume that there was a moment on each of our Soul’s journey where the thing we wanted to experience most was the experience of Separation. After having lived myriads of lifetimes, our understanding of “What is Love” has gradually become so befogged that we wholeheartedly developed an indomitable longing after re-experiencing the quintessential meaning of Love.
In order to get the most out of it we fully deliberately agreed upon making this experience as real as possible. How? As All is Love, there was a necessity for an illusory antagonist…Fear!

There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer


Despite the fact that countless individuals have used cannabis oil to heal their afflictions, the U.S. Cancer Institute lists cannabis as a ‘cure’ for cancer on its website, and a multitude of veterans credit the herb with helping them ditch opioids and alleviate symptoms of PTSD, the marijuana plant remains classified as a Schedule I drug in the United States.
In fact, in most countries around the world, use of the herb and its components for medicinal and recreational purposes remains to be illegal. This continues, regardless of the fact that 0 people die from using the herb each year. In contrast, 30,722 die from alcohol poisoning and 38,329 from abusing pharmaceuticals annually (according to 2014 data).

Three Way Philosophical Extract of Piper Nigrum: Distillatio Mercurio [Making an Alchemical medicine]


Making a full Three-way Philosophical extract takes a great deal of time and focus as one progresses through each of the steps.
The first process was Distillatio, or distillation, of the volatile Sulfur (essential oils), followed by Fermentatio, or fermentation, in order to allow for the Spirit to embody our work so that the Mercury may be subsequently received in the process to follow.
We must once again return to the process of Distillatio if we are to retrieve our Mercury from the depths of the darkness.
Within the Spagyric Alchemy practice, the Principle of Mercury is known to be attracted to the ethyl-alcohol of the Plant Kingdom. It is important to move with guided-haste upon the completion of Fermentatio, for should one move too slowly then the work may be lost as Acetobacter spp. begin to decompose the ethyl-alcohol into acetic acid.

Breast is Best, But Here's Why We Shouldn't Judge ~ Doing What's Best For Baby


It's been nearly a year since my youngest self- weaned from my breast. He decided that he had drank all my milk and would rather cuddles at bedtime instead. It was a beautiful experience to be able to give my boys their nourishment in the most natural way possible. But it wasn't always this easy.
My breastfeeding journey began on January 21st 2013 with the birth of my first son. It was a struggle but I was determined to keep going. I didn't want to feed him any other way. I was also trying to compensate for not feeding my girls and felt that there was no other option for me than to persist with it. I overcame some serious hurdles, which many moms tend to give up on and turn to formula, which is why I wanted to share my story with you.

What is The Conscious Resistance?


There is a deep struggle in this world that dates back thousands of years and has created an untold amount of suffering. It is a struggle towards freedom and peace taking place while so-called ‘civilizations’ are ravaged by slavery, genocide and war. Today, many of us live under the illusion that these horrors are a thing of the past or the problems of some far-away land, but they are just as real today as they were in the middle ages. These problems are just as real in America as they are in the rest of the world.
To heal the widespread suffering in this world there are many social and political changes that must take place. The entire structure of our societies must change in order to achieve peace and freedom for all people.

My Response to "Veganism Transforms Into A Globalist Cult" by Info Wars' Millenial Millie


Veganism is a topic that seems to come up in my world in waves. I personally do not eat or use dead animals or animal products, but that is just a given, so it often isn't something I think or talk about. Then every now and then a conversation sparks the topic, and it keeps bubbling up over the following weeks. I wrote an article about amino acids two days ago, and then yesterday morning watched this video by @ura-soul. (I wrote most of this yesterday, but Steemit was down so it's been delayed until today)
Then, one of the next things up on my YouTube recommendations (because DAMN are their algorithms good!) was this video by one of my favorite YTers: Mic. The Vegan. The video is a "live response" to a new video from InfoWars, titled: Veganism Transforms Into A Globalist Cult

Stop Sweet Lies! Save Your Cells (Self).


You know by now how much I care about our collective healing, our empowerment, and our transformation.
You know I care about You!
And so, I keep talking, keep writing, and keep sharing.
There is a reason I write a lot about food.
I cannot say enough how important it is to stop consuming processed and mutated food that should have never been called such in a first place.
The sooner we stop this chemical army from entering our field, to have access to our cells - the sooner we get back to our real Self, to health, to harmony, to truth.
Packages and labels can fool us, but VIBRATION can not.
Operating in a healing zone of our planet and assisting a lot of people back to their Real Self for as long as I did... does put me in a position to tell you this -
Vibrational Value of food that you consume today determines the state of your health tomorrow.

Lies Force Your Emotional Body Out of Balance. To Love Yourself Requires Being Completely Honest. White Lies Are NOT Benign.


Part of being balanced and loving yourself unconditionally is always being honest - since being dishonest forces your emotional body and psychology out of balance and out of alignment. When others resist your 'radical' honesty and find it to be a problem, it is generally because they themselves are intending to be dishonest and they feel an imagined threat by the full truth coming out.
Even so called 'white lies' are denials that block the truth and can be felt. While many deceive ourselves into defining that 'white lies' aren't even lies because they stop us 'hurting feelings' - the reality is that by denying the truth in any situation, we cause disharmony that needs to be felt to be understood. Those who can feel will notice that we are being dishonest and this may actually hurt them more than the truth would hurt them. The truth has a power that allows us to connect to things as they are, which allows them to be understood and for us to adapt and learn whatever needs to be learned to make the best decisions and to grow with balance. Denial and deception prevents this healthy process.

Calling Healers and Holistic Practitioners in #Tribesteemup - Let's Build Something Amazing!


This is a shout out to all the holistic and healing practitioners (or whatever you call yourself) in @tribesteemup
I recently saw a great post by @brightstar about more involvement with the tribe (here it is)
It helped me to clarify some thoughts that I've been having about collaboration within #tribesteemup
When I lived in England, I used to network/hang out with many health practitioners.
It was great, as the collaborative minded among us would be very happy to refer clients to each other, so that they could have the best possible outcomes.

Seeing Things From Their Perspective Isn't As Easy As It Sounds


Putting yourself in their shoes...
It might not be as easy as it sounds, when trying to identify with and understand the feelings of someone else. But having empathy for others around us is beneficial to society in multiple ways. It can help us to understand the needs of others, try to resolve conflict, and offer us a respect for the well-being of others--which includes a respect for their natural rights.
When we rely on our own intuition to try though and try to empathize with others however, it turns out that it might not lead us to the truth, or provide us with an accurate understanding of another person's perspective.

Freedom and Children


Well, it's that day again in the US, and I am very glad to live in a different country. I have a host of issues with July 4th, ranging from the laughable, yet depressing, state of “freedom” in the US to the fact that we are celebrating one group of people freeing themselves from another group, neither of whom should have been in charge in the first damn place since the land belonged to entirely different people all together. Today I want to talk about something else, though.
Recently, I read this post. Those who have been following me a while know I am a big Sudbury Valley School fan. The founders of that school are some of my biggest heroes. They have been powerful advocates of children's rights for longer than I've been alive.

Free Thyself - Breaking The Mindcontrol


I was born and raised in allied occupied West-Berlin, surrounded by the infamous Berlin Wall. Inmidst the frontline of the cold war. After the fallout of the Chernobyl disaster I ate out of tin cans for a year or longer. Later, my favorite food became junk food in all its forms and variations; Like soda over water and cheap ramen soup over real food. Raised by a single mom, struggling to make a living for the two of us, I was early exposed to way too much Television as that was a way for me to escape my world.
In school I was suffering from the education system that forced me to sit still and be quiet and think like I am supposed to think for entire fifteen years. Most importantly, we were told that Nazi Germany was partly our fault and that we have to live in shame for that part of history that happened before our parents were even born.

The Worst Case Scenario No Longer Is One | Re-Learning the Basics of Life on Earth (featuring "Primitive Technology")


We live in times where we have gotten completely used to the benefits of our modern technology, some might say we have even become dependent on it.
To many people the mere idea of going out into nature for a few weeks without hot running water, an electric stove and or a telephone will cause outright panic, and I have experienced this for myself the first time I went to visit a rainbow gathering where there are no flushing toilets, no refridgerators and no electric lights built into the walls. There are no walls either^^ Just handmade craftsmanship and skill to tackle the basic requirements of living in nature.

I Am . . . A Pure Soul - Day 161 - Daily Haiku - and The Six Degrees of Steven Wilson, part 1


I am . . . a pure soul
I am . . . a being of light
I am . . . a teacher
It is interesting to me that, even though I have been told from a young age that I am a teacher, and even though it is now quite clear that this is what my parents and grandparents were preparing me for from the beginning, the fact remains that I pushed against it for decades.
And, to a large extent, continue to do so.
So why do we do this?
Why is it that, when faced with our soul's true calling, that so many of us say, "No, not me, that can't be meant for me, I don't have what it takes," or words and feelings to that effect?

Getting Caught Up In A Mad Crowd


Years ago, I was on Hollywood Boulevard and a fellow started telling me about how the end of the world was nigh, that a radio preacher named Harold Camping had found certain clues in the Bible which revealed the date of the Christian rapture. I listened to him and considered what he said, and for obvious reasons, ultimately I was unconvinced.
I confess, I do remember thinking that a confident man could make a lot of money in the USA, leading these people who were like sheep without a shepherd.
Camping's date passed and nothing changed, though many atheists made good money, selling pet sitting services to Christians who were concerned what would happen to their dogs after the rapture.

What Do I Need To Be Happy?


What I need to be happy is what I already have. Happiness is a state of mind, it is choice that we make. As an adult I am the creator of my reality, there may be things that influence me, but it is my choices and my decisions that create the direction in which my life goes.
I choose to be happy, to live in the moment, to appreciate everything that comes my way. To find joy in the simple things in life. I choose to see the beauty that surrounds my life, the beauty of my natural environment. I choose to smell the roses, to talk with the trees and walk barefoot on the earth. I choose to feel the connection with all living things.

Decolonizing the mind - Confronting the parenting style of the state


Over the years I've seen many people struggle with the stress and anxiety when state authority decides to flex its muscles. The state takes on a parent role and views the people as children. They really do believe that people are vulnerable and need their protection. Their parenting style is to use punishment as a means to control and dictate behaviour. That is the whole purpose for statutes and regulations. Control behaviour and punish disobedience or violence with the use of violence (jail) or coercion (forcing payment of fines). Their style is abusive and violent.The problem is that the state never accomplishes the goal of raising adults as everyone is encouraged to be perpetual children. It is also clear that this approach to parenting causes a lot of trauma on the children. One of the most difficult things for any child to do is to stand up their their parents.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


Nice. I read virtually all articles by @Wwf, maybe I'll try and expand my reading portfolio into some of the other content by your authors. @Ura-soul seems like a sure bet

Thank you @empress-eremmy, there are alot of good writers within the tribe, enjoy the articles.

an absolutely fabulous curation @truck-lifefamily and I appreciate your efforts so much!!! It must take some time. There's a great set of articles here. I totally recommend you guys check the one out with primitivetechnologies - if you haven't watched that on youtube yet you definitely should - and someone get that guy a steem account!!

great collection! MANY of these i hadn't seen and am excited to get reading. appreciate you putting these together <3 and thanks for including one of our articles. resteemed!

Thank you once again for sharing my work. It always interests me what people see in my work. Having a specific quote from a long post shows me where I tough people the most. It is very helpful for me. thank you!!!!

you are very welcome @wwf x

Can you add a link for the TSU discord channel on these and other TSU related posts? Thanks!

Hi @krnel it is on the articles posted by @tribesteemup x

Oh my goodness. I believe y'all might be some of my people. Great selection of posts!

thank you @bearone for your lovely feedback xx

I hope you don't mind if I use your popularity to spread some anarchy?

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