The quixotic tinkerers of Earth

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


We are all Light eternally exercising the one and only God given Law of freely expressing ourselves as we wish in each and every moment. In other words, we are all Light creating that which we want to experience the most in each and every moment and it has never been different.

Hence, we can safely assume that there was a moment on each of our Soul’s journey where the thing we wanted to experience most was the experience of Separation. After having lived myriads of lifetimes, our understanding of “What is Love” has gradually become so befogged that we wholeheartedly developed an indomitable longing after re-experiencing the quintessential meaning of Love.
In order to get the most out of it we fully deliberately agreed upon making this experience as real as possible. How? As All is Love, there was a necessity for an illusory antagonist…Fear!

In order to activate the fear within each Soul upon entering the journey of Separation, we have been endowed with a handicap: the Ego-mind. The Ego-mind, obviously enough, lays its focus on the “I”, hence entailing the Separation from the Unitary Consciousness mind which focuses on the “We”.


Since each Soul is shining its very unique Light and exercising the pure Freedom of choice, there is really no certain general “time frame” as to how long the adventure of experiencing Separation has to last. Instead, the length of the adventure of Separation is somewhat encoded in each Soul’s unique Light mixture inherently knowing how long each experience has to take in order to clinch the most natural longevity for the next one.

Within the experience of Separation Souls naturally find themselves immersed in the quagmire of discerning internal Truth from external Truth, the wryness of which lies within the fact that the more we assume external Truth the more our Ego-mind is “marketing” it as our own internal Truth. The more firmly established belief systems among broader proportions of people are the higher the likelihood of “latching onto” something which didn’t originally stem from within, thus making for the necessity of incrementally undoing external Truth assumed internally until each Soul finally returns back home to the epiphany of “the only Truth lies within onself”.

Once there, the adventure of Separation within each Soul is officially over and from then onwards the only limit is the infinite amount of Universes!


The mere fact that we all embarked on such a quixotic adventure of experiencing Separation here on Earth is the most compelling evidence of our humongous amount of Trust we had in Love, or in other words, as described above, excercising the concept of Love, Eternity and Infinity fully consciously has grown so normal to us that we needed something that reignites our understanding of Love, Eternity, Infinity in the most exhilarating, inherent and authentic way… by experiencing the illusory opposite called fear.

And what we are experiencing now is many Souls being on the very cusp of completing their Soul’s rekindling of Love, Eternity and Infinity in the most magical way!

We are not lacking the knack as to how life works at all. We are simply a conglomerate of Souls having harboured the most bizarre”idea” yet, the “realness” of which will finally guarantee us the longevity of our next experience: the return to Oneness which we never left in the first place.

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