Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 51

in #story7 years ago (edited)

For the full list of episodes, please see this post: Episode List
And Then, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Images below from Google and Pixabay

Please read the start of the story using the links above. I promise, it’s well-worth the time to check it all out. At least then, this excerpt will make more sense

Hazel smiled and whispered to Anton. “Well? Do you think we could have room for four loyal Sentinels amongst our ranks? Four more that would defend your granddaughter to the end? Well Anton, you wondered at the numbers of Sentinels, you have part of the answer here.”

They began moving away from the group as they talked, their voices growing a little louder as they did.

“You do, of course, realise that you violate the new Law that prevents Wolves making others without permission from the Council?”

“I most certainly do, and who, do you think, has been set to enforce that new Law, and with what resources? A Law is not worth the paper it is written on if it is unenforceable. That is the reasoning behind the few First Laws that we have, if there are too many and they are too complex, there is too much room for question. We need rules set in black and white, not shaded in greys. My sentinels are loyal to the Lycaeon first and Sentinel Exemplar and all the other Sentinels second. It is dinned into them constantly throughout their training. Most have never seen the Lycaeon, nor would they expect to, but all would lay down their lives in order to protect hers. Wolfkind in general sneer at Sentinels, they think that we are traitors to our kind, for we execute the judgement that is there for our protection. You know full-well that Wolves are conceited creatures, they think that the First Laws are there for their benefit only when they need it and when they are the ones on the other side of that fence, they think the First Laws are a nonsense, made for no good reason and they should be permitted to bend that Law if they so choose.”

“Yes, but that also includes you now.”

“It does and it is left to me to deal with any consequences arising from the decision I made.”

“It could also look, to others, that you have amassed your own army. Be very careful, for if your enemies found this, you would be held up to the same judgements as you are bound to hold others to.”

“Do you assume that I have not already thought of that? Do you think that I went into this decision without due care or attention? And then, do you assume that I am the only Sentinel to have commanded such an army? The only difference between me and the others that have gone before is that I am the first Sentinel Exemplar. I should not have to preach our history to you Anton. It was prophesised that I should be the one to carry the mantle of first Sentinel Exemplar and that during the time that I do so, Wolfkind shall have the chance to prosper alongside Humes. We have yet to come to that part in the prophecy and who knows if it shall ever happen? Who knows if that chance has been and gone or if, when the time does come, we are willing to accept it? You know as well as I do that there are some who would overthrow the Lycaeon and put another in her place. We are here, for now, to ensure that that does not happen until Victoria is ready to allow a challenge to her reign. Even then it is a decision that is not yours to make.”

“You challenge me, Hazel. At each turn you challenge my authority…” But Hazel interrupted him.

“You are mistaken. I do not challenge your authority, for as I have to constantly remind you, until you take back Lycaeonship, you have no authority over me.”

She walked away from him, back to where the Humes were waiting.

“Ralski, do you trust these Humes?” Hazel asked.

“Yes, with my life.”

“Good, then that is what would be forfeit if they betray the Lycaeon.” she said it in a tone that was even and sombre. “I charge you with their care, with their welfare and with their training. If you are unsure, then ask your mentor for help or advice. Who is your mentor?”


Hazel nodded and turned to walk away. She had her back to the group as she gave the command, “Make the bite deep; for it shall be the last scar they bear from their human life, it shall be a reminder of what they once had and relinquished to serve the Lycaeon.”

“That is it? That is all?” Anton was incredulous and angry.

“That is all that is necessary for now. Their training will begin this evening on the rising of the Full Moon.” She had to raise her voice a little to be heard above the cries of fear from the Humes. They knew what was coming, for they had asked for it, but the human body is a wonderful thing and instinct to protect itself overrides any thought – rational or otherwise.

“You can afford to have four newly Wolfed Humes roaming the streets of London? Not to mention the loss, from your ranks of the ones that are to train them?” Anton asked.

“I am sure we shall manage.”

“You are exasperating, Hazel.”

She turned to look at him as he spoke.

“If I were acting just as your once-protégé, then yes, I agree, I would probably be most exasperating to you, but you forget I am no longer the same Wolf that you handed over to the Sentinels. I am now a product of their teachings, as well as your own, and therefore, I am, as you seem to insist on forgetting tonight, Sentinel Exemplar and I am a different Wolf entirely. You must try to learn how to separate the two sides of me. On the one, there is Hazel who will always respect and love you and will put up with your arrogance and demands without question and with only a little rebellion, and on the other is Sentinel Exemplar who will always respect and love you, but who also commands equal respect in her own right.”

Hazel looked directly into Anton’s eyes as she spoke, allowing him to see how serious she took her role. She continued in a lowered voice.

“You overstepped the mark here this evening. My Sentinels noticed it and were waiting for me to put you in your place. I did not, because I respect you, but I also respect myself and here is fair warning Anton, as one Wolf to another, do not do that to me again. It is not necessary, there are ways of disagreeing with me, but trying to take command and then being belligerent about it is not the way. I will not stand for it again.”



Good and scary story but i like to read it. Because although the wolves in the know very arrogant but they are very compact in the organization.

I'm pleased you're enjoying my story :)

As always the story is always interesting and deserved in making a good post. We know that the wolf is arrogant, the law applied for them to be obeyed if his wish is achieved but the law will have no function if his fatigue is not fulfilled. They are very arrogant and what's more Anton always wants to win on his own even in defending their offspring. I really like this story and always follow it, this is the history of werewolves and always tell this human life. The gentle hazel and anton who are always arrogant and cruel. Thank you for posting here.

Werewolves are a frightening human being

Yes, more beast than human.

I think you'll find that Hazel is not always gentle... she has her moments too :)

Sometimes in defending his offspring. For them the law only works on paper only. So the arrogance of this wolf so often the argument can not be spared

Anton used to be the ruler and he's not used to not getting his own way.

Wolfie bureaucracy! Great read as ever, looking forward to the next installment!

It's a society and has to have rules in order to keep the members safe. :)

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I usually reward a resteem by upvoting the comment but I've been to your blog and checked out your comments. This is a copy-pasted reply that you've used on a dozen or so blogs.

I'm not having my readers spammed like this. Please don't do it.

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