Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 49

in #story7 years ago (edited)

For the full list of episodes, please see this post: Episode List
And Then, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48

Images below from Google and Pixabay

Please read the start of the story using the links above. I promise, it’s well-worth the time to check it all out. At least then, this excerpt will make more sense

“Some, especially those amongst our more civilised brethren, may find that punishment cruel and unusual for so paltry a crime as being born a Throwback, but I know that I am preaching to the converted when I remind you all that we are here for the one purpose of ensuring our Lycaeon’s perpetual safety. That would include keeping the knowledge of our existence from Humes.” Hazel paused again, to allow her words to sink in with her audience.

“A Throwback holds no allegiance to our Lycaeon or to any Bloodline, and is therefore a loose cannon and a menace to all of us. At this moment, there are armies of Humes patrolling through the area of London called Whitechapel. I need not remind you that we have Wolves that are of an age where they cannot yet control their transformation at the Full Moon and would therefore risk being noticed by those Humes. It is vital that we eradicate the reason for the Hume presence and we stop the murders. Tonight, it is essential that we are all on alert for this Throwback and as much on the watch for our younger Wolves – not for their safety alone, but because they can drop us all into full view of Humes just by altering their features at an inopportune moment.”

Sounds of agreement rumbled through the crowd and Hazel continued.

“Hide yourselves well though, comrades for if it is known that we have our own army on these shores, I should be accused of being traitor to Wolfkind – again.”

Hazel’s wry smile gave a number of her companions cause to chuckle, for it was widely known that she cared little for such accusations because they had been proven times many to be unfounded and false.

“Now, you know what must be done. I have deliberately not given too many detailed instructions to your chosen commanders. I trust you all implicitly and I know that any decision you make over the next three nights – be the outcome for good or for bad - will be made for the right reason. With that in mind, go forth and take down the traitor and capture the Throwback.

The Wolves, instead of emerging from the copse en masse, took almost an hour to disperse. The mood was relaxed and even carefree as they waited to go.

Again, Anton was quite impressed at the organisation of the whole meeting.

“This seemed very well practiced, Hazel.”

Hazel, who had been watching the others turn to Wolf and lope off, turned to Anton with a smile. “That is because it is very well practiced. We have had plenty of occasions on which to practice.”

“You have?” Anton didn’t mean to show his surprise.

Hazel ignored the question and instead asked one of her own. “The other day, were you going to say what I accused you of or was I, as you said, mistaken?”

Anton thought for a moment. He weighed up what he thought were his options and then dismissed them all. He decided instead, to confess the truth. “You were right. I am arrogant; I am used to being so. I am not asking for your forgiveness for we both know that I do not require it. I tell you this because you were right and I know that is important to you.”

“That is not fair or warranted. I do not expect an apology from you. I do not expect for you to respect Sentinels for our sacrifices past, present or future. I do not even expect explanations for your behaviour. What I do expect, Anton, and also what I believe I think I deserve after this time, is the absolute truth from you. Either that or nothing, it is all I have ever asked. If you cannot be truthful with me, then say nothing. I prefer no conversation to any containing lies. If I happen to be right on occasion and you do not wish to concede that fact then, as I have just said, say nothing.” Hazel turned her back on Anton and resumed watching the others leave.

She pricked up her ears as she heard a squeal from outside the Copse. Anton was right behind her, morphed to Wolf, their clothes in a pile as they exited the copse.

As the last batch of Wolves had left, they encountered a group of four young men. How they had got past the patrol was anyone’s guess but it was obvious to the guards that they had seen far too much for them to be allowed to live – at least as Humes.

“What are you waiting for, Ralski? Kill them.” Anton instructed.

Ralski did not move. His three guards also stood motionless, surrounding the four men.

The tension was palpable. Ralski and his three were aware that Anton had crossed a line and they stood waiting to see how Sentinel Exemplar would deal with the situation.

She was silent as she prowled around the group of terrified Humes. They were wise in the fact that they did not make a sound, even given the impossible situation – Werewolves, real Werewolves had them at their mercy and all four of them were very aware that such beasts possessed no mercy.

Hazel sat in front of the group and addressed one in particular.

“Why are you here, Paul? Were you not given sufficient warnings not to come?”

“I…” he began, but gave up on the attempt and was silent.

“I shall tell you then, if he will not,” one of their number stepped forward but was persuaded by the guards growling their displeasure that it was not a good idea to be moving towards Hazel.

“Yes, you are brave enough? Edward, is it?”

“I am Jeffrey my Lady; Edward is my brother, here,” he nodded to the one standing to his left.

Hazel nodded to indicate that he should continue.

“We want to join you.”

Before Hazel could answer, Anton voiced his derision. “Impossible! You foolish boys have gone and gotten yourselves killed for no good cause.”


Thanks for sharing i'm following you now !

I am a little difficult to understand this part, because maybe you have not share the next part.
But very interesting. The job is really paying attention.
I think no one is not afraid of the creature, except the master.
Because the creature is so different from humans. He has no affection, and he does not feel any responsibility towards other living beings.
thank you
Interesting story

I'm not sure you've quite got the hang of this, but as long as you're enjoying the story, that's all good.

If you get time, you may want to go back and read the whole story in one go so you're not getting confused by the episodes and how they're split.

Thank you for sharing, what else I say is a good post and always interesting story, I really like it. Hopefully Anton did not kill the guy on the patrol, because they were sure they were not there. Hopefully hazel would advise Anton and his fellow wolves not to kill the man. Thanks for the story and I will always wait for tomorrow's story

The problem is always that Humes are a danger to the Wolf Society and so if any should discover their secret, they must never be allowed to leave and tell anyone. Even though they would not be believed, there's a danger that someone may become curious.

You are right, if hames already know the wolf community in big trouble. Although later there will be an agreement with them this will be revealed too long. Maybe there hazel should think in taking a right decision. But if I think if anton who gave a decision then they will definitely be killed because it will divulge their activities all.

Keep reading, all will be revealed.

I think the beauty of this is that you can go back and re-read it all if you wanted to :)

sure it will be good stories like ur others and i will read it properly all

Thank you :) I hope you enjoy it.

upvoted will resteem later

Thank you! I appreciate the resteems! :)

Tense situation indeed, I can't wait to see what Anton decides in the next one, not a very wise move on the part of the four men. Once again thanks for a great read!

Thank you. I'm pleased you're enjoying the adventure so far :)

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