Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 48

in #story7 years ago (edited)

For the full list of episodes, please see this post: Episode List
And Then, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47

Images below from Google and Pixabay

Please read the start of the story using the links above. I promise, it’s well-worth the time to check it all out. At least then, this excerpt will make more sense

“Would you like to watch as she dresses? Is that what you are about?” Keme asked, his voice sounded most calm but his eyes did not give the same impression.

The man was about to answer that he would indeed like to watch, when he realised what Keme was asking and he looked at his face. What he saw there gave him cause to change his mind and he removed his hat and backed away from the doorway.

Mary did not leave.

She stood in the open doorway, her fists on her hips, she was impatient for Isabella to get moving but Keme motioned for Isabella to stay where she was.

“Mary, would you be kind enough to allow Isabella to dress with the door closed?” his voice was calm and his eyes were still furious but the learned manners stood him in good stead – for the moment.

“I’ve seen what she’s got before. Let her get dressed.”

Keme didn’t ask again, he pushed her backwards, into the arms of her waiting client and he slammed the door on the pair.

He gave Isabella her dress and she took it as she clambered out of bed.

Mary began a barrage of hammering upon the door and when Isabella had slipped the dress over her head, Keme opened the door, taking Mary by surprise.

Isabella was slipping her shoes on and grabbing for a shawl as Mary and the man were re-entering the room. Keme reached for Isabella’s hand and pulled her towards him, keeping his own body between Mary and Isabella. Then he allowed Isabella to leave in front of him and he closed the door behind them.

Keme did not speak as they left the house and Isabella did not push him to.

They went to Anton’s hotel where Keme booked Isabella into an apartment and arranged for someone to collect the few meagre possessions she had left at her old room.

“I cannot stay here, Keme!”

“You can and you shall.”

He brooked no argument, but left her to explore the rooms. Then he went to find Anton to tell him what he’d done.

Anton was nowhere to be found, however and Keme realised that he would most probably be out on the hunt.

Anton was not hunting; he was on his way to meet up with Hazel to see what she had been up to and if she had calmed down since their last discussion.

Anton used his instincts to try to locate Hazel but could not. He did, however, detect traces of large numbers of Wolves, moving in the same direction and so decided to follow that trace instead.

As he came to the more open parklands of Hackney Heath, he took great care to cloak his presence but was not overly surprised to be challenged as he reached the copse where the greatest accumulation of Wolves were gathered.

“My Lord, I realise that you have great authority over all Wolves, but please realise that this is a meeting of Sentinels and your authority does not extend here.” A tall and powerful Wolf stood in human form before Anton and though both knew that Anton was the more experienced and powerful with far more battle experience, Anton also knew what he had been told was true. He had to respect the jurisdiction.

Anton nodded agreement and said: “Ralski is it?”

The other Wolf nodded.

“Yes, I remember you. Would you send for Sentinel Exemplar? I have a need to speak with her.”

“Of course my Lord.” Ralski said this but did not move. Anton was puzzled but patient. He saw a movement from the trees as another went to do his bidding. Anton smiled at the efficiency.

A short while later, a Wolf bounded up to Ralksi and nodded. Ralski then waved Anton past to follow the appointed guide.

Anton was stopped once more at another copse and waited. Hazel appeared. She nodded to him and said: “My Lord.”

“Hazel, I would appreciate it if you could forget our argument. I said some things which may have seemed harsh at the time but I assure you, I value your Sentinels highly and you really should know this.”

Hazel did not reply.

She turned to walk away, back to where she had been holding counsel. Anton followed and was not prevented from doing so.

When Anton saw the amassed Wolves in the clearing, he gasped at their number.

“I had no idea there were so many Sentinels that you could call upon.”

“With due respect, my Lord, it is not your business to know.”

“Hazel…” Anton began but paused when he saw her expression.

She waited for him to realise what he was doing wrong and when he did, the corners of her mouth twitched in the tiniest of smiles.

“Sentinel Exemplar,” Anton said in a louder and more respectful voice. “I appreciate the fact that you allow me to observe your meeting. I assure you that I shall watch in silence and that nothing of this meeting shall pass beyond these trees.”

Hazel nodded and the murmur that Anton had not noticed before, ceased.

“Sentinels, I thank you for answering my call in this dark time. You know, I hope, that I would never have summoned you without cause. There is a Throwback here. It has gone undetected for whatever reasons and for however long and it has grown cunning and clever in that time. I also suspect that there is a traitorous Wolf that helps it to prosper. We have to find both traitor and Throwback and execute one and capture the other for my Lord Anton would experiment upon the Throwback to see what can be learned from the anomaly.”

The group began murmuring once again and Hazel allowed it for a moment.


Damn now i have to go through all the links got resteemed

Haha! Thanks for the Resteem, it's appreciated - plus, I'm glad you like my story :) Thank you

the story is amazing thanks for giving review looks great i will watch the episodes thanks :)

Interesting novel

Thank you. I've always thought so.

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