Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 50

in #story7 years ago (edited)

For the full list of episodes, please see this post: Episode List
And Then, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Images below from Google and Pixabay

Please read the start of the story using the links above. I promise, it’s well-worth the time to check it all out. At least then, this excerpt will make more sense

“Sir, I beg of you…” Jeffrey began, but Anton would have no discussion, he leaped for the boy and would have killed him in a trice if Hazel had not pre-empted his move and made a leap to deflect the boy from Anton’s trajectory.

“How dare you, Hazel?” Anton rounded on her.

“With all due respect, my Lord,” she said.

Hazel mirrored Anton’s movements and they circled each other, heads down and level with their shoulders, teeth bared and jaws set and slavering.

As she moved to mirror Anton's movements, she continued. “It is I that should ask the question. You are interfering and encroaching upon my authority. You have no weight here, the Sentinels are not mine to command and so they are certainly not yours. We work together to the benefit of the Lycaeon and if by those actions the rest of Wolf society also reap rewards, then all well and good, but you are no longer Lycaeon and so we cannot and do not owe you any allegiance, save for the respect of your Ancient status. Do not trespass in Sentinel affairs my Lord, it is not advisable.”

The four Humes had gone way past frightened but they were, to their credit, still and calm.

“You dare threaten me with the Sentinels?”

“I turn that about my Lord, and ask if you dare question the Sentinels' authority?”

The pair of Wolves continued to circle as Anton thought about this. He took but a few moments and then altered direction and loped for the trees. It was only moments later that he re-emerged fully dressed. He bought Hazel’s dress with him and she slipped it over her head as she transformed back to her human shape.

“I concede,” Anton said. “If I may continue as an observer, I should be interested to see how you deal with this incident.”

“Of course you may stay as an observer, but please remember this, you have no say in the ways of Sentinel, you handed me over to them – us – when I was a whelp, and I was taught well. I was an excellent pupil and I was asked to become Sentinel Exemplar. I did not think that I should become one so high in our ranks after so short a time, relatively speaking. I wear the title with humility and with a vast amount of pride. I feel that I have now earned the title, as do all other Sentinels so far as I am aware. I do not command the Sentinels; it is more that they wish to do what I ask of them. I do not ask anything that I would not do myself and that is why they follow me with such unerring devotion. We are growing in number for a reason, Anton. That reason is that Wolves wish to join our number – a precedent that has been set under my regime. We accept only those who have shown years of devotion to our cause – such as these boys.”

“What? What have these boys done?”

“These particular boys have done much. They have followed me to Europe and back again. They have studied our ways and our laws and have shown respect for everything Wolf. They have, on more than one occasion, killed Throwbacks. They have been warned off and told of the dangers, they risk death from Wolves that do not know of their devotion – or do not care for it - and here they are, in the midst of our summit, having got past some of the best guards I have in my squad. They have proven themselves loyal and ask only one thing as reward.”

“To be made Wolf? I am afraid that you have been duped, Hazel. These boys want what every Hume wants; they want immortality and eternal youth. They want power and a reason to commit murder without fear of punishment.” Anton’s tone was derisory but Hazel waited for him to finish his tirade.

“No Anton, the thing they all want is to talk with us, to be friends, comrades. They have asked for nothing, especially not to be bitten by one of these beasts.”

The Humes were watching and listening in awe. They knew that their lives were being argued for and they held their nerve, almost as though this had happened before.

“Of course they have not asked for it, for surely that is the only way they will get their heart’s desire.”

“It has been offered, on one other occasion. But only one of their number took us up on the offer. Ralski who was that boy, can you recall?”

Ralski stepped forward, he had not changed to Wolf and Anton took more notice of him then. He too was a young man, younger than these boys.

“I recall a boy who dared to accept your offer, I recall that he was bitten and that he suffered agonies from the wound but I also recall that you ensured he was comfortable and he did not die, and when the Full Moon rose that night, you took me and showed me what I could do. It is my fault that these Humes found their way to our meeting. They have followed us from the Docks and they had got very close by the time they were discovered and they remembered me, and instantly trusted me. I had forgotten them for a while, but I remember my friends, my childhood friends and they want to join us.”

“And have you promised that they can join us?” Hazel asked.


“And have you promised that if they are refused, that they may still return to their lives in safety?”

“No, I have said that if they are refused, they will die here. The only thing I have promised is that if they are to die, then it will be quick.”

Hazel nodded and took a moment before she continued.

“What do you offer us?” she asked.

“We offer loyalty to the Lycaeon, to our comrades and to Wolfkind. If necessary, we offer our lives if needs be.” Paul had found his voice once more.

“All of you promise this?”

“Yes.” They chorused, though not in voices that were loud and fearless.


upvoted resteemed

Great story !! you seem like you like wolves !! i like wolves too !!

Yes, I like wolves.

The Wolves in my story, I have a healthy respect for... so far, they've allowed me to share their story and I must be doing a fair job of it because they've allowed me to continue...

This post has received a 62.8 % upvote from @raghwendra!! Thanks for sharing with us these awesome story:)

Thank you! It's appreciated :)

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