[STORY] --> Awaken - Part 28 - Sea's Horizon Quartet

in #story5 years ago


Part 28 - Sea's Horizon Quartet

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Part 27 - Mayval's Farewell Gift


The three of them walked briskly through town, with the old man keeping up even though he was pulling the cart along with Kogg hitching a ride in an empty basket. Along the way Silgren informed them his nephew would meet them at the docks and that Merobaku had gone ahead earlier in the morning to visit the Guispira, Mayval, at her home which was a short ways ahead. Other townsfolk were also making their way to the docks, many of which greeted Silgren and his travelling companions. Orvus offered to pull the cart along, now feeling energized from the exercise and cool breeze coming in from the ocean. When they approached Mayval's home, Silgren went ahead signalling them to wait. The two old friends and Kogg admired the Guispira's elegant home and tenderly tended to east-facing garden. Various flowers and herbs swayed happily in the breeze, soaking in the light as they adorned raised garden beds in the front and along the sides of the home. Silgren knocked and a moment or so later Mayval opened the door, greeted them with 'Good morning', hastily apologized that she was running late and then shut the door.

Mayval soon returned and came outside carrying her own stack of baskets. She approached Silgren's cart and set them down inside. Orvus and the old man helped her divide the stack so it didn't topple over. The sound of Mayval's door closing had them all turn around to see Merobaku standing there. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with an arrangement of black, blue, and red flowers that had been embroidered on. The fine threading also included embroidered honey-bees, some on the flowers and others making their way to a flower leaving behind them a winding, dotted trail of elegant purple. They each stared in awe-inspired silence, even Mayval, for the work she'd put into this dress turned out better than she'd ever expected. “Well, how do I look?” smiled Merobaku, breaking the silence.

Part 28 - Sea's Horizon Quartet

Kogg arose from his carefree slumber in the back of the cart due to the group's noise. “By the Twelve,” uttered Orvus overcoming a would be stutter, “you look more elegant than the finest of the Great Light's dawnings!” The old man subtley nudged Silgren out of his stare-locked trance and made compliment of her transformation from a woman ready for battle to one commanding the full depth of her gentle, womanly beauty. Silgren cleared his throat, “In all my years practising and perfecting the art of alchemy, nothing I've witnessed compares to the awe of this sight.” Merobaku approached the group with a smile still beaming, then Mayval met her midway down the path and took her hand leading her to the group. With a glance over to the right, Mayval noted the natural flow of the dress which Merobaku's height gives to the flowery dress as she walks. Kogg's silence had captured Merobaku's attention. She approached and gently stroked his neck feathers to his delight, causing him to purr softly. “We should make our way to the docks,” noted Mayval, “the sundry ships should already be there unloading their cargo.”

Source Image - Pixabay

As the group approached the docks the salty air accented the bustle of the crowd perusing the items already out for purchase. Mayval and Silgren readied baskets while being greated by towns-folk who'd already arrived. Orvus silently counted what he could spend on provisions for their trip while Kogg flew above the boats in the distance getting the best aerial view he could. For Kogg, there was something truly exhilarating yet deeply calming about ships, their sails, and seemingly boundless capability for exploration of vast, sometimes unforgiving waters. When Silgren finished making his purchases for the day, and had loaded up his cart, his nephew Grayden approached him. “Uncle, may I have a few Auerz?” asked Grayden pointing towards the docks, “There's a few things I want.” Silgren happily handed over some coins, “There's some extra there for you to spend, Grayden.” Grayden thanked his uncle and made his way towards the docks, but not before Silgren could remind him to pick up some more tea.

Silgren had one final task while there – ask the ship's Captain to consider payment for the transport of four passengers. Orvus accompanied him to the ship after tasking the old man with the remainder of their travel purchases. “Silgren,” started Orvus in mild curiousity, “do you think the captain would consider payment in gold Ormus?” Silgren considered this for a moment before Orvus continued on, “I'd feel more comfortable arriving at the port of town Verlys with some extra Auerz to spend.” Silgren didn't want to miss out on the opportunity the extra gold Ormus could provide in furthering his research and offered to purchase it himself. “Will fifty Auerz be fair?” asked Silgren digging in his money pouch. Orvus accepted five coins, each thicker than smaller denominations, and handed over a container. Each coin's surface was accented with a ring of tiny circular impressions which surround a pentagonal shape having half-moons at the apexes. “Thank you, friend,” gestured Orvus with a brief pat on Silgren's shoulder.

The two friends walked down the docks and climbed the ramp onto the boat. Silgren greeted the First Mate and asked her to hail the Captain. After a brief wait, the Captain emerged from within and greeted Silgren with a wide-armed embrace, “Silgren, how are you this fine morn'?” Silgren smiled, “Great! I noticed you've got some new teas in stock.” The Captain laughed, “Wines and ales too if you're so inclined.” After a brief hug and firm pats on each other's backs, the Captain roughly scratched his beard and held Silgren by his shoulders at arm's length. Silgren awaited the Captain's words, who chuckled and then broke the tension, “It's a fair bit quiet today, is it not?” Silgren nodded, cleared his throat, then gave the Captain's shoulder a brief pat, “There's a favour I must request of you...” The Captain fixed and firmed his uniform, “Silgren?”

After describing the weight of the situation and negotiating pricing for his four companions, Silgren returned to Orvus over by the ramp and informed him that passage was secured for the day long journey to the South-Western port at the town of Verlys. “That's good news my friend,” smiled Orvus, “but what of the cost?” Silgren grinned, “Twenty Auerz total, each way.” “Thank you, Silgren! We'll have no trouble now staying in Verlys,” exclaimed Orvus in delight. “With that being said,” started Silgren, “the Captain has a strict delivery schedule and needs you all ready to go after midday's meal.” Orvus nodded and then set off to find the old man to confirm they had all the supplies they'd need. Silgren later spotted them near the docks unloading supplies from the cart onto the ship. Kogg was already aboard giving caws of encouragement to the crew preparing the ship for departure.

Most of those who'd come to make purchases had already gone home which gave the docks a serene feeling. A light rain now fell from the sky and pattered its' song onto the ground in the area. Silgren waved to his friends, now aboard the ship, and shouted, “Safe travels!” Mayval returned just in time from dropping some supplies off at home and waved her goodbyes at the group. Merobaku was pleased to see her again, thanked her for the dress, and exchanged pleasantries over the excited caws from Kogg atop the ships main mast. The crew untethered the ship from the docks, raised the anchor and rigged the sails tight. Kogg looked on curiously while the rainstorm's breeze easily carried the trade vessel into the open waters and towards their shared destination of Verlys.

Orvus let out a sigh of relief that his friend Silgren had come through for him. The weight of the coins in the cloth pouch brought him calm as he stood at the ship's stern looking back at Algen. The old man felt reassured that his vision-like dream would turn out to be more important than any of them could have predicted, and smiled up at Kogg. While the ship was pushed further from shore, Merobaku felt more free than the winds and waters of the skies and seas, and for the first time in a very long time felt a connection with those she'd met. Kogg experienced his dreams coming true as the island disappeared into the distance of the watery horizon. He shook the beaded raindrops from his body and fluffed his feathers as a dull thunder rumbled in the distance.



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - Ancient Koaj'kah Magic
Part 13 - Elemental Wisp Infestation
Poem 02 - Elemental Call Song
Part 14 - Kogg's Aerial Ace
Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe
Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe
Part 17 - Home Sweet Home
Part 18 - A Blessed Breakfast
Part 19 - Ships At Sea
Part 20 - Gifts And Favours
Part 21 - Tea By Flame
Poem 03 - In Verlys Valley
Part 22 – Command The Flame
Part 23 – Verge Of Discovery
Part 24 – Guispira Of Algen
Part 25 - An Alchemist's Toil
Part 26 - Seek The Symbols
Part 27 - Mayval's Farewell Gift
Part 28 - CURRENT







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