[STORY] --> Awaken - Part 24 - Guispira Of Algen

in #story6 years ago


Part 24 - Guispira of Algen

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Part 23 - Verge Of Discovery


“Hahah!” laughed Silgren, “you really think they'd let you back in after you nearly blew up the whole magic practice room?” Orvus chuckled at the distant memory, “It was an accident. I'm sure they'll forgive me when we show them what the stone can do,” smirked Orvus, “I think they'll be begging me to stay.” “I suppose your right, it's been nearly two decades since...” replied Silgren. He continued with greater energy, “Plus, when they meet Merobaku they may just have to rewrite some of their beloved texts to account for her very existence.” Orvus nodded in deep thought while sipping his tea, “That begs the question, now doesn't it?” Silgren raised his eyebrow at Orvus, “You don't mean...” Orvus nodded once heavily, “Yes, the very possibility that she's not the only one still around...”

Silgren finished the last gulp of his tea while considering all the possibilities that lay before them, waiting to be uncovered. “I only wish I could tag along with you to Verlys Valley. It's been some time since I've been there myself, and I think it'd be interesting to see what new techniques they're using in the art of alchemy.” Orvus sipped his tea once more, “What about you Silgren? Have you made any discoveries as of late?” Silgren smirked hard, “Plenty, but they're all meaningless compared to the one I'm on the verge of.” Orvus cocked his head in intrigue, “Such as...?” Silgren stood up from the table and entered a room beneath the staircase and underneath his own room. A drawer was heard shutting from within followed by Silgren returning with a black, hide-bound book in hand. Silgren sat down at the table next to Orvus and opened it to a page marked by a golden ribbon, then shoved the book in front of him. “I've exhausted all my samples thus far, each experiment ending in failure. I just can't get the temperature right.”

Part 24 - Guispira Of Algen

The old man awoke the next morning to the sound of Orvus snoring away in bed, fast asleep. Early morning sunlight shone through the single window in the room as the old man quietly exited the room and headed downstairs. Merobaku could be seen in the room below from the decked hallway above, and she wished the old man a good morning. “Good morning, Merobaku,” responded the old man quietly, being mindful not to rouse Silgren sleeping on the couch-lounger by the north wall. “Tea?” offered Merobaku to the old man, “I've already had a cup this morning myself. The water's still hot.” The old man took her up on the offer for morning tea, and she fetched a fresh tea bag already on the table and poured it over fragrant flower petals from Orvus' travel-pack, and into the cup. “How'd you sleep?” asked Merobaku offering the tea to the old man, looking at him through the cloudy steam emanating from the cup. The old man took and sipped his hot tea, “Well. Thanks! Although I had some strange dreams that I'm having trouble recalling.” Merobaku poured herself a second cup, “Then the lessons they brought must have been well received...” The old man pondered over his next sip and then spoke solemnly, “If only I had the insight that you possess, Merobaku. You're quite the woman, unlike any other.”

Merobaku smiled with thanks at the old man as she caressed the petals of the yellow field flowers she had brought with her to the table. “Don't forget to water the flowers today!” started the old man, “I can tell you really like them.” “All life is precious,” Merobaku stated with ultimate truth and simplicity. “Say, what time did you wake up?” asked the old man. “Shortly after Silgren and Orvus went to bed,” she started, “I need very little sleep, the rest of the time is mostly spent in deep meditation and inner reflection.” Intrigued at the prospect of getting more out of his time awake, the old man asked Merobaku if she'd be willing to teach him the technique at some point. “Sure,” nodded Merobaku, “just be sure to practice regularly, or it'll all be for naught.” The old man nodded back in understanding before taking another delicious sip of tea.

The Great Light reached its' mid-point in the sky after many conversations between Merobaku and the old man. Silgren's nephew Grayden returned for a short while from his friends house, or just to say 'Hi' to Merobaku. Later the old man taught her the name of the yellow flowers, Suntellac Fertillia, and explained to her that their petals can be used to make a very relaxing tincture which aides in rest, while their seeds are often ground into a powder and used by women to boost fertility. Merobaku found herself surprised at how expensive the extraction process is to make the powder pure enough to be effective. Merobaku taught the old man a new method of utilizing the mind's eye when channelling prime magic spells, a method which involved converting the portions of the incantation into symbols for more streamlined reading and understanding. Although the old man gave it a good try, he was unable to fully grasp what she meant and promised he'd keep working at it.

Shortly after, a knock at the door roused Silgren awake from across the room. He groggily stumbled his way to the front door and opened it to see Mayval Feldwick standing there in her usual beautiful, green dress adorned with pink flowers. “Morning Mayval,” started Silgren, “what brings you here so early?” Miss Feldwick looked strangely at Silgren, “Early? Silgren... it's past midday.” The old man chuckled from the table as he sipped his tea, while Merobaku admired her dress silently, but not secretly. “I'd like to know about a guest of yours,” said Mayval with some concern, “may we speak in private?” Silgren excused himself outside into the blinding sunlight, “If I had to strike a guess, you're here about the immortal in my dining room.” Mayval looked shocked at Silgren's words, “Yes, but you can't be serious...” Mayval whispered past her hand, “She's an immortal? I thought they were mere legend!” Silgren smiled back at her, “Will that be an issue, Mayval?” “The issue,” started Mayval, “is she scared the towns folk with her armour. Some are worried she's here to do battle, or cause trouble...”

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The old man and Merobaku heard a hearty laugh from outside the front door. “I appreciate your concern, Mayval, and rightfully so in your position as our town's Guispira... but I assure you she intends none of us any harm.” Silgren rubbed his eyes into better focus, “In fact, she practically saved Orvus' and his friend's lives the other day from elemental fiends over at the Torrel Shrine.” With a new concern at hand, Mayval asked of the fiends he spoke of and Silgren assured her they were not a threat from quite so far away. Silgren added, “Plus, the lore on such creatures says they don't survive very long after being brought into this world due to their ravenous elemental appetites.” Mayval's concerns seemed to be put to rest, as she bade Silgren a good rest of his day and returned to quell the unrest amongst the town's residents.

“All is well?” asked the old man when Silgren entered and closed the door behind him. “Yes, just some concerns over Merobaku's armour. Nothing much to worry about, I've settled the matter with the Guispira.” “Excellent, how about some tea to wake up?” offered the old man. Silgren nodded and Merobaku poured him a cup with the last of the water. “I'll get that,” offered the old man looking to use a water prime spell to refill the pot. The old man poured some of gold Ormus from Orvus' travel-pack into the pot. “No, no. Allow Silgren to give it a try!” said Merobaku holding the empty pot up in front of Silgren. “Sure,” obliged Silgren, “I'll give it a go!” Merobaku watched closely as the symbols for water flowed over Silgren's mind's eye. A small bead of water formed above the empty pot and fell inside before it grew. “Try again,” directed Merobaku, “Focus on your intent to fill the pot with water, then entangle that thought with the symbols.” Silgren regrouped, cracked his knuckles and gave it another go. A moment later another bead of water formed above the pot and slowly grew into the size of a fist, then even larger. Silgren then lost focus and mental stamina as the ball of water dropped carelessly into the pot, filling it half-way. “That'll do for now,” said Merobaku, pleased, “Good work!”



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - Ancient Koaj'kah Magic
Part 13 - Elemental Wisp Infestation
Poem 02 - Elemental Call Song
Part 14 - Kogg's Aerial Ace
Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe
Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe
Part 17 - Home Sweet Home
Part 18 - A Blessed Breakfast
Part 19 - Ships At Sea
Part 20 - Gifts And Favours
Part 21 - Tea By Flame
Poem 03 - In Verlys Valley
Part 22 – Command The Flame
Part 23 – Verge Of Discovery
Part 24 - CURRENT


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Maybe @curie is interested in supporting the story?!

Steemit exclusive fiction in progress. Beep Beep Beep!

This was a nice installment! I enjoyed the water spell 😃

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