[STORY] -> Awaken - Part 11 - Eigen Rooted Magic

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Merobaku paused for a moment to stare at their shocked faces. The immortal being that stood before them was unlike anything the two old friends had ever seen in the past. Her body glowed deep gold and her armour dripped liquid power onto the sleek floor, which sizzled and burst into electric flames. Merobaku reached out towards the old man and gestured at the stone, “I must stabilize my vibrational field energies. Would you hand me that stone?” The old man looked at the stone, then back at her. “I'm sure it's safer with you anyway,” the old man nervously laughed, as he stepped forward and held up the stone.

She leaned in and took the stone in hand. A burst of energy rippled throughout her body, causing the image of her to waver noticeably. The stone grew bright, and hot, and gave off steam from her hand. A loud droning sound enveloped the room and reverberated off the walls of the room within the pyramid. The droning intensified, then a shock wave of light pulsed out from her body. Orvus and the old man nearly fell back when they lifted off their feet and floated a short distance into the air. The two hung in the air helpless to remain upright. Suddenly the droning faded rapidly, another shock wave of light cascaded outwards and struck them both which dropped them both to the ground. The room fell dead silent, despite the ringing in their ears.

“Damned, I bruised my rear!” cried out Orvus, as he got to his feet rubbing the pained area tenderly. “Did we just fly?!”questioned the old man excitedly. “Floated...” Orvus retorted plainly. “I see you managed a safe landing,” continued Orvus, as he jealously tended to himself. Merobaku chimed in with her glow now more healthy and pure, “Why don't you try a healing incantation on yourself?” Orvus cocked his head slightly and looked at Merobaku confused. “The stone not only stabilized my vibrational field energies, it also revitalized my long rested and unused body. More so, it revealed to me its' experiences since many ages past, and the happenings since you entered my Ausolgæta," explained Merobaku. “Ausolgæta? This isn't a tomb?” questioned the old man, intrigued and humbled. “The word means Stone Temple Pyramidal Soul Vault,” she informed, noting it was a rough translation.

“Fascinating language at work. What is that white substance which glows from within the chamber behind you?” asked a curious Orvus, peeking around Merobaku's waistline and into the large cylindrical chamber. “That is a substance known as Ormus. A gold powdered dust, entirely pure and stable.” Orvus' eyed widened, “I've heard of it's use in alchemy in ages past, and in tinctures and potions of vitality... but I've never seen Ormus in person. Why is it white? I thought gold was... well, gold.” “The questions will have to wait. Now, go ahead and attempt that healing incantation,” said Merobaku interested to see it done. “Very well then, let's see here,” started Orvus who closed his eyes for better concentration. The residual energy from the stone called up to him from within. Words formed in his darkened vision, Orvus recited slowly and precisely, “Eternal chorus of the Aegis, bestow my body a path of healing, while I bask in the melodic warmth, of your sounds all-encompassing feeling.”

The three of them stood silently for a moment. Merobaku pressed, “Well, how does it feel?” “Warm and... much better than before,” said Orvus, curious and relieved of his looming bruise. “If you'd had focused deeper and read the words within your mind without spoken language, you certainly could have managed it without the use of the incantation,” lectured Merobaku at Orvus, frowning her brow at him. “Are you two mortals learned sages? The stone shows both of you wielding its' power for elemental primes,” asked Merobaku, desiring to know more. Orvus told Merobaku of his training as a sage in a place called Verlys Valley, where he was taught magic incantations and how to distill a well-focused spell into a blessed scroll scribed with ink made from ground beetle chitin.

“Impressive, to think what you could have learned beyond had you continued your training,” Merobaku remarked in an impressed tone. She continued and looked at the old man, “Is it true, Orvus here taught you elemental prime magic himself after he moved to the island?” The old man nodded, cleared his throat, “Yes, his lessons were informative and intuitive.” Orvus smiled at the compliment. “Show me what you've learned, old man of the trees,” egged Merobaku at the old man. His eyes widened in shock, “You want me to attack you... with magic?” Merobaku smirked, “Precisely, and without the incantation if you can manage it.”

The old man felt up to the challenge, readied and cleared his mind of meaningless noise and chatter. The stones power still resided in him, lingering beneath his essence carrying his weights and burdens. He saw the incantation in his mind, vibrantly present yet unfamiliar to him. It read out across his vision, illuminating his mind's eye. A hardly ignorable projection stared back at him, urging him to play its' vibrational keys. He read it with his mind's voice, “Immutable potential of the first mighty heaven, lend forth your electric voice. Dance to the tune of the Aegis' might, a seek out the path of my guided choice.” The old man raised his hand having manifested a ball of blue electricity with a purple tint. Merobaku's eyes widened in disbelief. She was not expecting elemental eigen magic from a travel weary old man taught by a drop-out sage. Before he could hit her with a lightning fast bolt of eigen lightning, she thrust out her left hand and rendered forth her mighty golden tipped spear, to which she lovingly assigned the name 'Wasp Nettle'. A streak of blue lightning with purple torrents cascading off it arced its' way outward. The bolt lit up the area, burned marks into the floor of the room along a path leading to Merobaku. She spun counter-clockwise while rotating Wasp Nettle into her right hand and tipped her spear at the incoming attack. It struck the tip of her spear with a huge force behind it but Merobaku was prepared and stepped forward, drew her spear at the ground, and deflected the torrent of electricity at the resilient pyramid room floor. She half anticipated a follow up strike, but the old man had outdone himself and collapsed unconscious on the cold stone floor.

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Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Current



Oh no! Poor Orvus! He does seem to be learning new magic, though! Nice sequel. Looking for 12 now ❤

It was the old man! Let's see how he feel in part 12 :)

Nice one, you are making more and more interesting posts everytime and BOTTY loves it :]

Thanks Mr. Bot du Rouge, I will try to keep it fresh.

Awesome! I love this now I will read the others 😍💜

Clickitty-clack those linkity-links at the bottom of the post and enjoy.


great work here!

Thanks for the read. Follow for more.

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