[STORY] -> Awaken - Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe --- [Links to Previous Entries]

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe

previously in

Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe


“I see your canoe ahead!” said the old man to Orvus with a hint of hope in his voice. They passed by the long dead remnants of their first night's camp fire soon after and stopped to catch their breath. The sound of Kogg's excited caws invited a sense of concern. Merobaku was just ahead. She was standing still, just staring. Her eerie silence drew their attention up from the canoe to the lake ahead. Countless tiny water wisps were dancing above the calm surface of the lake. Each one bobbed up and floated down to drink some of the water in a rhythmic, sinusoidal dance as they slowly grew in size and strength. The old man and Orvus were awe-struck at the scope and number of water wisps. Merobaku turned and faced them both then sternly said, “Grab the vessel. We're finding a way through.”

Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe

Kogg returned from above the lake in the distance and landed on Merobaku's shoulder. Merobaku looked at Kogg and smiled back in thanks for his diligence in dealing with the wisps. The two old friends had made it to and grabbed up the canoe. They both looked back at Merobaku and Kogg waiting for instructions. Merobaku patted Kogg and made her way over to them. She called out, “The bird is magically recharged once again. It's time to go.” Kogg let out a series of mighty caws which indicated he felt great and was ready to go.

The group made their way south to the shoreline when the old man took a moment to check behind them. He could see an array of elemental wisps in fervent pursuit. “We're being followed. We should pick up the pace,” the old man worriedly suggested. The canoe felt heavy as a bag of bricks but that didn't prevent them from reaching the lake where Merobaku and Kogg waited. Merobaku gazed out over the lake, “They are young and small, but they are many in number. Their collective power could be a problem.” The magical stone tucked away in Merobaku's armour started to get the attention of the young and magic-thirsty water wisps. Those nearby the shore danced and bobbed their way towards the group hoping for a taste of that energy.

Orvus and the old man set the canoe into the water and watched as Merobaku dipped the tip of Wasp Nettle into the lake. She closed her eyes and focused on the water and could feel the dance of the water wisps above the lake as they drew near. She called out in her mind loudly, “Now!” then opened her eyes and spoke aloud, “Perish, fiends.” The surface of the lake nearby exploded violently as the hydrogen and oxygen mixture ignited. The fierce blast knocked over Orvus and the old man while Merobaku shielded Kogg and were both unfazed. The canoe rocked back and forth at the shore as the lake water rained down on them. All the nearby wisps had been utterly destroyed and the way was now open.

The old man collected himself and then assisted Orvus in standing up. “We'll that's one way to do it, I guess,” said Orvus as he dusted himself off. Kogg took to the air cawing back at the group in support as he watched the perimeter. The old man entered the canoe first, followed by Merobaku in the middle and then Orvus in the back. With all of them in, the canoe sank deeper into the water but luckily managed to remain afloat. Kogg circled back over land and destroyed a couple of the pursuing wisps with a well placed fire ball. Raw magics burst forth from their remnants which the other wisps stopped to enjoy. Satisfied, Kogg turned for the lake and rejoined the island escape.

The old man pained his way through each stroke of the paddle through the water. Orvus kept up the pace doing his best to maintain and pick up the needed speed. As they exited the cleared area the water wisp's attention to the stone grew stronger. Merobaku pointed her spear from wisp to wisp letting loose water and fire prime magic in order to clear a radius in front of them. Each one dramatically burst open and the others nearby closed in to feed on the energy, growing ever bigger in size and strength. The bigger and stronger wisps grew quickly in number as Merobaku made quick work of the others. “This could be a problem,” called out Merobaku to the group as she watched the larger ones close the distance between them.

“This isn't working!” cried out an exhausted Orvus from the back. “Merobaku, take the oars. We'll handle the wisps,” Orvus said offering up the his oar. Merobaku was on board with this change of plans and cast her spear once again to the side where it disappeared into flash of golden, sparkling light. Merobaku took the oar and held it close to the paddle and then braced it against her forearm. She did the same with the other and then dipped them both at the same time into the water and pushed back. “Woo!” called out Orvus in excitement as they picked up great speed with each stroke of the oars. The old man shook the exhaustion from his sore arms and begun his assault on the wisps. The larger wisps sensed the danger and lit up in defense. A wisp off to the left side charged itself and launched a rippling ball of water at the group. The freezing water smashed up against the side of the canoe nearly tipping it over but the group managed to keep going. Orvus struck back with a quick ball of prime fire but missed. A second wisp closed in, lit up and readied its' magic. Kogg silently swooped in and hit the water on the left side of the canoe with an impressive lightning strike. The wisps leaked and spewed water as they let out an electric, bubbly shriek.

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The old man called out from the front, “Three ahead!” A few of the well fed wisps ahead of them were readying attacks. Orvus and the old man did the same and let loose a series of fire and lightning blasts. Some of the wisps attacks collided with theirs, leaving behind clouds of hot steam. Kogg joined in on the assault, backing up their attacks from the clear blue sky above. The wisps sent out a second wave of attacks soon after and caught the group off guard. Through the steam a flurry of water emerged and struck the old man and Merobaku. The cold water splashed into the canoe and soaked the group. “Again, at the same time!” shivered the old man as he called out to Orvus and Kogg. Each one readied a prime spell and sent it gracefully at the wisps. Kogg's fire rained from above as the lightning from Orvus and the old man electrocuted each one sending them back to the lake from whence they came. Merobaku's focus had seen them through the cloudy steam and just ahead was the other shore, waiting to congratulate them with dry land.



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - Ancient Koaj'kah Magic
Part 13 - Elemental Wisp Infestation
Poem 02 - Elemental Call Song
Part 14 - Kogg's Aerial Ace
Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe
Part 16 - CURRENT



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