[STORY] --> Awaken - Part 27 - Mayval's Farewell Gift

in #story5 years ago


Part 27 - Mayval's Farewell Gift

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previously in

Part 26 - Seek The Symbols


“This symbol seems a bit harder to realize,” noted the old man. “There are more words to this section,” said Silgren, “be diligent.” Both Orvus and the old man recited the section over and over again with their inner voice until it was a mere afterthought. “I think it's working!” exclaimed the old man as the words flickered back and forth between symbol and text. “What of you, Orvus?” inquired Silgren. “Nearly there,” muttered Orvus. The old man managed to hold the second symbol in place long enough to remember it, and then took note of his mental exhaustion. “I've got it now, but I can't seem to get it to stay,” said Orvus in frustration. “Alright, let's call it a night,” said Silgren calling the session to an end. Orvus and the old man thanked Silgren for his guidance.

“I think I'll head to bed now,” yawned the old man, “I'm quite tired after all that. Goodnight everyone, see you in the morning.” Everyone wished him a goodnight while Kogg cawed after him and flew up onto the railing outside the room. “Yes, yes, Kogg. We're going on a boat ride tomorrow,” replied the old man as they both entered the room and found their spot on the floor beneath the painting. Kogg tucked into a nice warm spot between the old man's side and arm and closed his eyes. Not too long later Orvus quietly entered and clumsily fell into the bed, not even bothering to make use of the blanket. All three of them were soon fast asleep while Merobaku and Silgren chatted the remainder of the night away at the table.

Part 27 - Mayval's Farewell Gift

The old man had been abruptly awoken late the next morning to an excited Kogg's caws. Soon enough the old man was awake and glanced to his right revealing the pressure on his back and shoulder was in fact Kogg, head cocked to the left, staring down at him eagerly. “I shall be down shortly, Kogg. Please have Silgren ready me a cup of tea,” said the old man softly. Kogg hopped down and strutted out of the bedroom, pushed through the posts of the railing and casually glided down to the table below. Silgren unloaded a few more empty wooden baskets from the cabinets and set them down on the table. “Ah, I see you've succeeded Kogg,” laughed Silgren as he heard the old man attempting to wake up Orvus. Silgren poured fresh, hot water into two tea-ready cups and then continued to unload baskets to take down to the docks.

The door to the bedroom opened fully and the old man emerged carrying all his bedding, neatly folded and stacked. A delightful morning breeze came in through the open front door of Silgren's house, so the old man placed his bedding down on the couch and walked over to peek outside. “Ah, good morning Silgren,” greeted the old man with a wave. Silgren looked up from a wooden cart he'd been loading the baskets into along side other containers for hauling purchases, some of which contained items he could barter with. Silgren waved back, “There's tea ready for you and Orvus,” and then looked to the sky. “We'll be heading north-east to the docks shortly, be sure you have everything.” Silgren continued loading the cart while the old man made his way to the table for some tea.

Orvus eventually emerged from the room, having neatly made the bed, and promptly walked to the table. “Morning,” muttered Orvus still tired. The old man slid Orvus' tea over to him just before finishing his own. Orvus took a quick sip of tea, and noticing it wasn't too hot he gulped down the rest in mere moments. Kogg cawed at him three times in protest and then took off outside to watch Silgren. The old man poured Orvus another cup and then stood up, gathered a stack of baskets from the table's edge and then brought them out to Silgren. “Ah, thank you. Set them down just there,” motioned Silgren pointing to the back of the cart. Silgren continued, “Oh, right. You'll find all your spare clothing out behind the house, washed and air dried.” The old man gave his thanks for the kind gesture, set the baskets down, patted Kogg on the head gently and then made his way to the back. Silgren called out after him, “There's fresh water, soap, and some cloths back there to wash up with in the shed.”

After a quick and soapy cloth-bath, the old man changed into clean clothing and then made his way to the front after collecting the rest of his belongings from the yard. Silgren had finished prepping the cart already and had gone inside, along with Kogg. As the old man entered the house Orvus gave him a lively pat on the shoulder, even though obviously still tired, and then made his way outside to get ready. While Silgren checked over his pantry and other supplies one final time, and meticulously kept track of what he needed to restock on paper, the old man refilled his travel-pack with neatly folded items of clothing. Each of them finished another cup of tea and then Orvus strolled in through the door, more alert and with a smile across his face that only a bath and clean set of clothes can bring. Kogg cawed at him happily, more so because they could now finally make their way to the docks. Silgren laughed and so did the old man, again giving Kogg a friendly pat on the head.

The three of them walked briskly through town, with the old man keeping up even though he was pulling the cart along with Kogg hitching a ride in an empty basket. Along the way Silgren informed them his nephew would meet them at the docks and that Merobaku had gone ahead earlier in the morning to visit the Guispira, Mayval, at her home which was a short ways ahead. Other townsfolk were also making their way to the docks, many of which greeted Silgren and his travelling companions. Orvus offered to pull the cart along, now feeling energized from the exercise and cool breeze coming in from the ocean. When they approached Mayval's home, Silgren went ahead signalling them to wait. The two old friends and Kogg admired the Guispira's elegant home and tenderly tended to east-facing garden. Various flowers and herbs swayed happily in the breeze, soaking in the light as they adorned raised garden beds in the front and along the sides of the home. Silgren knocked and a moment or so later Mayval opened the door, greeted them with 'Good morning', hastily apologized that she was running late and then shut the door.

Source Image - Pixabay

Mayval soon returned and came outside carrying her own stack of baskets. She approached Silgren's cart and set them down inside. Orvus and the old man helped her divide the stack so it didn't topple over. The sound of Mayval's door closing had them all turn around to see Merobaku standing there. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with an arrangement of black, blue, and red flowers that had been embroidered on. The fine threading also included embroidered honey-bees, some on the flowers and others making their way to a flower leaving behind them a winding, dotted trail of elegant purple. They each stared in awe-inspired silence, even Mayval, for the work she'd put into this dress turned out better than she'd ever expected. “Well, how do I look?” smiled Merobaku, breaking the silence.



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - Ancient Koaj'kah Magic
Part 13 - Elemental Wisp Infestation
Poem 02 - Elemental Call Song
Part 14 - Kogg's Aerial Ace
Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe
Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe
Part 17 - Home Sweet Home
Part 18 - A Blessed Breakfast
Part 19 - Ships At Sea
Part 20 - Gifts And Favours
Part 21 - Tea By Flame
Poem 03 - In Verlys Valley
Part 22 – Command The Flame
Part 23 – Verge Of Discovery
Part 24 – Guispira Of Algen
Part 25 - An Alchemist's Toil
Part 26 - Seek The Symbols
Part 27 - CURRENT





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