[STORY] -> Awaken - Part 12 - Ancient Kaoj'kah Magic [Stories in 1000 Words]

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Part 12 - Ancient Kaoj'kah Magic

previously in

Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic


The old man felt up to the challenge, readied and cleared his mind of meaningless noise and chatter. The stones power still resided in him, lingering beneath his essence carrying his weights and burdens. He saw the incantation in his mind, vibrantly present yet unfamiliar to him. It read out across his vision, illuminating his mind's eye. A hardly ignorable projection stared back at him, urging him to play its' vibrational keys. He read it with his mind's voice, “Immutable potential of the first mighty heaven, lend forth your electric voice. Dance to the tune of the Aegis' might, a seek out the path of my guided choice.” The old man raised his hand having manifested a ball of blue electricity with a purple tint. Merobaku's eyes widened in disbelief. She was not expecting elemental eigen magic from a travel weary old man taught by a drop-out sage. Before he could hit her with a lightning fast bolt of eigen lightning, she thrust out her left hand and rendered forth her mighty golden tipped spear, to which she lovingly assigned the name 'Wasp Nettle'. A streak of blue lightning with purple torrents cascading off it arced its' way outward. The bolt lit up the area, burned marks into the floor of the room along a path leading to Merobaku. She spun counter-clockwise while rotating Wasp Nettle into her right hand and tipped her spear at the incoming attack. It struck the tip of her spear with a huge force behind it but Merobaku was prepared and stepped forward, drew her spear at the ground, and deflected the torrent of electricity at the resilient pyramid room floor. She half anticipated a follow up strike, but the old man had outdone himself and collapsed unconscious on the cold stone floor.

Part 12 - Ancient Kaoj'kah Magic

Orvus hurried to the old man's side in a worried state. “I'll try and heal him with that powerful healing spell I used on myself before,” said Orvus, convinced he could rouse his unconscious friend with magic. Merobaku watched Orvus' attempt in silence as she checked the tip of her spear for damage from the old man's surprise eigin lightning strike. Orvus readied his silenced mind and focused his attention on the old man's unconscious body, and commanded forth the potential of the words aloft in his mind's eye. The words echoed in his thoughts, “Dance to the Aegis' melodic torrents, oh prolific and precious manna of the winds of old. Come forth as a furious force of light, revitalize his body in your solemn hold.” A cool white light radiated from the old man's body. Merobaku looked on curiously at Orvus' eigen healing magic, but truly she didn't expect much of anything to happen. The light faded which left Orvus in silence looking confused. “Why is he not recovered? I got the spell right, didn't I?” said Orvus as his heart grew heavy with worry.

Merobaku stepped forward and looked down at the unconscious old man, “His body's energy reserves were all used up in that attack." She frowned her brow, “Simply casting an eigen healing spell is far from enough to replenish what he's consumed.” Orvus was still in a state that left him desperate for a solution. “So what other magics are there than 'primes' and 'eigen'?” questioned Orvus. “Your friend was moments away from breaching the eigen barrier,” informed Merobaku to Orvus reliving the moment with staccato-like hand gestures. “That lightning attack he sent my way with great fury was a fully powered eigin lightning cast without the incantation.” Merobaku grew softly silent for a moment, “He used all the potential from the stone in his body in one massive attack and it overwhelmed him. It'll take a spell greater than eigin healing to restore this energetic wound.”

Orvus stood up in a huff, pointed at Merobaku, “Then you must use a greater magic on him. You're the only one who can!” Orvus pointed down at the old man, “He could die! Don't you understand?” Merobaku reached into a spot between her body and armour and retrieved the stone in one hand. With no need for her spear at the moment, she cast her spear to the side where it turned to light and then scattered away in the winds as sparkling dust. Merobaku looked to Orvus and spoke confidently, “The magic is known as Kaoj'kah. It's an ancient powerful healing magic which pulls energy from the ether and funnels it into the body as vital energy.” With the stone in hand Merobaku focused and channeled energy from the stone into her body. “By way of thanks for my release, I shall revive your friend,” said a confident Merobaku in a serious tone, “but it will require a significant amount of energy.”

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She knelt down, stone in hand and placed her free hand upon the old man's chest, “I'm going to say the incantation out loud, so you can hear it,” she said to prepare Orvus for his lesson. She loudly hummed three bursts of a c-sharp, then spoke with melodic vibrancy, “Cosmic ocean of the firm bounded second heaven, direct your cold electric currents through the gate. Seek the soul's core.” She paused, pulsed a wave of energy through the old man, “Restore the vital energies of this body to potential, and let the music regain control of their directed fate. Inward vitality will pour.” A second wave of energy pulsed, but this time inward towards the mans body from all around him. A warm blue light shone from the old man's chest.

Merobaku collected herself, and took a few deep breaths. The old man stirred, kicked his leg and moved his fingers. Orvus let out a cheerful and relieved laugh of joy, “Ah ha, yes! Amazing magic, Merobaku!” said Orvus as he helped his friend sit upright. The old man slowly opened his eyes as he pained for fresh breaths. His body was still vibrating and his hands were totally numbed to touch. The old man spoke groggily, “What happened?” Orvus had retrieved the water-bladder from his pack, “You used a powerful lightning spell on Merobaku,” and handed it to the old man. The old man looked up at Merobaku in shock, but Orvus interrupted him, “Don't worry my friend,” he laughed, “she blocked it and then you fell unconscious.” Orvus assisted the old man in taking a drink of water.

“If you are to consume water, you should add some of this...” chimed Merobaku, as she went and retrieved some of the Ormus from her chamber. She retrieved a large handful of the white flowing powder and gestured for both their water-bladders. The old man retrieved his own and the two held them up opened. Merobaku dropped some of the Ormus into each one and then instructed them to shake it well. After following her instructions they each took a large drink. Despite being milky white the liquid tasted quite metallic and salty. “Oh my, that's an acquired taste for sure,” said Orvus, nearly choking. The old man nodded in agreement, and let out a 'Mhm' as he wiped his chin. “You should see dramatic effects if you drink this long term,” lectured Merobaku at the two old men.

“I know!” chimed the old man excitedly, “we should bring some of the Ormus with us to Verlys Valley.” Orvus' eye brightened, he looked at the old man with delight. “You're right!” said Orvus, “they could study the stone and gold Ormus together.” “Merobaku, may we take some of this Ormus with us?” asked Orvus. Merobaku helped the old man stand while Orvus brushed the dust off his faded blue cloak, then she gestured them towards the chamber. The two old friends removed their packs and opened them. They each took the belongings out and made a pile of cured fish, meats, a few fruits and pouches of berries, and a sheathed iron dagger with a dark wooden handle. Orvus held the bag upright and open while the old man heaped in handfuls of gold Ormus. When it was full enough they filled the old man's pack too and then replaced their items on top with no room to spare. “Well I suppose we better get out of here and find passage to Verlys Valley,” said Orvus, lifting his surprisingly light travel-pack onto his shoulder. The old man chuckled, “I suppose we'll have no trouble paying for the trip with all this Ormus.”



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - CURRENT



💖 yes! I love how you write. Keep it coming 🙃

Thanks, stay tuned <3

I'm interested in hearing more about the religion system! Looking forward to the next one :)

keep it coming like that, maybe some day you will be the Picasso of story writing.

BOTTY loves it :]

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