[STORY] -> Awaken - Part 20 - Gifts And Favours --- [Links to Previous Entries]

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Part 20 - Gifts And Favours

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Part 19 - Ships At Sea


Algen soon fell into sight through the trees in the distance. “We're here,” declared Orvus. Kogg cawed happily as he eyed the small port town ahead. “Good. I'm tired of walking. Let's find a place to sleep for the night,” suggested the old man. “Already working on it,” said Orvus as they entered the southern end of town. A young boy was playing nearby and spotted the group. When he noticed Merobaku, his mouth dropped open. The young boy just stood there as they approached. When they got near, the boy stepped forward once and looked up at Merobaku with unlimited curiosity. “A-are you a g-giant, miss?” Orvus and the old man looked at Merobaku. She smiled at the boy, “Even better than that, I'm an Immortal of the Aegis. My name's Merobaku.” “Wow! That's so awesome,” exclaimed the boy, not knowing what any of those things meant. “My name's Grayden,” said the boy, “why are you here in Algen?” Orvus stepped forward, “We're here to see Silgren. Do you know him?” The boy's eyes lit up, “He's my uncle! I'll take you to see him.” “How perfect, Grayden. Thank you!” said Orvus with delight. The daylight had begun to fade as they all made their way into town to see Silgren.

Part 20 - Gifts And Favours

Grayden lead the party of four past the modest wood and brick homes of Algen. It was a quiet night and the waning crescent moon had begun to peek above the horizon. The various residents outside at this time that would notice Merobaku gave confused stares, often with their mouths gaping. A women up ahead carefully and cautiously approached. She stopped in front of the group and looked down at Grayden. “Grayden, what are you doing on this end of town so late?” she asked sternly, giving the occasional nervous glance at Merobaku. “I was playing and then my uncle's friends showed up,” Grayden responded, “so now I'm taking them to him.” Skeptical, the woman responded, “Well your uncle is home now, and he sent me to find you. I will see you there.”

Up ahead they turned left, and passed a few more houses before turning right. Kogg cawed at some chickens wandering the dirt roads, aimlessly pecking at the ground as they bocked without reason. They approached a wonderfully crafted, one and a half story log house, roof adorned with hundreds of wooden shingles. The windows were accented with baskets of fresh flowers, and various herbs grew in an old, broken wheelbarrow in the small front yard. Smoke from the chimney flavoured the air with a wonderful scent. The woman followed a path of stones to the front door and just as she knocked a man with a short, dark beard and long hair opened the door. “I thought I heard a raven!” the man said excitedly as Kogg cawed once more.

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“I've brought Grayden, and he's brought visitors,” the women said to him with a look on her face. “Yes, thank you Yavahne. I appreciate it,” responded the man. The woman left without a word more but was clearly still attentive towards the group. “Good evening Silgren,” said Orvus with a wave. “Orvus, what a wonderful surprise!” said Silgren. He continued, “I almost didn't see you there. My visions not so good in the dark... please come in!” Grayden scooted past his uncle with a happy 'Hi' and then Orvus entered first, followed by the old man with Kogg on his shoulder. When Merobaku crouched through the doorway and entered, her golden armour caught Silgren's eye. Silgren retrieved his glasses from a table and put them on. Merobaku stood up just as she came into focus. Silgren's mouth hung open before he collected himself, “By the twelve's good grace, an immortal!” Orvus and the old man didn't expect him to know she was an immortal, but Silgren's sudden, deep admiration of her presence and beauty showed something more.

Merobaku stepped forward into more light, with yellow flowers in hand, “I am Merobaku, immortal servant of Sahk. Nice to meet you.” Silgren moved in for a closer look, “Fascinating, to think an immortal is actually really here,” he said as he scanned her closely, “Orvus, where did you meet her?” Orvus smiled and laughed, “It's kind of crazy, my friend here had a vision that lead us to her. She was sealed in a pyramid hidden deep beneath the bee shrine on the island in the lake.” Silgren scratched his beard and scoffed at himself, “I knew there was something more to that place. How did you find a way in?” The old man spoke up, “Honey... we poured lots of honey into the statue.” Silgren muttered something about how simple it was, then Orvus handed him a bamboo flask from his travel-pack. “What's this?” asked Silgren as he loosened the twine and opened it to see a white powder inside. “Gold Ormus,” said Orvus with a big smirk, “I've brought some more for you in exchange for a favour.” “Grayden, go get ready for bed,” Silgren ordered over to Grayden. Noticably disappointed, Grayden headed to a room near the back and before shutting the door behind him, gave a wave to Merobaku.

Silgren was shocked to see real gold Ormus in person, and to hear there was more brought him much delight. A plethora of various experiments and tests he could perform had begun flooding his mind, while he tried desperately to recall lessons and passages of text from his studies in alchemy. “Orvus, my friend, did you make this Ormus?” asked Silgren excitedly with hope to be taught how. Orvus answered, not wanting to disappoint Silgren, “No, no... Merobaku graciously allowed us to take some from where she was sealed. We carried all we could manage back out.” Orvus frowned before continuing, “The place isn't safe anymore. The area is swarming with elemental fiends.” “We barely made it out alive,” chimed the old man, “and wouldn't have if it weren't for the magic the stone made possible.” “Stone?” questioned Silgren curiously. Merobaku pulled the stone out from underneath her armour and held it up in the light of the fire. It's rough and jagged surface caught the light and emitted back every fathomable colour.

Silgren stared at it intently, admiring the pretty colours, “What does it do?” The old man chimed in, “Aside from nearly killing both of us when we first touched it, and allowing us to pass through walls beneath the island to get to where Merobaku was... it can also do this...” The old man focused on a lit candle resting on a table in the centre of the room, and raised his hand. He cleared his mind of ill thought and cradled the glowing words in his mind as he calmly read them in his mind. Silgren looked on in suspense, having no idea what to expect. Above the candle's flame a berry sized ball of water formed and doused the flame, slightly darkening the room. Orvus followed up with just the opposite a moment later and re-lit the candle with an even brighter flame than before. Silgren looked astonished at the both of them, and then sat down speechless in a chair. Kogg cawed at Silgren to snap him out of it. Silgren looked up at them both, “Teach me to do that, and whatever favour you want done is yours.”



Part 01 - Message to Orvus
Part 02 - The Lake Beckons
Part 03 - Night of Rest
Part 04 - The Tomb's Secret
Part 05 - The Deep Gouge
Part 06 - Dismay Down Deep
Part 07 - Orvus Restores Order
Part 08 - Magic Sans Scroll
Part 09 - Clear Path Provided
Part 10 - Trace The Key
Poem 01 - Immortals of the Aegis
Part 11 - Eigin Rooted Magic
Part 12 - Ancient Koaj'kah Magic
Part 13 - Elemental Wisp Infestation
Poem 02 - Elemental Call Song
Part 14 - Kogg's Aerial Ace
Part 15 - Fiendish Fiery Foe
Part 16 - Water Wisp Woe
Part 17 - Home Sweet Home
Part 18 - A Blessed Breakfast
Part 19 - Ships At Sea
Part 20 - CURRENT



Magics and mystery!!! So exciting! Thanks for sharing. <3

You're awesome andddd I love this 💜👏🏻👏🏻 excellent work again dear. You fascinate me!

Thanks, I appreciate it very much. You're the best.

you are so good in maing posts

Thanks for the support @alishannoor

Thx. If you enjoyed, consider starting from Part 1. :)

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